Heterogeneity company

Chapter 579 Mission comes

After listening to this, I haven't worried about it. The heart is happy, but I will have a good heart to win, although the experience of this time makes it calm, but he is still a good brave in my bones. Twenty-year-old boy who fights.

I was sitting on the seat and said that the humble words were deeply righteous, and I took the fruit tray to grabbed the smoke in his mouth, put the fruit on the table, a voice broke him. Be careful: "I can't compare it. In fact, I am so happy to be happy! Lying for so long, smoking more fruit!"

In the face of his old sister, I only got the fan, I listened to Zhao Yuanhu, who came with my sister, said: "You are coma, Xifer sent a few waves to detect the disease. We stopped, just in the past few days, we got up between the Mozi and the Mozu outside our manor. "

"Well?" : "What is going on?"

On the side, I will fly over the words: "I have a missions from the Holy City. I have to take over the power of the army. When I will take over the power, the Samijina is willing! If the two sides have, I don't know them. The inside is dealing with the following, and later, the mission was sent several times to see you or have been returned by Lin Lao. This is not to infiltrate into the manor, and have not yet entered the scope of investigation. First, I was first discovered by the people in the peripheral Xifer's hand, and the results were still a mission, and the two sides were played outside the manor. "

"Hey! How about the winning?" Listening to the , , ,, ,

Pick up a magic specialty fruit on the table, worried about half a day, I would like to bite Hu Wenjun, I can't hold it, I can't help it: "This fruit is not bad! Do you ask the winner? Xifer ate Lost the other party's master, but later adjusted the army under the pressing of the number. "

"How many people are these missions? What road?" He is interested in the chair and asked in the chair.

Hu Wenjun glanced at Jiang Feiyang. This guy who can't always like to listen to it. "This is really asking everyone, how many people don't know how much this mission is, but the army is not a servant The Mozu soldier has three thousand people, what is the origin? I didn't touch it, but I heard the Xifer sent soldiers who were responsible for this peripheral defense. These people and Xifer did not pay for the power. However, Samiki's two new people have just won the heart of the heart, and the other party has not succeeded! Nowadays, three thousand people are stationed in their own way, and they are not going to die in the town of Xifer. I don't know what ghosts! "

Is it a defraud that it is said: "What attitude towards us?"

"Didn't touch it, I don't know, but I have been so good, I also show this outstanding strength! No matter what is said, it is a fragrant!" Zhao Yuanhu said.

Hu Wenjun nodded and said: "This is that they have been thinking about us. If you don't talk to Lin Lao, you will say them."

"See you must be seen. After all, the mission is from the Holy City to see the mouth of the Holy City, but we have a league with Xifer, since each other has already showed her. Such a obvious hostility, we are not very good to meet the Sifer and the meeting, or wait for the group to come back from the cornerstone, everyone discuss it, then notify Xifer to carry out the first time I met. "Yan Yan finger tapped his handrail.

Hu Wenjun heard a happy smile on his face: "You are really much more mature than putting the investigation hall, just press you to report to Lin Lao."

Jiang Feiyang saw two people to make a decision of the table proposal: "After the secret of the mysterious secret, after you wake up, the investigation department reported to the time difference according to the two faces, I don't know if I can come back, in you In a coma these days, we have been sticking to the post. The Hu Qun also has old Peng. Xiao Xue is more miserable. After the hell is, I have never left in this manor. Now, you can wake up, you can go out and stroll! "

"Do you come back? Old Qi? Have him two," I thought of this teammate in the team, I said that my eyes shine.

"How is the person who cares about you! People are good! You can still be yellow! Let's say it!" Jiang Feiyang turned a white eye.

Yan Yan listened to the old Hu, Hu Wenjun saw the cough two: "This is not very good, you make a decision!"

I saw that Hu Jiao kicked back, and I thought about the status of the Mozu today, and there should be no one again. Although he is still cautious: "Then I don't care, but pay attention to safety. Not allowed to fall, collectively take my positioning instrument each person, and it is only allowed to be active in the town of the refuge. "

"OK! Well! We know the teacher!" Jiang Feiyang said with his mobile phone from the quite to throw it: "Come to the brothers' mobile phone renovation, I went out to take this prison The wind and tread of the face will be alive. Go back to publicity and publicity. I don't know what is the ghost place. Everything high-tech products have been finished, it is overwhelmed by the ability! I will give me! "

Jiang Feiyang said such a few more people, it is interested, it is hard to come to the ectopic side who doesn't want to stay a point of commemoration, and take out the mobile phone to request the transformation, and the words will be able to attach his ability to attach his ability. I shook my head and smiled: "I never thought that I will use my ability to give people a mobile phone."

"You still use it through the ATM machine! Don't say that the investigation department is unfamiliar with this craftsmanship." Jiang Feiyang smiled and took the ability to adhere to the ability, pulled the two The man ran in the rush downstairs.

Not much, the closed door of the original investigation has been slowly pushed away. The members of the three-five groups of investigation halls said that smile came out, this group of wearing the same uniformity distinguished from the people of the Mozu existing people The attention of multi-party forces.

A figure in the dark leaves their original surveillance position, speeding up this important intelligence to the master behind them.

Inside the new landmark, Qatar, a new landlord, who consciously, is not enough to follow the Xifer who followed the situation, is training the house to receive uncle Bird and the uncle outside the Saitz. Samijina's special training she launched. After once again, she was correctly corrected by her, she was allowed to take a break in this time the door of the training hall was opened.

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