The distance between the two sides is only dozens of seconds for the cavalry, almost at the same time, and the floods composed of two steels have hit together with unstoppable.

The two sides expect that there is no overall situation in the opponent, and the Master, the pastor has applied many blessings. After adding a lot of negative effects to the machinery army, the Parliament City's Templar, the army did not expect the first charge. The people who were hit by horses, the long guns of the perfusion were in the body of the mechanical knights in front of the mechanical knights under powerful impact.

However, this did not let the other army feel excited, because the body is pierced by a large hole of the mechanical legion, and there is no impact, the rail flow that the mechanical meter poured not only fill the damaged crack, but together with the other party The knight trousers pierced into the body is fixed within the body, but it is maintained in such a thousand strange posture. Each episode of the mechanical knight has a motor roar, burst of white smoke spurts the full arm from its body. Tat out the horse in your hand.

The Mechanical Knights deliberately did not have an attack in the first time. For it, it is to fix the other party in place to avoid it. The sharp horse will make a blank voice. Every time, it is struggling to poke in front of the Templar of the Templars in front of it. Blood instantly dyed the earth!

The knight who was punctured by the horse is right or hometown, as long as it is not being smashed, it shows the vitality of the far-flowers. They also grasp the weapons that pierced their body, and they took out the sword chopped The enemy, a chance to kill the enemy in a teammates who follow the follow-up.

At the same time, the magician and long bow on the wall, released a variety of magic to the mechanical big army, and facing the attack on the sky, and the mechanical knights were still energetic.

A group of fires, lightning, ice cubes were fried in the army. In addition to some mechanical knights were hit by the horses, most people were hard to resist this attack, this round of magic attack reverse no perfusion source Most of the bows and arrows raised to the Mechanical Legion, at least the bows and arrows successfully thorn the armor left within the enemy.

"The armor on the other side has a certain source of immune function!" The air of the air quickly discovered the problem, exclaiming this fact, a steel army to build a steel army! This is a nightmare of the magician!

"Don't panic! Their body can't be all source immune metals! This is just the use of powers into this type of metal in the embarrassment, which has a certain resistance effect on the magic attack, but exceeding this effect. Injury! Continue to attack! "The steel army created with all source immunization metals! Only the most elite Devil Guards in the Holy City, the most elite army in the Xiwei army, as well as the Supreme God punishment of the Parliament City, in addition to this, there is no such thing as soon as the company does not find such a production magic metal organization The army, Xian Palace, and the holy city will not give this valuable resource a lot of hands, understand that the Alester of this is immediately ordered.

I heard the air-driven Magic Legion quickly, reorganizing the attack of the Machinery Legion army, which can be in such an idle file, and the explosion of the two-connected three has been first fried.

The first movement of the attack is still in front of the mechanical knight. It has already thought that the enemy is enough to be strong enough, surprised to find the mechanical knight in front of the mechanical knight, the scales helmet, revealing a row of guns at the same time The shoulder shoulder bombarded two small guns, and the temple knight saw this thing. It didn't wait for them to react, the guns, guns, the gun, the mouth, and simultaneous packets, and countless bullets. Small-diameter shells are incident in the enemy in such a close range.

"Hey ~ ah ~ ah ~!"

In a round of hitting, the Templar of the Templar, in such a dense fire gun, the source of the body was extremely consumed, and these knights did not deserve the title of one of the courts of the Parliament, even in this case they still do it. In the final counterattack, all the origin of all the enemies sent a sword to the long sword, and the source of the descendants did not re-exploit the enemy's body, but Let the knights of these Templars are desperate, in addition to some mechanical knights that are directly smoked in the head or the waist, the smoke is eliminated, other mechanical knights even if the body is cut, it is still sitting. There is no reaction immediately in accordance with the previous action, and the previous attack will be launched according to the class.

This is unfair! This is the common idea of ​​each of the artillery to tear the body of the Templar, and then start training from birth to understand. It is to strive to become a member of the Templar, for this day. Mood your own skills, even if they have successfully selected, I have never given up, but my hard work is finally destroyed by a life-saving scrapped iron, which is unfair!

The knights are not willing to die, and the high-rise in the air in the air is also dripping blood. It is difficult to die for more than a dozen or two decades, but the other party is disappearing after disappearance The mechanical embarrassment of the strength can be re-constructed. I think that this will start crazy, the neck of the bishop. I am looking for the neck of the bishop: "Go to! Find out the man who controls the hand! Audate His source of gas feature and appearance are sent to everyone! Let him find it to a fragment! "

"The second round of the investigation hall is coming! Ready to defend!" The magician camps the alarm sound, interrupted the roar of Urban, he looked back and looked back to see a row of rockets that burned the tail flame, from the machine The big army rose to the sky to fly in the direction of the parliament.

The mechanical infantry at the rear of the mechanical cavalry has been in the air, every hand is there without a bow, because their ammunition does not need to use this as a power, and the inquiry of the hand is aligned with the sky to deduct the handcuffs. After the hit, a small rocket ran off.

The pastors of the magician, witch, and the bright church jointly joined hands, soon, I was able to shape the magic barriers that the entire army shrouded in them.

boom! boom! boom! When the hair is greater than the rocket of the grenade is less than the small mortar, the magician who operates the magic defensive array can only work hard, and when everyone thinks that such an attack is finally ended. When a tone, the second row of the mechanical corps rushed to the air again.

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