Heterogeneity company

Chapter 491 Combat

A Tao iron wall fell into a group of magic soldiers, and the Sofer was flocked to Sifer, and the Chéngrén wall was quickly completed and said to be a lot, and the three light curtains were in the outer side of the iron wall.

All this is just a fierce, and the strength of the martial arts, the strong force broke out, and the ground plowed a deep gully, looked at this attack. The forehead cold sweat is directly to pray that this attack will pass this attack only.

However, the reality, but he smoked a slap in the hands of Ye Longju, and then encountered it with the face of the face, and then could not swallow the space. A tremble is a light and shadow dispersion and horizon.

Hey! Hey! boom! After the collapse of the three light curtains, the first time I know that the ability to show this ability once it was broken, it would be in the mechanical state, he feels a burst of coloration, and the mouth can not live outward Ostead of the road.

Just in this breathing, it has collided with the iron wall of Xia, and there is no harsh impact. The thick iron wall is like a thin paper, and there is a two glance. Break through the defense lines set up by Summer.

"Can't hard to resist! Xia diamonds the angle of the iron wall! It is gone from the direction!" At this moment, he can't help but call it directly, he said in Mandarin. He also finishes it. The equipment is not distressed, and the radius of the radiomaps in the first nine channels is also reduced from the sky to block the enemy attack.

"Don't stupid stand, to help Mr. Tang's hand, attach the crystallization to the iron wall of the iron wall, thickening the defensive power!" Byron loudly directed a group of unscrupulous squeezing and uncomfortable, one side After standing in West Furma, I took a long breath of breath, my head, the magic corner, the red light, the body, the body is constantly skyrocketing, and a giant, which is not a tall, height, the whole body, the whole body, blocking the giant to blocked in front of Sifer .

According to the commander of the , he immediately adapted the defensive way of the iron wall, and set from the upright block of the wall to the curved iron wall of forty-five degrees, after she just finished the construction, the scorpion was collapsed again. Three three, but this point of blocking finally cut the offensive of the air-shaking offensive, and there was a subtle offset in the attack direction of .

! A rushing of the iron wall that was wrapped in crystallization, and dozens of men after the wall were taken on the iron wall. The magic soldier who was crystallized by the broken iron wall was twisted, but their sacrificed increased The chance of survival in West Fur, once again produced an offset again.

When I saw the door, I saw the door, and after the collapse of the three-way screen, I was completely changed from the direction of the attack from West Fer.

This is the case, the Yu Wei's destructive power it has passed is not small. In order to protect Xfale's safety, as a giant, directly, directly protect the Sifer, gas bumbler under his body. After his back, he only listened to him to bite his teeth, the armored armor was drawn, and he left a long blood marks on the back.

boom! From Sifer's top, it finally reached its destination. The smoke is scattered to the people, and it is a fear, and the big mountain bag is being born from the middle of the middle, then The discharging is like an ax, the knife is generally neat and smooth.

In front of it.

"Hey!" A old blood spurted, from the army samurai to attack, there is a total of less than three minutes. Even the collapsed Jiuwei is a deep understanding of the natural disasters, but also makes his body to bear The force of great anti-anti-anti-anti-fighting, he can't support the body and bow.

Sony people have ran over, in addition to the companions, no one cares about this saving Sifer's number one hero, everyone rushed to the center of this battle West Food to see her life and death.

"M d! A bunch of white eyes!" Put the rumor to pull out the embroidered Palace to gently wipe the mouth of the mouth, Zhao Yuan Hu, who took the blood, looked at the distant Mozi to bite his hate.

"Yes, MD! If it is not for the task, we can manage her life!" Xia said looked up a stone kicked by the stone, and then he went to the eyes of Ye Ruo, who was on the wrist, said: " Ye, how did he? "

"It's been able to have a very quiet, and the problem is not very quiet for a few days. Unfortunately. Unfortunately, I am not Lin Lao. Ye Ruo took a self-blamed response in regret.

The first reaction came to explore the status of the body, it was the Sofer Lord of Xifer, and after the attack, the army of the attack was asky, and the spell of imprisoning her body will naturally disappear. Although she just I have been in a state of stiffness, but everything happened in the outside world can feel it.

.31xs.org In just three minutes, she seems to have a long year. When she retreated freedom, she breathed fresh air, and then pushed the guard, first turned over. When I came to my uncle, I looked at the retreat of normal body-based Bai Lang and his scar behind him: "Uncle, you are nothing!"

"There is nothing to hurt! This is a lot of time when it is blowing." Bayla smiled and shake his arm. As he said, although his back was blocked by blood, it was seriously injured, and its physical wound at this time It has begun to heal only a white scar, and the body's injury is completely healing, and the internal injuries that are left in the inside need to be adjusted slowly.

"How many people we sacrificed?" West Fer saw that uncle did not have a long breath.

"We fight more than 100 Warriors, it will drive this hit." Bewron said this, including West Fer, and all the magic of the magistrate, the gods wounded low, and I saw this scene. Take the shoulder of Xifer to persuade: "This is not your fault, this attack, I just happened to hear rumors, which is extremely rare in such a year of war."

Xifel's emotions lost some nodded and then asked: "Mr. Tang? He is there?"

When I heard this, the magic expressions surrounded were all stiff. When I came back, I even took the old, I'm slammed my forehead. "Damn!"

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