Heterogeneity company

Chapter 522 investigation

Seeing that the words wanted to get together, I remembered that the self-motivated of the year's own appearance shook his head low: "Learn to the point, sometimes these people don't make sense in your eyes, and also part of life!"

"What do I learn this?" Yan Yan heard the half-standing body sat back, and the face did not see the scene of the magic, in his opinion, the strength of his own strength is the hard truth, learn the power to win the power?

"To learn, no matter how many you have to survive in the society, otherwise you will turn into a monster that is isolated, one day in the investigation hall is to hand in your hands, and force is one of the ways to solve the problem. Instead of solving the only way. "Sitting in the side of the arms, Lin Liao smiled and speaking.

I didn't say this, I didn't refute this. I took my hand on my back. He understood the meaning of Gu Yishang and Lin Lao, but in his opinion, it was still very distant, even if it was really He supported the day of the investigation department, he didn't want to sit in the administrative position, and there was a big out of the hall to see someone else.

Now, he thinks more is to quickly improve his strength, help your friends spend the crisis, helping their world to spend this day, if all this can successfully finish him, thank you, apply for a bonus a long holiday It is very angry with your family to relax. Although he is very angry with the disaster communication in the battle in the battle, he also understood that his nerve is too tight during this time, and it feels spiritual. To have a problem.

When the meeting, the meeting was at the end of the righteousness and wanted to sleep, and looked at the controller who was satisfied with a satisfaction and smile, it seems that the bloody battle occurred in front of their eyes never happened. What is the love of the Mozu, which is glory, has become irrelevant in front of it.

The general plan has become busy, and the team is divided into two. On the one hand, Gu Shenghui is the first team of Xie Chu Jun Zuo Xian and others to travel to all kinds of rights, the reason. The dispute is concerned that there is still a good suppression during the receiving process.

On the other hand, there are a group of people such as Zheng Jiazu, and the secrets of the three natural disasters of the mainstay of the main, because the abilities and previous combat experience, this action is taken by him Team Lao is guaranteed, and the Mozi party sent a Bai Langband from the next assistance.

Among the jungle, one appearance covers an excellent iron tent, and the rumor fired a boiled water to sweeping the tent outside the tent, couldn't help but feel: "The environment you are here is really troubled. Inausion, Outside the Ming Mingshan is still in the summer, the sea level is not too big, the temperature drops so much! "

After that, he fell into the house in the house in the house. After Thanks, he smelled the delicious tea in the tea cup, and the little bit was a bitter, and the brow did not help but wrinkle from Coke to now them. Drinking tea, this helpful taste is really strange, but in order to polite, he is a taste taste of the old people in the house, then said: "I don't know if this is [31 31xs.] Strange, maybe we have different environments in the two worlds, this is normal in our magic eyes, in one place in us, will not experience changes in the four seasons, what season is the season, except occasional rain The weather outside the snow rarely changes. "

Lin Lao Wen said that he nodded: "It's really a big world. I have a lot of people."

"Oh, this is actually a good thing to live in a spring, the temperature is appropriate, it is a little monotonous!" Jiang Feiyang, who came in from the tent, heard the conversation, picking with the Harm Laughter and smiled.

"Is it found in the right place?" Yan Yan raised his hand to hand it to a cup of tea.

Jiang Feiyang took the hot air on the tea cup and responded: "Find a total of six locations can preset the position, you can enter the way to make the Liang shallow to be ambush below the position, if there is what you said? The appearance of the murryworm is an end! "

Yan Yan nodded and asked the side of the side asked: "How are you?"

Liang looked at the image above the hand in the hand, he only responded after a long time. "" Where is the old Jiang, saying that she refers to the combination between the three camps with his fingers: "If According to your requirements, you will be ambush here, such a large-scale transformation I need to set up at least half a day in advance. "

"We also need this long to arrange the magic fire! This time I want to combine the two in Napati Valley." The Bayer's plotting in the next day for the meeting, the beam shallow explosion The magic fire joint launched a huge destructive power, and his heart has a great interest in his heart, and strive to release this destructive force to the head of the natural disasters.

"Then take the time of day, arrange two! No three fire blocks, gradually increased from weak to strong!"

"I am afraid it!" Coty, who accused, bite his teeth, pointed to the map: "Time is not enough. We can brave the danger of being discovered by the enemy to add people to the completion, but the three blockade line is too narrow here. Let's take the destructive power at the time of the meeting, I will affect our defensive personnel. "

Ci Di said to lift his heart and clearly, the face is clear, and since the battle of the Bull, although the lord is not entirely his responsibility, this black pot is made up, plus Xifel's power expansion a day, his status in the Qatarga Group is no longer important, but also become embarrassed, and once in the forest, the same party is also separated from him at this moment. It is a new expensive, and he is abandoned to an unmanned corner, which has become a cavalry squad leader.

Ci Den knew that he missed the opportunity to turn over to the upper flow, saying that he did not survive him, but he didn't put it too much in his heart until this investigation task said that he would bring yourself.

He didn't know what is the intention of the righteousness, but through this time, he also understood that this is a very pragmatic person. You just give him a reason to know, he will give a return, so he This is only a puzzling of your heart.

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