Heterogeneity company

Chapter 557 under hard work

Looking down at your chest cracking crystallization scales, sparkling broken knots, tangible with hand, constantly oozing from the wound, Lalajin looked up and looked to the silence: "What did you do?"

Nearly close electromagnetic shots plus Samiena interference, let him not make a response measures in the first time, but the understanding of their own ability and judgment on the attacking power, this two-generation electromagnetic bombardment is not enough Bringing such a harm to yourself, but the fact is that his crystallization defense has been bombarded with his own flesh, which makes Lalajin feel a disturbance and anger. Want - Free - Fees - View - During - White - Edition - Please - - - - -

"As you say, you said that you can stay in the world, how can you stay in some big cards! I will not prepare my ability and drive from myself before I will go." After the words were ridiculous, they held their own double boxing. After emitting those blades, they attached the vibration power. After using electromagnetic promotion, after most of the effort, the power of using resonance is thoroughly cleared, and can do this or absorb supercomputer After the calculation capacity has greatly enhanced the result after the rapid operation, it is only such a means to have a few times before being exposed by the other party.

"But I have been very pleased, although it is a pair of stupid things that I don't know the sky! But after all, I have to take a little true skill." Speaking, Ji La Jin reached out to the magic angle.

Looking at the magic corners that have different variations that have different variations from themselves have emit a weird red light. In the heart, I'm going back in the heart, although he is not so unhappy but still slow, watching the other party In the same place, the fist on his own, the squad is not too slow, but the other party is too fast!

A squad with the fastest speed turning, only one round of frying in the ear, with a metal debris, his body is like a gallop The shells of the shells flew out and fell to the ground.

One hand blocked Samijina almost madness, Lalakashi bowed his eyes down on the battlefield, he didn't know, and his fingers took a huge gas. I didn't divide my enemies. I rushed. All bombardments are above the battlefield.

The whole battlefield is angry, but also the day of war, the devil's two sides have to give up the battle in front, or to avoid or condense into a group of defensive stamped harden, and the battlefield is on the battlefield. Constantly rushing into the cloud.

Larakin is in the face of the life of these people. He is just a dead life. In the dust of the earthquake after the seismic wave recession, a picture of a blue light shield quickly attracted his attention to his attention. Taken, can't compare the resentment of the grievances. "There is such a strength in the small age. It is really that the heart of the heart is in the future, and it is good to kill it!"

Feel the Lalakin full of murder, use the electromagnetic force to play the position of the position of the position, and release the old blood in the corner of the face, La Jinfang only punches him. The left arm boke, then more than ten times were enough to sharpen a hill, and if he didn't have this new ability and plus the constant mechanical defensive wall block, I am afraid I have been smashed. The corpse is on the spot.

Thinking of this righteousness looked up to Lelakin in the air, two eyes were in the air, and they saw that they saw grievances and unparalleled killing from the opponent's eyes.

There is no multi-speak Raolin to raise his hand, it is a surge to explore, and the figure is shaking a longitude to escape from the original place, and the double boxing is constantly swinging in the air. .

"How to be stupid by my attack? Even a little more!" A big sleeve, a palm of the palm of Sami, looked at the electromagnette who wiped himself to the horizon. While speaking, there is no money to rush to myself.

Rao is a rumor to calculate the people's reactiveness, and the power of the opponent's power is too high, sometimes the number of times has a four-week space in the air, producing one. The shares of the shares have left to hide, but they will reveal the horse's feet, and the two in the body can't fell countless mouths.

"If you listen to me, you still think that you have more important! I don't dare to kill you! Yes! The above command can take the highest reward! But before the departure, if you can't catch it It is also possible to die! "That said that this La Jin's deputy young handsome face distorted to the horrible level, the finger is a burst of more than ten times, and the body falls. Swite: "So, I refused, you are still a corpse, let me go back to reward!"

Seeing that all the qi is about to catch up with the fall, he will kill the gold, but the next second, his smile is solidified in his face, this should be avoided, and there is a sudden disappearance. In his place where he was killed.

"Liquid nitrogen!" The annoying voice came from behind, Lalajin wanted to turn around, but I feel that the cold swept in the bone marrow, looking down at a white fog to cover himself, shrouded by mist The body surface quickly flies a layer of white frost body to be frozen to twist difficult.

"The heavens punishment!" The voice sounded again, and the sound of the thunder, La Jinwen looked up and looked at this only, I don't know when the snow falling in the sky has stopped, a huge black black cloud shrouded In the top of your own, the thunder is shining in the black cloud.

This guy has just been intentionally shot, just to activate this attack!

The Lalakin reaction came over the sky, and the mouth of his mouth was spoiled, and the whole body gas operation was adjusted while the spatial defense was launched while the spatial defense.

Looking at the amazing lightning strikes disappeared in the top of the dark black black fog, La Lingjin fails to maintain the two light curtains suddenly appear on the left and right sides of them.

"Plasma shell!"

"Bastard! I want to kill you!"

The roaring of Lalaki is not in the twinkling of the light of the joy, and the body is seriously injured. It doesn't have a rest, and there is no such thing as a little, and the figure is a long pace of a long knife that is attached to the vibration. In front of the front, the two-hand electromagnetic light shines, and it is still waiting for the two light to completely disappearing the double boxing. Push the long knife rushed to the air.

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