Heterogeneity company

Chapter 472 hidden

Coral does not care about other people's different eyes. The legs are sitting in front of the bodies. I took out a hug from the arms. I screwed up the bottle cover and read it: "If you have doubt, if we have more cautious perhaps Will n't die so many people. "

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Yuanzun transfer door:

Content reading: The first chapter

In the hall of the light, the lights of the light, the magnificent, majestic, the temple has a long light burning, in which a blue stone is burned, and the squid is rising, and the squat is rising from the temple.

That is a green sand, burning will release the abdomen, there is a heart-effectiveness, but it is necessary to practice, but the price is not low, it can be used as a fuel, enough to explain that the owner is quite status.

In the inner temple, a middle-aged man in the Ming Yellow robes is negative, he faces perseverance, there is a majestic gas between the eyes, obviously long-lived, and after the body, there is a breath, like thunder, The sound of the roar.

Just look at its right arm, but I found that it is empty, it is actually a broken arm.

Being next to him, there is a beautiful woman, she is delicate and beautiful, but her cheeks, but it seems pale and weak.

At this time, this is a male and female who obviously status, it is looking forward to a nervous color, and only sees there, there is a teenager disk of Jozo's thirteen or older, teenager body Slightly slightly thin, double eyeliner, the born, the young people should be vigorous, but it is lingering a bloody gas.

The strange blood of the strange blood is moving under his skin, faintly, as if there is a resentful dragon.

Also accompany the dragon, the young branches are shocked, the body is constantly trembling, and the face has become , it seems to have suffering from the pain of saying.

On the side of the teenager, a white-haired old man holds a bronze mirror, bronze mirror, with soft rays, shining in the bodies, and under the light shining, the teenage blood of the teenager is Start gradually.

After the blood gas continued to be incense, he finally took the end, and finally retracted the teenager's palm.

The old man saw this scene, suddenly the relief of the relief, then turned around, a middle-aged man waiting for a nervous woman and the beautiful woman in the palace: "Congratulations to the king, the queen, these three years A big boiled, the temple finally came over, the next three years should be no more important. "

The middle-aged man and the goddess woman heard the words, all of which are facial, and the clasped fists are gradually released.

"Qin Direous, now in the foreigners, generally this age, has been formed, can start cultivation,?" The majestic man in Ming Yellow robe, looking forward to the white An older and asked.

I heard this question, the white-haired old man suddenly bleak some, he shake his head, said: "Wang, this old man still did not detect the eight veins of the temple ..."

The majestic man heard the words, and his eyes were also bleak.

In this day, the way of practice, starting with the human body, the human body has countless meridians, and the most important, the eight major pulse, and in addition to certain special situations, the general people, the eight veins in the body must be in ten When the two or three years old, the party will gradually form, and this time, it is necessary to find this eight veins. Only by finding this eight veins can begin cultivation, swallowing the source of heaven and earth, and opens the eight veins.


This is the opening of the opening and all cultivation.

The cultivator has changed its own strength because of the power of the heaven and earth, so it is also known as the source.

Qin Shi gave a little bleak on the middle-aged man, and some couldn't bear it. It sighed, said: "The Hall is the holy dragon's life, when it is amazing, it is awkward, it is suffering ..."

Middle-aged man is clarified, and the beautiful woman in the side of the palace is also ruddy, then loudly with a sharp cough.

"Queen's care, you have lost a lot of essence in a large number of essence, and it is not a shame." Qin Shi saw the sound.

Beautiful gardies and beautiful women are swaying, and the eyes look at the teenagers sitting on the bed, saying: "The poison in the body is in the body, once in three years, once more powerful, want to eradicate, only There is relying on himself, but now he is not obvious, three years later, what? "

Qin Shi was silent, slowly said: "Three years later, the external force suppression will fail, if so, I am afraid that the temple is worrying."

At this point, the temple is silent, and the middle-aged man is gripped, the body is slightly shaking, and the gorge beauty is smashing a low cry.

"So ... my life is only three years left?" Among the silence, there was a slight tender, but the calm voice suddenly sounded.

The three of the main halls heard the words, all shocked, quickly looked up, I saw the bunk boy, I didn't know when I opened my eyes, looking at them.

Three people face each other, obviously didn't think that the teenager woke up so fast, you have to know before, but he is going to sleep for two or three days to slow.

"Yuan Lei ..."

A teenager known as Yuan, named Zhouyuan, and the middle-aged man in front of him, the king of this Dynasty, the king of the Dynasty, Zhou Qing, Qin Yu.

Zhou Yuan has a mouthful, and the young face is a little pale, perhaps because of the small body, he can only read more, it seems to have some books, he is silent for a moment, slowly reaching the palm.

I saw it at his palm, and he was actually a dull blood color. The bloody is like apriced that it is printed to the deepest place. It slowly caught, it looks like a bloody dragon, which seems to be a tooth dance, which seems to have The strong resentment, the self-evident, which is not cold.

"Father, after the mother ... this time, you should tell me, in me, what happened?"

Zhou Yuan stared at the palm of the palm. This is like a small blood dragon. It can't help but bite it, it is this thing, let him experience what is not as deceived.

Every three years, this thing began to be a monster, it is necessary to swallow his flesh and blood, bring boundless pain.

When I heard Zhou Yuan, I have become a lot of blood color, especially the former, and the face, the face, the face, the face, the face, the face, the face, the face, has a strong remorse and self-blame.

The silence lasted halfway, the air is somewhat solidified, and the Qing finally took a deep breath, hoarse voice: "This is the dragon poison."

"Resentful Dragon Persuit?" Zhou Yuan brows wrinkled, unclear.

Zhou Yan's palm of the palm of the palm of Zhouyuan, said: "These things, now you should know, Yuan, do you know, you are my family holy dragon!"

Zhou Yuan can't help but smile, is there such a miserable holy dragon? It is found in the octaves in the body.

Sitting in Zhou Yuan, the voice is low: "Yuan, now our Dynasty Dynasty, in this endless vast continent, perhaps only do a small country, but you don't know, fifteen years ago, We are a big week, but it is a big country, and all the countries come to the DPRK, and Wei Zhen is four. "

Zhouyuan's face has a surprising color, this vast continent, the dynasty empire, and their big Zhou Dynasty is not too sufficient, did not expect the past?

"You know that the Dawu Dynasty?" Said that when you talk about this name, a word is a thing, as if it is unforgettable.

"Dawu Dynasty?" Zhou Yuan nodded, the Dawu Dynasty, is the top-level dynasty in the world, the national transport of the country, the source of the country, the source division, can be described as a giant and elf.

The eyes of the engineering, but it was a little red at this time. It exposed deep hatred in the eyes: "Then you can know, in fifteen years ago, the big Wuhuang Room, but only our Dawang Dynasty Belong? "

Zhou Yuan's eyes finally appeared a shock-shocked color, and now the big martial arts, which was once the ministeen of their arrivals? They are so powerful in the twentieth year ago?

"That ... why will it become like this?" Zhou Yuan couldn't help but ask.

"After hundreds of years, Wujia has been following our family's four squares, faithful, and later, we will be a great truth, and it is also a hereditary, and the martial arts is also in the world. In the past few years, guarding the big surroundings, shocking the quarter. "

Zhouqi's body slightly shakes, the blood in the eyes climbed out: "However, no one thought that fifteen years ago, Wu Jia suddenly launched a rebellion. At this time, our Royal Fang found that after these years The squatting, the martial arts already has an extremely powerful force, and many kings in the dynasty are all watched. "

"For less than a year, we have defeated, all the way, escaping to our Zhou's ancestral land, which is now our large week."

"I don't know why Wujia will rebellious, they are in our grand week, not weak in the royal ..."

"Until later, I got some intelligence from Wujia, it was a prediction of hundreds of years of born in Wujia ..."

"Predication?" Zhou Yuan slightly.

Zhou Qing bite his teeth, a word: "Sagn swallowed, Dawu Xing!"

"Sagn swallow the dragon, Dawu Xing?" Zhou Yuan gently read it, but it is unknown, said: "What does this mean?"

The erect's eyes became red at this time, he stared at Zhouyuan, the eyes were very sad: "I don't know what this means, until that day ..."

"We have defeated the big week, I led the big week, constantly retreat, Wujia is chasing until the big week of our feet, but the martial arts is surrounded, as if it is waiting."

"Waiting for?" Zhou Yuan felt a restless.

Zhou Yuan stared at Zhouyuan, and his face turned a lot of cry, and the desperate and anger, let Zhou Yuanxin are trembling.

"They are waiting for your birth."

This sentence of Qi Qi, let Zi Ziyuan's heart dramatically, and the one face is not.

On the side, Zhou Yuan's mother, Qin Yu is already covering his mouth, issuing a depression to the ultimate crying.

"Do you know what is your birth?" Zhou Qingwang Zhou Yuan, his eyes blood red: "Yuan, the moment you born, there is a vastness, the purple gas is transpired, there is a dragon, The dragon earthquake is a holy dragon meteorological. "

"You are born in all day, just born, it has been driving the pulse and reach it directly."

"This is the legendary" Shenglong gas ", hundreds of millions of no one, the future can be in the big realm, with the heavens and the earth, the sun and the moon, you are my week's unprecedented holy dragon!"

It is extremely excited, and it is dramatically trembled. When Zhou Yuan is born, you can imagine what excitement he is, and the world is in the case of the family. In this dangerous moment, they will give them a birthday of the Holy Dragon.

Zhou Yuan also widened his eyes, obviously could not imagine, there will be such a vision when he is born. New Bayi First M.

"That ... that is what ..." His palm slightly trembled with his body, since he is a natural eighth day, why is it now in the body?

Range's excited voice, he stopped, as if it was exhausted at this moment, only a strong sad color, his look is gray: "Because it is the moment you born, the city outside the city The wife, I also gave birth to a man and a woman, the baby boy is angry, the woman is the body of the baby, but also the aero! "

"And according to our information, the wife of the Wu Wang, the pregnancy is three years, but it is never produced, but today, suddenly produce ..."

"I didn't know why, but I finally understood it, and I rumored the same day of the same day in the same year, I can live in gas. It turns out that the martial arts plays for many years. It is not a simple to see me. It is the dragon who is a family! "

Zhou Yuan Zhang Zhang did his mouth, a chill was rushed to the Tianling cover: "This is a plot!"

There is such a clever thing in the world, which is obviously a hundred years, and for them, and even ... specializes in a big conspiracy.

In order to this, they even made the enemy, so that the wife of Wu Wang did not produce, it was waiting for him!

The road is nodded, and the sound is hoarse: "It is indeed a conspiracy. Wujia is in the big week of the big week, for me to see the North War for me, but I didn't expect that they haven't thought of it. It's all for you! "

"That day, Wu Wang entered the city, with hundreds of thousands of Zhou Zi people as a must, to take your holy dragon gas transportation in front of me, to take you here, and there is even blood and tears in the eyes of the engine. come out.

On that, Qin Direous is also grief, his voice is low: "That day, Wang Shang is in order to protect the temple, but it is a big arm, but it is disrupted, if it is not that Wu Wang I am afraid that other people have destroyed the Holy Dragon Music to the Temple. I am afraid that even the king has to fight their hands. "

"In order to win the gas transportation in the temple, Wu Wang Yicun has a vowed, and the big martial arts will not step on a big week."

At that time, the terrible scene once again got out of the brain, Qin Yu, one side couldn't stand the emotions, squatted in Zhou Yuan, hugging him tightly, crying, crying .

"Yuan! I pitiful! Sorry you after the mother!"

The brutal memory of that day was once again opened, she was clearly remembered, the Zhouyuan, who had just born, was made, placed on the altar arranged by Wu Wang.

In the altar, there is a pair of children who have just born in Wu Wang.

However, one is taken, two are at it.

The gas transport is deprived, it is like a flesh and blood, which is unimaginable.

At that time, Qin Yu, just got a joy, but he could only look at his own baby in the cold altar, and heard the bless pain, smashed the young voice cried.

That kind of desperate and weakness, almost made her tragic that she fainted in the past.


Because of the mood, Qin Yu cheeks instantly pale, a blood can't help it out, and dyed the hair of Zhouyuan.

"Mother after ?! What happened?" Zhou Yuan was shocked, hurriedly helped Qin Yu's blood in his mouth.

Qin Shi, on the side, hurriedly came up, and the palm of his hand was emitted with softness. He went to the Qin Yu Tianling cover and helped her to steadily in the body's blood. He looked at the face of pale Qin Yu, and then sighs Zhou Yuan: "His Royal Highness, you also said that the king failed to protect you, Wang Shang, everything, there is no death."

"After the queen, after you were deprived of arrogant, it injected your blood into your body. After the year, I was bloodyed for you, so the temple can live to today, but the Queen also paid great consideration, Every time she lost blood, she will lose their life for three years. In the twelve years, she has dropped for 36 years, and the vitality is greatly injured. Now it is only less than ten years of life. "

"What ?! What do you say ?!"

Zhou Yuan heard this, suddenly became a lightning strike, his blood was crazy, and he had never had such a strong emotional fluctuation. After all, these things happened in his young. Therefore, there is no strong belonging to the so-called "Shenglong Air Transport", even if it is designed and deprived, it is only a bit shock.

Wu Ma designs him for a hundred years, although there is a wave of waves in his heart, but it can suppress his mother to force his mother to life, but it is the first time in Zhouyuan's heart that cannot contain causing kill.

So, when I heard the sentence of Qin Shi, Zhou Yuan also kept emotions again. The blood was in the madness of the brain, which made his face became a blood red, and the eaves of eaves, actually It seems to be a bit.

"Wu Jia, you dare to make my mother! I really damn!"

Zhou Yuan is shaking, his eyes are red, a heil-like anger and killing.

Zhou Qing hugged Qin Yu, let her rely on the jade tissue, at this time, his hair seems to be pale, the majesty momentum is unfair, and his voice is mounted: "There is gas in the world. One said that the martial arts is thin, wants to make a country, stretching the descendants, shocking the quarter, then you must need enough air transport, and your holy dragon gas is the best thing. "

"Wu Wang won your air transport, gave him and women, since then, Dang Wu has dragon and phoenix, the country is prosperous, the Dawu Dynasty is prosperous, all because of your gas transport."

"And your holy dragon gas transport, was forcrew by the life of the squat, naturally produced a strong sense of resentment, the Wu Wang deliberately sealed the grievances, thus formed a resentful poison It swallowed your blood and constantly grow, until a lot of mature eruptions, you will completely swallow your vitality. "

"At the same time, you are broken. The roots are broken, the natural eight pulse will be retired, until today, the eight veins have never been again, the road is difficult ..."

The sound of the sound is desolate, and it is a desperate, which is a desperate, which is a kind of desperate, is a kind of desperation of our Western.

That day, the city outside the city, Qixiang Wanzhang, leaving the way.

That day, the holy dragon in the city, turned into a can't smoke, and scattered.

This is, tits swallow.

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