Heterogeneity company

Chapter 511, Tianzheng Secret

Xie Chujun has retired two steps, and the old man is looking forward to the long-distance walk: "The old man, my companion fights me there, I am chatting with you, don't you chat? "

"How much time you delay you!" Samijina put down the lady in his arms, let the toilet sea pulling her hand to go, then sit on the chair who retrans into the chair. The empty seat before riding stretched out: "Please sit!" After he returned to the battlefield of the eye, he had confessed the battlefield: "I didn't expect that I have passed that I have been born. Such a master is old, not! It is all of our Mozu too solid sincerity, your companion's two masters, our two idiots are not their opponents. "

Xie Chujun heard that nodded no longer resignated to take it as a whole, and smiled through his own clothes: "Old people, are you a helper of the woman?"

"Ah! Do you want it to help?" Sami Ni said Sifer, who is not far from the sword, and is full of pleated old faces, showing a whispering smile, saying: "This child The grandfather is my parent, her mother is my brother, hey, our family's unique woman! "

"Oh, uncle, no wonder it is really relatives!" Xie Chujun said with the hand of the maid, and the other hand made a drinking gesture. The waiter immediately understood that he would prepare his meaning and all the way.

"You like our wine very much!" Samijina looked at Xie Chujun, who took the wife's wine bottle, smiled and said.

"Ah, there is a special taste of our world's wine, it is really good!" Said Xie Chujun rushed to the wine bottle in the hands, Samijina swaying his good idea to go to the chair on the chair Take it on the knee: "I shouted you because I feel a familiar force on you, although there is also this power on the so-called teacher who is the leader of your team, but by the other It is not obvious that Sami Ni is a smile that Samijina is looking to show the taste on the face of the fashion of the battle: "I feel a few stocks in this child, which actually still There is a power of my demon, it is a strange person! "

"Hey! Yes, he is indeed an alternate!" Xie Chujun hoped to agree with the old man's line of sight, then he got a cup of wine and asked: "So, you feel there, what is your strength in my body?"

"The Natural Disaster Legion!" These four words slowly spit out from Sami Na, and he looked at his Xie Chujun him to continue; "Specifically, those who have been my friend, but later betrayed the Devil's disaster Legion gains a traitor! "

"Oh, is it?" Xie Chujun's eyebrows took a smile.

"Don't worry, I have never doubted your origin. If you are really a natural disaster army, you will not use this means, you will not be eye-catching, the stupid granddaughter who wants to work!" Samijina said When the body, I will make up: "I am just curious! Where did you get this power?"

Xie Chujun was sighed, put the wine bottle wine in his hand on the empty space, standing and starting to take off his jacket, shirt, until all the upper body is stripped, as his action Samijina is also slow From the chair, it was finally inlaid into the red stone in its ** at its heart, and this red stone flashed the same frequency as Xie Chujun's heartbeat.

"This thing you get from you!" Samijina knew that this is very rude, but I can't help but reach out to touch the red stone, when the fingertips are touched with red stones, the shares are familiar As if the power of the red-weather disaster is hidden, it is not strong, although it is not strong but it is indeed this, it is undoubtedly. It is no wonder that the leader will be killed in an instant, and he is a little power under this It is not easy to send.

"Old people, can I put on clothes?" The old man stared at the old man who stared at his chest, Xie Chujun helpless, felt that he had returned his sight immediately, and he apologized for a few steps. Go to your own position.

Xie Chujun worn back to his top, and I didn't know the true source of this force before this. This thing is I won in a director of the road, with it. There are still a few singular fruits together, and this stone is in the last thing, the old man will not believe what I said? "

"I believe, I also have seen the singular fruits, you have eaten it? What effect?" Samijina immediately came to ask.

"We can take more than one other person's ability to use!" Xie Chujun wearing a dress returned to his position, and he said in the distance of the farm: "The so-called teachers in your mouth, all I ate such a fruit, then what kind of reaction will you have? "

Samijina closed the chair and closed his eyes: "Increase the power, this is more terrible, the general under the next magic eat this thing can break the boundaries of the blood, reaching only the demon The descendants can reach. 31xs. This is already a horrible but not enough to shake the foundation of the Moz, some of the descendants of the devil's descendants are in this chance to gain a luving force, these come from the interior The high-level rebellion gives us a fatal blow. We have never known their source of strength. Now it is clear that it should be the red stone at your chest. "

"Sure enough, I guess the difference, everyone who eats this fruit will have different effects every place." Xie Chujun scratched it.

"Sure enough, there is similar to us, other planes have been infiltrated by the natural disasters!" Learn Xie Chu Jun Samija, leaning on the chair, taking a quick turn: "My doubts are unlocked, you can do it. What you want to do! "

Xie Chujun looked at the battlefield that had already opened the flowers in the distance, shook his head: "Is there anything I haven't care!"

In the distance, I was smashed by Buckhouse, and coughing, coughing and climbing up the head. These are going to be the Moist, if you don't want to reach yourself, you can't live!

I went to the top of the ground and walked to the eye shed. He almost didn't breathe his nose. He didn't breathe again, and there was a sight in his sight. He was talking about the laughter of the laughter with Xif. Another It is sitting in the position and talking to the old man and talking about what I hope to him, I will strive to make my thumbs. Xie Chujun.

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