Heterogeneity company

Chapter 548 Attack Attack

The violent gunfire bombards over the red curtain wall and hit a corrugated wall slightly vibration, the moving tank cluster in the snow is constantly shooting during the attack, and this group of steel monsters in the end of the ear Before rushing to the Army Army Army Army.

Once again, I flew over halflight, and the scene of the next happened scene, the collision of the modern technology and the cold weapon era army, let him not help but see the military program in the military program before the World War II wave L Military tank's war, however, is different from the waves of the Drajet's ruthlessly crushed, the red samurai here has the combat power of the real world, and is strong enough to grower the progress of scientific and technological progress.

In the moment of the tank cluster and the enemy military array, this group of strong alien biodie is the use of flesh and blood. The tank cluster seems to be unable to stop. The motor of the tank is due to overloading. Changed that the current situation is blocked. This moment is difficult.

boom! boom! boom!!!! The sullenness of the metal collision and the harsh cutting sound came up from the far battlefield. After the initial blocking of the tanks, the Red Samurai army was constantly leaping on the tank body, waving the long sword in his hand. Above the tank, even though I have seen the combat power of this group of armors, I looked at the body of the smashing and the damaged body, or let the .

boom! A explosive voice came to the front of the red army martial arts, and Jiang Feiyang manipulated the soldiers finally put on the battle after the tank. A soldier who hung a grenade was jumped into the tank. My body, in my figure, I have to disappear. I opened my grenade's pull ring. After the deafening explosion, he was stunned by him, and the army who was firmly hugged was bombed. Subsequently fell back to the position. Life and death.

With this soldier, the soldiers were like dumplings, and they were jumped into the red samqucer. In this big soup pot, the explosion of the enemy was blown in the enemy's array, so close the intensive bombings completely The red samurai caught off guard, through the constant magnified picture, the first time I saw the fear expression in this group of monsters who had no emotional fluctuations, they saw creatures than themselves, regardless of them. How to cut this group of iron people seem to don't care, they have to do just rushing to detonate that there is no hesitation and hesitation.

As the voice of the explosion is getting more and more dense, the number of offensive soldiers has also fallen sharply, and the last wave of the soldiers jumped into the Red Samura military array, and the declined to fall to Samijan. , rushing the other party nodded to expand the third wave of attack.

I have long prepared for this moment, Sami Nirler, the reins in the hand, the reins of the hand, go forward: "Warlock Group! Devil's admire! Ready to shoot!"

After he ordered himself, he felt that there was a stunning situation that made him boldly came from the army. After the dozen, Samijina was also useful after the excellent effect of tapping the fire attack. Big Handwind This attack gave 10,000 two thousand magic warlocks, full forty Warlocks!

When the forty-dozen devil is admired from the rumor, he could not help but suffer from the autonomy, the body is rolled into it, before being crushed by the tank to crush the corpse of the battlefield in the battlefield of death. After that, all the bodies were quickly dried into flying gray.

In the face of such an attack Red Samurai, the army will make a react, and the death of the wounded is not going to step on the body of the companion, and reorganize the military array to mobilize the strength of the whole body, and a red light screen will appear again in the army. Before the array.

The black light column is hit by the red curtain wall. There is no previous vigilance, but after the light column is completely dissipated, the red curtain wall that is seen in the naked eye is dull.

"Attack! Offense!" Don't have to wait for Sami Ni, the Bay Lala tighten the horn, and the long sword blows.

Wan Ma Pentium earth contest, I have already posed the desire of the magic of the desire to fight, like the flood of the gate, the flood of the gate is running out, and the black iron flow sweeps the whole battlefield as a sharp knife. .

When this iron flow has collided with the dark red reef, it has always taken a rush of the army to the army who is difficult to walk, and the big military array has been tearing a big mouth to see a big mouth. There is a risk of being split.

"Small beams are ready?" Yan Yan asked by the headset while watching the battlefield situation.

"Ready! You can transfer it at any time!" Headphones came into response.

I nodded and smashed my eyes and swept the sky. The battle between the Eagle head and the monitor had a long time. At this moment, the hot fire in both parties is not worth a victory, and the words can now can't help them. I saw him a big hand and a small drone from the army from the army, and the low-altitude flying passed through the military array to fly to the enemy camp.

These drones have a drumful small cloth bag every two of each group, and this small cloth bag is a transformed explosive after the transformation, in order to cooperate with the shallow action West Fand I don't do anything about 50 maides, I don't do anything, specializing in the shallowness to put these explosives into the bag on the drone.

When these simple drones shook, when the Red Samura military array was flying over, the magic cavalry's offensive has been blocked in the almost crazy anti-crazy anti-crazy anti-madness. The two sides formed the global battlefield. The sound straight.

Just at this critical moment, a pack of explosives were thrown from the air from the air and fell in the red army samurai camp. At first, the red samurai had certain vigilance of these annoying little things, from time to time from the military array One or two attack bombards on the drone, after a while, the drone and the scattered cloth bag did not cause any reaction, it will not pay attention to the battle with the Mozu cavalry. .

Seeing this situation, he said on the face of the show, such as the hard moving ant generally manipulated the drone, faithful to carry out his own handling, and the explosives bags in the enemy are more and more, The smell that heard into the bubble noodles in his nose, and he kicked it on his side. He sat in the big mouth of his mouth. Jiang Fei Yang, who had a bubble surface, restored the body's strength: "How is your recovery?"

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