For the arrogant history of the devil's voice, the alien love history, sitting in the heart of Kah, listened to a moderate model, only remember the final affectionate conclude, the mother of this child is like me. The body of the ectopic face, although he can't bear my basement because of the reason of the excitement of the blood, he can think of father and son friendship, and reach an agreement with the cornerstone to resist the enemy. It is the fortunate of my family.

Speaking of finally, the young magic god agent turned his head to the Lehman who was sweating in the ground. Friedrich asked: "Do you still feel that he is a murrpentine?"

This sentence completely defeated the hard-supported Leman, turned from single knee to the ground and greeted the sin, said that he did not dare, ignored the Lehman, such as the mysterium, young people looked around the audience. "" Is there any doubts about this for this child? "

doubt? The devil is saying that no one dares! The whole family is not divided into emerging, all of you see me, I will see your face, if the adults of the Devil, they will be in an extremely embarrassing position, including Kah, Sa In Mikina, although most of the family members of the family are descendants of the devil, their ancestors' son's son is dead for thousands of years ago, even in accordance with the long life of the Mozu. It is a seven-life grandchildren who pass to Kahn.

Although the magic gods, although the romance but also knows that they will be self-respecting. In addition to the two special characters in the magic status, this adult has no new child! Nowadays, there is a much noble biological son from the perspective. This is to go to the holy city. Don't say that the family status is the old Barbar, which is higher than him, is called the old ancestor.

He smiled in the corner of the magic god of the colored income of everyone. "I heard your granddaughter and hey, Enshen Tang Anqing?"

Kahn got up and waved by the devil without having to be behind, and sat back and trembled: "This is all folk rumors, folk rumors."

"Is this good! I have seen the image of Lang Talent, she is a daughter of the Bai Lang family. It is currently Qatar plus a leadership." The young man said the eyes of the conference hall paid on the place.

The Balang family holy city is long, and the gods are gone: "After the adults of the devil, Xifer automatically inherited the leader of Qatar plus autonomous leaders from her mother."

"The Bayon family has also been one of the 20th nobles. It is difficult for her to make a small age to rush to revitalize the family. From today's resumption of the Balang family, the Queen's Qualification is hanging from the Queen Temple."

Tong, the Bay Lang family's long single knee is covered with a knot and crying: "Thank the devil grace blessing, my Balang family is willing to reinvigorate the Glory of the devil for the devil."

The Devil Watched the Satisfied Satisfied, picked up the fruit on the table and went to the mouth to continue to ask: "That rebellion was, can have a trill to return to the Holy City."

"Yes!" Kahn got up and patted the palm. When I was waiting for a long time outside the temple, I held a wooden box to go to him. Kahn took the box to open the box, and the hand came to the neighborhood.

The Devil took the eye horns and scanned the head of Lalajin, Kahn took back to the guards to the guards, and then the guards were overwhelmed by the wooden box. The color of the head in the scorpion is the color, and the person who is implicated will not be able to spit it up.

Until the people, the demon gods raised their hands: "Take it on it, hang it in the mast gods, the column is shocked!"

Seeing the guard's response from the hall, the Devil continued: "The last rebellion in the La Jin family, this family is completely rewarded from our family family, his family badge is a long arrow! As an illegal rebellion The two families of Samiena and Balang, I approved a broken arrow on its ethnic emblem to show and commemorate this big job! Other participants can write this battle into the family tree to circulate, after the meeting A detailed battle process and the list of participants, after verifying, the Devil's Temple has rewarded from the commentory! "

"The gods of the gods, thank you, thank you!" Gunnan gave birth to Xie En.

After receiving the worship, the goddess is returned to the goddess to continue to ask: "This battle, the savior, the rescue, the deceased, the rest of your home, is there any special request for the reward, do you have any special request?"

Kahn did a hurry to get up again: "After returning to adult, for you to retreat for the devil's retreat is the branch of my generation, the glory of the adult is already light ..."

"Don't say these compliments, what is the requirement, even if you don't mention it, you will still repent you to cry with outsiders, blame, I don't believe it, you are!"

Perhaps it is a big victory that is a big victory. The mood is getting pleasant. The words of the magic gods are rare. The game is laughing, and the Kahn is not good, and the official smile is said: "The genus is thick The face is open, this first, because of the previous mistakes, not only in the outside of the army, not only in the holy city, it was also cut into the power of the lead, these two big winning caused by the granddaughter, Also think about the devil. "

"Okay, this, I clearly restore the status of the Balang family, naturally given the corresponding right, from today, the Balang family can take the people's hand to restructuring the Thorns Flower Knights in the Holy City, I will make the holy Chengxi Fusher can be self-supporting the soldiers outside the country, and the number of people cannot exceed 70,000! "

"Xie Devil God's Great Grace!" I just grateful to the eyes, I grateful to my eyes, then worship Xie En.

"Continue to say what you want."

"It is the old-grade of the old-fashioned, who will have the old-fashioned older, and they should enjoy the age of the year, but for my magic, they should be respected!"

Listening to Kahn, the venue includes the emerging aristocrats, all of them are moving, and the battle of the power of the light and shadow is already one of the most famous topics in the holy city. Some people are The group of old swearing is moving.

"Hey!" The devil gods he sighed: "Our family is now forced to be so desperate, the force is stretched, and the new strange war tactics in this battle is not lost. I have opened up a new combat idea. I still remember I have heard a saying that I have heard in the cornerstone, and the old man is in! I will give the Army Mission, the army of the army, the title of the army, and the life of the war, and the old-fashioned troops given the Tiger Wei Jun. Army flag. "

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