Heterogeneity company

Chapter 525, new warfare conference

"Xuefeng led Tianzhi Pillar, the main position, according to my explorer, there was more than 15,000 people." Yan Yan looked at the gods of the Mozu 's hard-looking look: "As for the future, I will increase the aid, Or there is no high-level natural disaster to support me, I don't know. "

After this, the cheerful atmosphere in the original restaurant was suddenly lifted. The addition of the old weak sick and the other side of the old weak disease is 15,000 soldiers. Fifer five thousand people natural disaster red samurai is not collective in the Mozu. Before retreat to the Holy City, it is a major battle!

"It seems that we have to hurry, it will be late! After the meal, he will hold a war meeting. Before the Tongzhi Legion makes more prevention measures!" Samijina will take the napkin to the table.

"But the adult is too tight. Many camps are just taken, and the re-dispatch will take the time!" A dining table is part of the Sami Na Mo.

"You are making our allies doubt our mobility and combat power! There is a problem now to solve the problem, don't be in this time, I only give you up to three days, each refuge must be prepared before the war, otherwise the military law Disposal! "Samijina eyes shouted.

After a dinner, the intercourse of the survey held the Mozu's high-rise, full of small half of the house, and looked at the small half room, looked at the newly added Mozu. After the initial new sense, the expression on the face gradually lifted.

"The situation is very disadvantageous!" As the last group of images were played, Christina, who was sitting next to West Fer, took out the scarves and wiped the sweat sighs, her words immediately triggered everyone. The voice of a discussion, which is not lacking in the war.

Sitting in the front row, Sami Ni, the cough, and immediately quietly calmed down: "It is very unfavorable! So we have to launch a battle before the situation!" Said that he hoped In front of the light curtain, I laughed: "The last battle is your plan, see the appearance of you today, I think you have your own ideas for this battle, talk about your opinion!"

I didn't politely taking out the plane map of the entire battlefield. When I said: "There is a saying in my hometown, hurting his ten fingers, I will not break it, my opinion begins with the most violent fire, thunder, first Surrounded by three in the field of Waterton Valley, the Waterton Valley, which has solved the worries of the leader of the main attack Snow, and solved the space of our retreat. "

"Can you do it?" Gu Shenghui plotted.

I looked at the scenery and sinking and sinking. After the first time I launched the biggest fire, I should be able to do it in the other side without high-level natural disasters. "

"So next thing!" There is another person in the dark.

"In the Snow Leading Department, I am preparing to arrange two blockade lines, and the three thousand essence will stop the Bern Lake Tianzhu Leaders! For the main attack, Snow leaders!"

"Three thousand people are too few!"

"Yeah, if we can arrange some of the troops in this plan!" The voice of the crowd is coming.

"No, all of the soldiers, I am going to put it into the snow leader!" Yan Yan said that the light curtain continued to explain: "Xue Peak leads the terrain to the big military group, 35,000 red samurai After the start of the battle, I prepared a double power to explore the attack. The remaining team of 20,000 people organized the third defense to prepare the Bern defense troops that were frustrated by the offensive. "

Speaking of the words of the light curtain finger pointing, and simulates several simulated animated images, the image is shown to show the entire battle process in the seat.

After the introduction, the meeting room once again sounded the sound of the discussion. After a long time, Samijina slowly opened a key question: "Is the commander of the commander Barni aid?"

"I recommend Kidi Wen! No! It is recommended!" He said that half of it suddenly said.

[31 update] "Ci Di Wen?"

"Who is Ci Den?"

The Mozun, including Samijina, is doubts about this unfamiliar name. When Codi Wen people came out of the crowd, he suddenly caused a snoring!

"But it's a mid-level magic!"

"Look at his corner, he is not a noble, this burden is handed over to him?"

"Can you do it?"

" !" Samijan's hand, long sword, gently and low, and after the venue was quiet, Samijina looked at the rumor: "Do you make sure he can do it?"

"Mr. Sami Na, there is also a saying in my world, Wang Hou will be a kind of life! I believe that a person's ability and his origin is not absolute relationship, I am willing to believe his ability!"

"Wang Hou will be a kindness? It's really confused, but there is a few differences!" Listening to the words, Samijina smiled nodded, twisted to see Kodi Wen: "So You! Do you have a grasp? "

Originally in the public's magic, it was obsessed with Kudiwen from the pool of low forehead. After listening to Samijina's summons, the kneel was tied to the ground to the ground, "swear to death Don't insult! "

"Okay, I will give you 10,000 people!"

Kodi Wen Wen said that the whole body looked up, but see Samijina continued to say: "Don't be so excited, I said that 10,000 people are all the veteran veteran, so you can go down. ?"

When I heard this, even the face of the face was ahead of the previous step: "Mr. Samikina, this ....."

Samijina waved the words: "Young people have a very good place, and I know what it means, but you don't know now every magic soldier is precious for us, if possible I don't want to send this old man who is dedicated to the Mozu to give a lifetime. I have to meet the battle, but we have to meet the battle, those children have the space, I can only dedicate the last life in their lives. The rest of the gage! "

It is said that Sami Na will no longer pay back the words of Pensive, and once again look forward to Kid Di Wen: "I see your age is not small, it should be a veteran veteran, I ask you If I give you 10,000 soldiers, can you do before the defensive task? "

In the face of Samijina, Kodin is low and sinking and shakes his head. I have a few conditions to mention "

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