Heterogeneity company

Chapter 574 is like a tornado

I looked at the knights from the sight of the knight from the storage of the store, Kahn. Samijina stood up from the seat, and got it on the onlookers. He wanted to know his younger brother. What surprises will also bring him.

"The monks of the owner, the defenders!" The knight said softly on one of the wooden box lids. After the Kaho swayed, the knight opened a smell of the box and the flavor mixed. spread.

Karn passed from the housekeeper to pick up the front and fine, it was a face of anti-corrosion-treated head shed, seeing it seems to be a man, some people can't think of a time. I have to ask: "Who is this person."

"After returning home, this person is the first level of rebellion."

"Who!" Kahn heard his army, not waiting for the other party to answer and lowned, don't care, and the messy hair was closely observed.

"Back to the big man is the head of Le Lajin!"

That's right! It's indeed! This rebellious! Kahn is a half-hearted, hi is the rescue star, the leader, the thief, the first work, the first work since the war, is the strength of Lalakin, which is clear than anyone, this person is defending the natural disaster Before the Legion, he had been in the road of practice and struggled to each other, until he broke through the upper limit of the Mozu, and he consciously broke through him, he chose betrayal devil as a payment to obtain a more powerful force.

With the strength of Fritz, it is his opponent. The only hope of winning is that the same move, at this moment, Kahn only felt a heartache and guilt, and the self-transcripts came back to the victims, but they did not speak. Asked whether this brother and the granddaughter are well, I think that this is whispered after he returned to his position, and whispered: "Are my brother and Xifer?"

"Xifer is very good, as for Fritz people consume too much because of the battle, there is still a rest before I started." The knight responded.

"You are saying that Frisse is still alive, he is just hurt?" Kahn wondered the look of hope in his head.

"Yes, the owner of the owner, Fritz adult just consumes too much to recover for a long time."

Kahn closed his eyes and gratified, and a big stone in his heart fell to random: "There is a light shadow ball of the battle process, take it out to show me."

"Some" Knights opened other boxes to take the light and shadow side from the other box: "Because I know the importance of this battle, Soviet adults have a large number of people in various battlefields to be responsible for the light and shadow record. Lunis Diwen blocked the Legion, some people have been recorded from the end. "Say this knight and shake his head:" It is unfortunately, the finals of the gods and Lelakin entered the depths of Xuefengling. Look at it from the distance that is really incentive ... "

"What do you say? Urinding the Grand Gold is that all ethium?" I heard the key token, Kah, broke the way.

"Yeah!" The knight said that his face was hired and said: "The big man raised two high-level high-level high-level, and then launched a shocking battle with Lalajin, straight-handed tacit changing mountains and rivers Finally, I only returned to the bodies of the Jarakin. "

Kahn heard the title of cold sweat and didn't ask, slamming the light and shadow of the game from the knight.

One day later, I watched the four times in the entire video process, I spit out of a breath, and my body sat back to the sofa to slow closing a little bit.

"Master, take a break." The housekeeper Buni Ann walked forward to persuade.

Karn Yang's hand is not used. From the other hand, I wiped the cheek along the wet towel and said: "I am not tired now, my spirit is very! I am expected, Xifer! Fritz them Due to a correct choice, the status of the Samikina family will soon boost too much. "

Saying that Kahn's armrest stood up and quickly came to the window, pushing the window to watch the scorpion of the manor outside the estate, smiling: "Bunan!"


"Go to order my guard, take people to take a few annoyed bugs outside the manor, one is not allowed to let go of the spot!"

Buni Annee was shocked: "The master thinks twice! After returning into the holy city, the devil god adult is strictly prohibiting all major family private equipment, which will not anger that adult!"

Kahn took the wet hair towel in the hands and threw it softly. "Now I am on the door of Friedri, and there will be more words, and there will be more words, the devil gods have always given us more than our family. I only used the faults in some families to be unbearable, and then the thresholds of the three are conspicuous. The devil's adults have to rely on these emerging power, now! "

Cold snoring Cartoon continues: "Those guys always boast your record and how to do your record, now I have a big performance, I have to go to the Samika family, these mortars think that this battle must take the opportunity to pull I caught me, people who came to surveillance were too lazy to cover up. If I don't do it, I'm trying to see my Samika family weak, telling Lucas, if someone is blocked. The manor is standing on the high pole skull hanging on! "


"Wait!" Samijina shouted to turn the Buni to leave, said the light shadow of the table, said: "Copy the contents of this light and shadow ball to other light and shadow, send it to me. In the hands of other homes, the three days of the conference they know what to do, there is also the contents of the content, and copy a group of light shadow balls, and select a batch of beautiful hands and loud people in the reliable and guard. The city promotes, I have to know this big victory in three days. "


"There is still one thing!" Samijina handed down to the Pakistan or open told: "Focus on this lens of Codi and my brother, the little girl commanded the battle of the battle, and this is this Yan Tang Dragon Dragon Dollar should focus on promoting, you will also send some people to spread it is the rumor of the illegitimate illegitimate sons, pay attention to this matter, you have to do this. "

"Master, is this good? Do you not say this person is not the middle of my magic?" Bunan's brow is somewhat.

Karn sighed to go to the table, fingers in the light shadow ball, turned to swear and smile: "It is now today, it is not! In order to inspire my magic morale, how can it fall to the intermediate, the magistan gods The name of the whole hell is unattended, I don't want to see more than a good son for more. "

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