Heterogeneity company

Chapter 565, Chapter Battle

Blowing by the fruity wind and blowing a few hundred meters, several adjustments have stabilized their body shape in the air, adjusting the line of sight to the far-collapse of the mountain and the foot of the wolf, his mouth is awkward Get up, I really didn't expect to convert the whole earth ball into TNT, there will be such a big power.

"Cough and cough, such a big power, the guy will be there without a bone!" Lin Lao was brought about by dry cough with the hot waves of burning smell, and several times have a deep breath.

! "

Since coming to a series of battles behind the hell, Hu Wenjun and what he said, maybe it is limited to the realm and instructions, and maybe it will be to fight in the future. There is too big psychological pressure, and the hunger of the Hu Jiao's rebellion has a bombardment of two missiles on the two missiles. It has always been deeply influenced.

The actual situation is indeed the highest level of self-cultivation, the two missiles may make them seriously injured, but as long as they can't do one, they will kill them, there are countless letters, and the headache! But this way, he wants to hang this bad breath in his chest.

Thinking of this is in the middle of the shadow. It disappears in the original place. The next moment appeared in the mountains of Xuefengling, quietly looked at the eyes, and there was no way to stop.

"You missed my best time. You will pay for this price!" The original five senses in the mud is gradually formed, and the Lalan is still soft collapsed without a fixed cheek, grievances. The eyes look at the voice of the rock.

"It will be the third time in this twice, until you can't restore it again." Yan Yan said that the body's slightdded double punch is tightly offensive posture: "Come, Let me see if you have any means in addition to the big words! "

"Mergent is arrogant!" Was shameful in the eyes of the antity, and the thorious Lalajin roaring, and the magic corner of the magic is suddenly skyrocketing. The whole body table skin is covered with thick scales, then one after another The pair of dark red armor was hanging on the body and formed a crystallization defense in the periphery of the armor.

"Restriction release, boundary breakthrough, dragon power, heavy like Taishan, light as a rain, as lightning, ten times strengthening." Yan Yan also learned a series of abilities from the mouth.

boom! Waiting for the last word, a white, a black, two, a shadow, the air around the two punches seems to be distorted by torn and even space, Lalajin only feels the whole arm After the brake strengthening, it has an amazing defense and then adds the scales attached after the magic god. The armor produced by the best material, as well as the power of the top-level magic crystallization, the four-fold defense is bombarded before , The surface crystallization of the collapse beache is started to crack.

Although Larajin is difficult to accept this power change in the heart, the situation on the battlefield does not want him to say that the second punch has been slammed. He has to scream a whisper and roll up quickly. On the surface of the crystallization, the other party is unfolded, the two are not willing to make a slight retreat to attack the enemy's body, and the sound of the roar over the valley is continuously completed.

After the moment, after a hundred moves, Lalajin found that he did not only in the power, he fell in the power. He also began to be in a passive beat. This is the power of the thunder and thunder. Coupled with Jiang Donghu, Zheng Jiaru's ability to transform the body, and Xiaoxiao light as well as the impact of gravity on itself, his speed is, the more you play.

Anti-view pull gold not only has to continue to improve the speed, but also the impact of the inexplicable inexplicable to their own strength. It is more exciting to reduce the gravity when he moves. When the La Jin's body, it is instant to gravity. Not only such a rumor will also control the gravity to the Lalan body, so that he has to consume more plenty than the past every feet everywhere.

The two people have come from the beginning to play, gradually develop to Lalajin can only barely fight, and finally become the unilateral, and the more the fire is known. Continue to go to you, only the parties of the slaughter, not from the sky, the roar, and a punch, you will temporarily press the .

The two stylists were opened in two sections. They took this opportunity to adjust the breathing and recovery, and they showed that the sky is different. The other side of the Lalajin looks more than the wolf, and the silk is broken. Under the crystal crystal table, it is cracking to the armor debris that cannot be kept in the original shape, and the exposed scales are ooze a lot of blood drop from the air.

Lalakin gringe reached out to bring the broken armor to the valley, and the magic flooded out of the repair of the injured body and the crystal crystalization, he stacked his eyes firmly. In words, the arms raised the paws and frankly, and there is a strong gas stream between the two claws to constantly surging.

"Guard, with someone else to return to the middle army to do a good job of defense measures." He said that after reminding this earphone, the figure roses straight to pull gold.

The other party saw that the two hand posture did not turn the hands and the stomatology, and the body is very fast. The whole body is rolling to form a support for the long arrow. It is constantly moving to the squad.

"Instant!" Yan Yan drunk a whisper, and the body immediately disappeared from the same place after La Jin's body.

In the early way, the

Feeling the horrific momentum of your face, I immediately found out that this attack was more than ten times better than the fingers, and the bottom is ready to use the left eye. I will change this. There is no way to start with your own ability, as if space around it is blocked by a gas wall.

Seeing that avoiding the bones of the screaming and slamming, the body is back and retreat, and the shattered earth is burned into the fried, countless dirt broken blocks flying into the air, concurving into one stone wall. Blocking the attack.

"Iron wall!" I know that this kind of gas is not as common, and the arm simultaneously waving a lot of iron flow running out with the stone wall into integration to strengthen its defense.

boom! boom! boom! The walls of steel pouring and the gas are in the instant, the ground, the crushed stone is broken, two sides, three sides, the gas is all sight, the seventeen-sided iron wall is a powder.

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