Heterogeneity company

Chapter 507 Conference

By entering the venue, Balang is acknowledged in his ear, and the fat man who knows the scribe is the controller of the river, the controller of August, the manager will be nearly 15,000 people's refuge. The rest, this time came to participate in the conference with five hundred people. Mobile phone end https: //m.vodtw.

"This is the Mr. Mu, the next action we have to rely on his efforts to break the natural disaster pillar, and then launch a rescue plan." West Fer pointed at the glow of the people in the face of the people Introduce the road.

"Hey, hey! This is really falling, when we want to rely on energy desert cornerstone to help." Auguste did a ridiculous.

I heard this sarcasm, and the body sat down, Gu Yisheng's body is stiff, and the mouth of the mouth and the smile showing the taste, and the eyebrows are not slowed back to the chair with your fingers.

"What is the meaning of these words? We all have a situation, people will help the love of people! Other positions are strong, people aid?" The seat is in addition to West Food The female lord, the enemy of the dealeme, the victim of the Cristina, the invested, according to the introduction of the ear of the ear, this Christina is the playmate of Xifer, although the two arguers are divided into the same generation but Christina The age is big in Sifer, which can be said to look at West Far Zhang Da, this person is one of the thumbs of the West Fer.

"Christina is correct, our magic respects strong people must know how to be grateful, Qatar plus autonomous collar will attack the bull collar with the help of allies, Naparis Valley land, this already settled in the holy city The unwanted taste, this time, I will be willing to take the lead in calling the people to discuss the rule of the owner, it is my magic of the magic of the magic of the devil.

: " Down, you believe that he is going to say but! "

Sure enough, he said, he heard the words of this person and continued: "But, the rescue star is different from the two battles of the bull, and we have to take advantage of the people to take advantage of it. People who have been guilty, know what disasters will bring from a number of commands that will bring to fight, since we have a general command, so that we will make the following cooperation. "

Listening to the nodes of the goat, everyone couldn't stand, and the previous Christina said directly: "This is Sifer convened, and she also has the experience of the Tianzi's collar to hand over to her. We don't work together. "

"This is good, she commands? She is equipped? Qatar plus autonomous collar famous Lady, I see is a small lady!" A uncomfortable voice in the crowd sounded.

"Cough!" I heard this, sitting in the first old man holding a tight tight, dry cough, two words, the people saw the mouth closed.

"I also feel unpropted!" Auguste, who had taken prior to launch, continued to speak: "Those out of other do not mention that Qatar plus autonomous collections can come out how many people come? Is it five thousand? Nothing? Since it is a joint operation Naturally, it is the most striking force of the troops as the general command, and the reason that has elected the soldiers is headed! "

"Do you want to say that you are always command?" Christina is relatively reflected.

"Don't dare! I have this self-knowledge!" Auguste said to take the wine cup on the table, and raised his hands to the past, the past, the past, the middle-aged middle-aged blonde Men's open mouth: "Buckhouse, Friedrich, they all have 100,000 people's refuge, and there is a big lord with 40,000 soldiers! It is a long time to fight this command that does not have two people from them. Is the middle selected? "

"Hey, I think you forgot! This meeting is not only to be attended by our magic, and there are allies from the cornerstone? Who is the commander or heard the opinion of people?" Christina Cold The snoring will take the hand on the desktop.

"Hey! Hahaha!" Christina This time, in addition to her and the old, the Lord is like Sofer and the old, he heard a laugh, and he can't help but smile.

Laughing to the last Auguste wiped the tears that laughed out of the eye, and the side of the side of the side of the sideways, Gu Shenghui, said: "That! What is the name! Guy from the cornerstone! Since our Christie Miss Na proposal, talk about your opinion, don't say that we don't respect allies! Hahaha! "His words once again attracted everyone a lot of laughter.

In this laughter, the face is increasingly ugly, but when I saw Gu Shenghui, who was in the center of the center, I still had a small snack in front of the table, and the face revealed the smile. It is really a teacher. This is the same as the picture of the pig.

At this point, it did not even find that he did not find that although he thought that he had more than a long time, he had a longer Li Wenjun and the upper star, but the others had already perceived his current behavior model and Gu Yisheng, who was very annoying before him. It is a more than a more similar image.

Feeling everyone looked at their eyes, Gu Shenghui put down the knife and the knife in the hands and wiped the napkin shouted: "Sorry, I just arrived here, I was not familiar with this thing, everything is my apprentice. In the trick, you asked him! "Said that he raised the wine glass to respect Xifel:" Miss West Fer, your food is really impressive! "

"There will be Mr. Mu, this is our pleasure!" West Fer smiled slightly.

After putting down the wine glasses, Gu Shenghui is slightly rely on Shen Sheng: "It's too noisy! I want to enjoy this feast, and everything will be handed over to you, help them choose the right leader and come to me again."

"Following! Teacher!" Yan Yan worked in respect and walked out from Gu Yishang to the side of Sifer, standing next to him next to the Leohad to give it a position, The previous step is a high-rise: "In view of our experience with Qatar Jacques, Miss Western, the successful combat experience is friendly! We decided to cooperate with Miss Xifli or by her personally designated commander. Other people are exempt from! "

In this case, the whole game is stunned. West Fer is low to hold back the strong smile, friendly cooperation experience? It is also lost that he does not change the color, but this is, but this is a steady heart today.

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