I have long, I will know that there will be a malfight in front of the parliament city, but Alester did not think that it would have a ban on it so early. This battle has been separated from his expectation to uncontrollable edges, just don't know if all this is Also in the expected adults.

"Alester, our people are still using a ban on the other party's fight!" What is the magician eyebrows around Alice?

"Yeah! Don't I abandon the Templar of the Templar and the other side of the Templar, it is too big to be the same, which is too big! We lost a harmful army, and the other party's loss is a group of organs!" A bright bishop is at the same time comes with and opposition.

I heard this Aleste in my heart, I got a dog blood head, I was really afraid that the loss promised to ask the requirements! Nowadays, I don't think so, I don't think so many people are still in the heart of the fire: "After the crowded attack range, try to override the big army after the investigation department! If not now The launch of the Mechanical Infantry Legion destroyed, applying a wave of waves to us, the biggest loss is the biggest loss or us! Destroy these people after the Magic Master will take the hand to cooperate with the remaining machines of the temple. The cavalry army! "

I saw that the ministers were ready to go to the release of their own curse, and Alester added another way: "The other side contains a certain source of immune metals, in order to make the ban's killing effect to maximize, choose use can cause Substantial hurts and attacks with magic injuries. "

For the opinions of Alester, several big churches did not speak, but in Urban, Urban stopped the magician who was about to leave the order: "No need to attack the ban on the curse, directly cover the enemy mechanical infantry army and Herald Machinery Cavalry Legion. "

Alester heard this command anger to see Urban, and now the ground battlefield has become a sandwich cake. The most intense battle of the battlefield is the anti-shock of the four thousand cavalry, but behind this mechanical cavalry. It was inserted into the 10,000 Templan Knight to divide it with the mechanical infantry behind him. The two big troops were together.

Urban means that directly use the forbidden curse to investigate the Machinerary Infantry Legion, along with the tens of thousands of Templars of the fighting war, destroyed with the back of its nearest mechanical knights, this kind of attack mode is indeed Can give the enemy's biggest blow to the greatest extent, but it is too ruthless to himself.

In the face of Alaster's angry gaze, Urban is surprisingly calm. "Mr. Alice, you are a magician, you should me, what you said, even after the attack Move the remaining wave generated after the attack, still cause damage to the hormema knight, since the injury cannot avoid the sure of the benefits, just like you said that the longer it is even more deals with us in this battle. "

Say this Urbanon, I told the Magic Master of the Monarch: "Let the forbidden curse are ready, wait for my order to choose whether to release the ban, if we can manufacture this before the curse is released The Lord of the Legion will find a kill, it is best not to use the ban! "

Can do the religious referee, the bishop of Urban is not a singer, more than 10,000 churches are more than anyone who has a heartache. It is certainly necessary to retain. For the two proposals of Urban, the Magic is watching a eye. Leicester, the other party closed his eyes just pensive, it nodded, as a result of acquiescing Urban proposal.

"His grandmother! It is really a soft pinch! This organ is half a righteousness, why don't you dare to find him to stare at Laozi!" Originally, I would like to experience the generals of the generals The shock of Jiang Feiyang, at this moment, it can only hide in the square of the mechanical infantry. It is a single and boring attack like a soldier. This makes him very annoyed in the heart. .

His reasonable is not to protect him, and at least three of the entire elite team have always secretly contacted him. As long as he is really dangerous, it will gather together to save, but if you don't live again, There are too many people who killed him. For a while, there were at least five magic tutors on the Temple of the Temple, and the commemoration of the Temple will be used to sweep the army. It is possible to be the goal of Jiang Feiyang. Once the suspicious place will join hands. Attack it.

This is really letting them find a few goals. Several actions that occupy Jiang Feiyang's breath were found by the other person to fight into powder, and the sorrow of Jiang Feiyang was shocked, and now I have entered eight. He is awakened by him, can convert his own body with the Jiang Feiyang as long as he is not chained by the top opponents of Heaven, and continuously launches the chasing. He has too many means to take it, and if the other party really has a heroic master attack, self-contained .

As Jiang Feiyang spit, the current parliament city can be said to be self-contained. When the army puts down the army in the city, it is the shortcomings of the investigation department's elite shortcomings. I know that the other party does not eat this set of this set of battles and self-confronted, this is if it is still in the top of the heavens, the knights in the ground and half a city are not, there are many three major people. The parliament has no bottom, but can he can make more destruction. They still have some understanding.

"The Parliament City began to use the ban!" The forest road hidden in the air felt the strong magic fluctuations in the parliament, and the folding fan in the hands of the hand was excited. Today's battle fierceness is far from his expectation.

"Yeah! This is a war, just passed the goal of the hobs, I'm moving the heart of the curse. This is this is to force the other party to the desperate situation." Liu Hao, the next side couldn't help but speak.

"Hehe, in the face of such a situation, we have to use it very much! The resort for the rumor and his investigation hall is getting more powerful and diverse."

Lin Daozi heard the sky and the winning tone of the yin and yang, and swept the opponent, he understood why it would have such an attitude, and then immediately asked: "How? Is it very much?"

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