Heterogeneity company

Chapter 545 Fire

Listening to the explanation of Samijina, I nodded with the natural disaster army for so many years. Even if the failure of the Mozi always figured out confrontation, it seems that the fall of West Far is still a very precious She is indisputable. Mobile phone end https: //m.vodtw.

Just when two people talk, the combination of the joint has entered the state of white heat, as Sami Ni said that this arrow belongs to cherishing the consumables, and Ci Den is successfully sneaking that the other party once, the soldier is replaced by ordinary arrow. Leave this batch of magic dragon claws to deal with from time to time.

After replacing the ordinary arrow, the stress of the army was reduced, and many of the army were still attacked under the shock, and the black iron flow with the red iron was intertwined together. The sound of the collision shouted between the heavens and the earth.

The Mozu old people who have thrown their brains will not be in the body's magic recovery, and all the exhibitions have made the whole body and the army who rushed into the city. However, with the jump More and more urban armors, plus collected from the disaster commissor in the city, start to show the pressing of negative emotions, this will gradually fall into the wind.

"Release the magic crocodile! Strong team retreat to the second defense! The city is all soldiers to eat double drugs, prepare to die!" Cindi saw this scene and won't withdraw the head of the city. " All warlocks were divided into two to remove the second defense line ready to release the demonism. "

I heard this command. The leader of the big warrior is changed to the Codi talent. "Are you crazy? In accordance with the plan, we should have left it, you will be strong in this battle. The situation is urgent, we can't say anything, but you don't look at what is now, only one hundred warlocks have organized a devil's admiration and attackers. It is also divided into two dials? "

"You will dominate the soldiers to help you release!" Ci Diwen kept side to continue to ordered the guard: "Mr. Guantang withdraws to the second wave of defense, must protect their Safety."

Seeing Codi's attitude towards yourself, this Warlock leader caught the world to continue to roar: "You are really crazy! Let the non-professional warlock to show the admiration, don't you know these People don't know how to resolve the end of the anti-anti-anti-anti-death? "

Kodi Wenni finally stopped and looked at the opposite of the opposite. "Don't you know that the people here are not going back in today?" Said that Fudi Warri Collar: "I don't care how many people die today. I only care for how many people will die together, so I'm reviewing the honorable warrior, I am going to do you unlucky here, try to fight until the end, if I see you Good enough, maybe you will be soft to leave! "

After saying that the hand is still ignored to stand in the place where the wooden chicken is walking. "I don't want to lay it, if you are not prepared before this defense is broken, you don't have to wait for the Tianzi Army to kill you. I sent the army to cut your head! "

"Crazy! Crazy!" The warller shook his head helplessly, sweeping an eye, surrounded by the sake of his own surrounded: "Do you still have to be beheaded? Do you still not listen to the military order? Defense! "

With Kodi Wen, with Tid Wen, he stood in the city wall and looked at the soldiers who were still killing on the first defense city wall. Although he looked with his life under the taught in the battle. It can be seen that the Mozu soldier who is decentralized is still can't help but feel: "Is this abandoned?"

"There is no way, our gap is too big. You can only use life to drag the enemy's pace! For our common boss to win the battle for this battle, Miss Xia doesn't have to feel these people. It has been died here, which can fight here is our glory. "Guarding Xia Gu's guards looked at the peers of the colleagues.

Two people talk, the first defense has already presents a bazer of crash, and a magic crocodan that depends on a sleeping person. After the original enemy is destroyed by guns, I met my new enemy red squid, huge body Decreasing the attack momentum of the red samurai, rushing into the enemy's magic crocodile huge tail sweeping the battlefield to fly, the big mouth biting from time to time, the road spurted from the mouth, the magic flame shock on the battlefield .

However, after the initial confusion, the Red Samurai quickly adapted to change, and the martial arts that jumped into the body, the martial arts slammed the squid, the magic crocodile, the squat, the blood, and the three fell, after solving this sudden hassle, The martial arts no longer blocks the city.

After eating a double medicine to supplement the magic and resisting negative emotions, the Mozu soldiers on the walls of the wall finally arrived at the end of the strong, originally needed to kill a martial arts, now For the enemy of the tide, it is weak and exhausted to sweep, and these pallets can only stand with the long sword of the broken long gun.

"It seems that we can only go here today!" A soldier who was opened with a long wound in the chest, and took advantage of the long sword of the neck of the army. The body swayed. .

"No, I think we can still give this group of red scorpions again, and the old people will last!" A team leader smiled and touched his hand to the top and the nobles were completely called. Aesthetic magic corner.

"That is the first to fight!" A old paid.

"Bo on the top!" The residual magic is the old passion.

After the voice, I went wrong, a magic rushed to cloud, this group of oil, the older, the older, the older, but not on the wind of the devil, but its tragic feeling Ten thousand times worth wins.

Looking at the last soldiers ignited in the city, the sparks ignited by life, in the big tide of the army, the second defense is not shocked by this tragic scene, in a silent, Lie Di, launching a walkie-talkie First, I first ordered Jiang Feiyang's gunfire to transfer the position, and once again dialed with the shallow call: "Miss Liang, ready to enable the layout before the second defense line."

"Okay, I am laying the last defense, as long as you have a reminder, I can remotely command to detonate."

Listening to the response of the walkie-talkie, I looked at the first defense, I flourished into the Tiancheng to rush into the second defense, and the Tiger round and angry: "detonated!"

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