Heterogeneity company

Chapter 541 Snowflakes

I heard this rumor, I didn't have a good air. "Do you think it is a big cabbage? Don't say that I have not resumed it now, even if it is restored, I will use the snow peak collar. Do you want to solve it? Abandon! Abandon! I can put them as a son! You! They are also your family! Abandon! Hey! Even if you use them as a discard, you should use it. Does the meaning of death? Stupid things are rolling! Don't appear in front of me! "

Being said by a white-hearted blush, a white hand controller clenched the double punch, but he saw a mortal murder that was revealed in the strange right of the falsification in its battle. The fierce breath of the whole body refused to recall the scene in the day of the day, and his knowledge was silent.

"Didn't hear the words of Mr. Yan Tang? Rolling down the hill to go to the whole battle, don't appear in front of you! And you didn't hear the command of Mr. Yan Tang? Bewron, do it!" Samiki Nay is a good time to drive.

After the controller under the step, after the head of the arm, I disappeared with Bai Lang on the hill, and I can't put more people with this kind of person. Pressing the headphones adjustment channel and Jiang Feiyang launched a call: "old Jiang! How are you there? "

"I saw that the other army has already dispatched! I don't dare to move without your order." The answer of Jiang Feiyang came from the headset.

"Now, it is now felt the natural disaster column. After that, you don't have to withdraw it immediately. Go to other three locations to set up the planned artillery position, remember the first priority to set up the position of Bern's direction of Bern, rapidly With the general attack, you need your assistance, right, let your small card next to you talking to me! "

"I understand! I want to call you!" In the headset, I should take a sound in Jiang Fei, followed by a harsh friction, came from the Northeast Mandarin, who was smoked by his parents. " what!"

"Cough!" This sudden ritual heard, he heard his cough and told him when he kept smiling: "After completing the task of destroying the natural disaster, you don't have to use the conveyor to use the conveyor to take you. Fire support. "

"Well, I know!"

After the conversation, Yan Yan Yi was sitting on the chair, and the first natural disaster column has passed for two and a half hours. Although the enemy's response is much more rapid than the Bulls, it is also expected to be meditated in him. At the time, the distance was a burst of guns, and the other fire, the fire, the fire, it seems to be that Jiang Feiyang has opened his hands, just in this rumor, there is a mountain wind blowing. The face is cold, looking up, I don't know when I am so long.

Looking at the roof of the sky, the snow, and the words extended the palm to pick up the snowflakes and looked at them slowly melted into a water stain. This moment, the original anxiety suddenly became calm, familiar with the hometown Falling snowflakes made him think of his hometown, nor did you know how your parents are now, thinking that this is not ridiculed, laughing, suddenly thinks that the movie is in front of those who want to sacrifice, and I don't know I don't have a FLAG.

The collection of thoughts was shocked by this cold wind, and took his own cheek to cheer himself. After instant, he immediately completed mechanization to Sami Cannes: "I still don't worry Check the front line, if I have an accident, I have a good policy. "

"You have a good rest, don't worry, you will be on your own body. For the next battle, you should pay more attention to our more important states, and the previous things will be given to us." The sound of Lin Lao has become a calm and reliable voice behind him.

"Mr. Sami Na sent several people to bring our team, let us receive the front line!" Taking Gu Shenghui led everyone to smile in front of Sami Na.

"Bew is here." Samijina said, asked for a gesture, and then waved a guard who led the guard to go forward, and after receiving the order, he disappeared with Gu Shenghui and others disappeared in the snow.

Looking at the back of this group of people, I can't help but smile on the ground, although Gu Yishang is always spending at the moment, but the critical moment is still full.

Just when the Come up.

It's a raven of it, it is a steel defense line that mixed with magic iron and real-art steel. The high-tech market is covered with the devil's grandeur, and the heart is shining, and the captain is in an orderly manner. Launched a road magic attack in the city.

"Is the ban on the field of the ban?" Kodin, who listened to the head, listened to the table, asked the paper in the table.


"How is it still building!" Ci Den fiercely looked at the blood of the blood.

"Legend of the Legion, our first team is old, professional warlocks, with the second wave of Sami Na, first to build, and construct a time!" In his side, the armed staff reminded Tao.

"Let them speed up time to build, must be completed before the Red Samurai, otherwise the line of hard work will be equipped!" The Cindi wrote the hammer.

At this time, it was a series of dramatic explosions, and Ci Die said heard: "What happened outside?"

The commander of the inquired soldiers rushed back to the account: "It is the rise of the two brigade of the city, unauthorized use the explosion caused by the magic thunder."

"Mono! How do a group of veterans made this mistake! Isn't it a waste of the magic fire in this low-level slavery? Who is the captain who is immediately withdrawn!" The shoulder shoulder, such as the thin ice, Kodin, is very tempering is very violent. After listening to the report, I loudly.

"The Legion, you have to understand that these veterans have not been on the battlefield. Today, they are likely to be in the last battle, and they are inevitably inevitable." The armed staff next to him will hurry forward and stick to the ear whisper of Kodin. .

After listening to this, the color of Codi is, and the sigh is awkward: "I passed my password to the captain of these two brigade, and strict other defense line captains, I didn't order to use the magic line!"

"Yes!" After running out this, there is another commander to rush into the handsome accounts: "Daily! The two foreign aids in the investigation are constructing the last defense, and the command will receive the army It has been rushed to our army to take the enemy to the enemy to intercept. "

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