Heterogeneity company

Chapter 479 Attack Attack

A piece of slavery was tall, the huge behem was stepped on the beef mud, and the cavalry team led by Leohard showed an unstoppable amazing momentum. At the same time, more than two hundred of the emperors riding in the Eagle Beast. The families followed it to continue to release a wide variety of magic attacks from the palm of the floor.

It is said that the natural disaster army has fallen into a short flustered in the red air disasters, and the oxygen content has fallen to make the ground's slavery respond to slow, let the magic rumor rushing and what effective resistance, but this is very Fast in the natural disasters monitors to reverse it, and dozens of tents in the big camps of the natural disaster column have sprayed the pink aerosol in the roof. As this fog spreads out Renewing the vitality and once again launched a suicide attack to the Moist.

Through the explanation of Codi, he learned that this kind of powder fog can improve the air. It is one of the response measures after the natural disasters lost the red and natural disasters. Just when he considers it to help the Mo's tent bag, The roar of a sound throwing machine projected from the outside of the position.

Tunned, I watched the stone machine that had never seen during the march. I won't know when I got a whole three rows at the foot of the mountain. As the cannon collapsed, a group of black spheres were thrown into half air, .

Afterwards, he listens to Lilia, telling this kind of creature, known as a shadow, a common creature in the hell world, every Moist people will receive a shadow of the parents when they are young in the young age. Its growth, this is also a ** creature that can be survived within the storage ring, and their attacked power is limited, but it is very good, except for loyalty characteristics, there is a good delay in adhesion and powerful. Self-recovery ability.

The shadow of these spheres continuously transforms the shape in the air under the eyes, and the bodies are open to extend the flying distance. Soon, a black mud is covered with the horizon covered in the pink fog. On top of the tent bag, I haven't waited for him to make a strong fire, and then it is a series of dramatic explosions, this group of shadow sematics actually detonated their own ignition spray tents for a time for one time. Pink fog is ubiquitous.

At the far-cliff, the team led by Leohard quickly rushed to the Bull to lead the hillside. He went here that they met the real strong enemy. One of the armed people who worked only by the thinker army died. In front of a gesta, while the natural disaster army flying from the tent was steadily behind the position, he did not show the meaning of the attack.

At this moment, the nasm-disasters have changed, and the four huge prodigals no longer produce slavery, but with the assistance of the guardian guards around them, they will continue to raise their tail arches in it. After the height, the words of the four mustxicans have begun to convulsive. As the surging frequency reaches the highest peak, a huge dark green acid solution is emitted from its tail.

Four mustaches were sprayed together with a fan-shaped overhead of the Bulls, and Leohad seems to have long expected that the enemy has this attack. I saw the two knights of the army with the flag. The flag was waved repeatedly. After the knight, the knight immediately godside the knight in the middle of the knight, and the arm was raised to the palm of the palm shine with the glaring rays, and the wall of a huge crystallization was quickly expanded in the null.

The acid solution and the crystal wall have a sound of Zz corrosion. The radiance on the crystal is dim, and the speed of the knight visible, and the rider's source is constantly recovering again, as early as the beginning, it is constantly flying in the two In the air of the Eagle Magic Magic and the stone car behind the position, it has played an attack on the pen in the same way.

Rain-like magic attacks and burning shadow stemworms over the body of the pymill, this thing is that this thing is too painful or sluggish, the rhythm of the bombing, the rhythm of the sprayed acid, and the Cavalry of Leohad The team took advantage of this opportunity to assault a few points.

At this moment, the body has already recovered. If you look at the battlefield, he even doubizes that his previously binding plan is too conservative. If you follow this offensive speed, you can completely make assistance before the Nabisi Valley, the Naga, destroyed here. The enemy arrived at the time of the attack.

Just as he considers whether the command is to join the battle with Ye Ruo, he found that the roar of the stone machine did not know when to come and stop, and the doubtful he turned around to see the stone machine position. Speed ​​storage necklace puts the stone machine into the original position of the rapid evacuation.

Ok? Why not continue to attack? There are still a lot of shadow priorities that are carried! Soon the vibration under the feet unveiled the confusion of the righteousness, he secretly got a hurry to get up and fly in the air.

Sure enough, in the case of a monster that he had a giant german in an air, it was at the same time, at the same time, there was also a flaming spot on the sky.

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Fuse! Deli! I was secretly scolding myself. During this time, I have always made him a thinking blind spot, which made him forget that this kind of monster that gave him a dark loss will drilled the mortar.

The body drops the sword out of the flow of flow, the squeezing of the murder semi-bodied body is turned on both ends, the body is not stopped and quickly advanced. At the same time, a hair detection needle flies out of the ground from . Once there is a vibration in the bottom, you can get information in the first time.

At the time of the joining the battlefield, the form of the Bull collar once again changed the earth, and the mud cracking mountain stone rolled a pair of double giants to explore the hand from the earth, and there is a evil between the earth. The beast is going to break from the abyss of the hell.

"What is the ghost thing!" Xia Dynasty smashed a murder of a drilled in the bottom of the ground, and then crushed into a meat cake with gravity, looking at the bull collar. More than 10 meters height is 30 meters from the ten-story stone people.

"This kind of creature is also the first time, according to the information given by Lily, this is a sleeping person!" Yan Yan flew to his front and staring.

"Do you want to help? The other middle army has not moved? The Mozu seems to be in the hard battle!" Ye Ruo looked up at the natural disaster army armor warrior who was still stabilizing the Diaoyutai.

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