Heterogeneity company

Chapter 582 Town Town Travel

"Do you know! This is the shortcomings of the office love, it is dead, you look at the old king, Lao Qi is final! I told you that I want to understand that I will never find us. When a colleague of the hall is a wife. Https://www..L "Jiang Feiyang let Peng Lang gave himself a picture of the accompanying companion to the accompanying companion.

Since the manor, there is no far in the investigation hall, the Hao Hao team has completed the diversion, according to the instructions of the ,,, according to their respective relationships, it has become three teams according to their respective relationships.

The first team is the woman's brigade headed by , Xia Dang. In addition to the next Xue does not leave, the former God of God who has a slogan with Xia Dynasty, after the Snow Fengling In these two months, I don't know what the dialect between the two people is successfully mixed into this team, and the opposite textbooks in Jiang Feiyang, Wang Wenze and Qi Dou, the heart is willing to follow the goddess of God. This is a cheap labor force for purchasing the army.

The second team is that Ye Ruo is a member of the upper generation elite team, which is responsible for training new people, and Zheng Jiaru and Jiang Donghu are the same member of Ye Ruo, Ye Ruo. I don't want to play, but the two people's death hard bubbles have had to come together with the two.

The remaining third team is a single dog brigade who is not painful. The captain Jiang Feiyang, the player Peng Lang, Ji Hua, Kong Lin, as for the performance of his performance in Xuefengling, Jiang Feiyang although I didn't like him but also sent an invitation to it. I was very interesting after being colored by the other party. And Hu Wenjun had to leave the words and serious illnesses. Many things that need to be cleared, so that they have not been accompanied.

"Also, you want to understand! I see you can't find it!" Throwing Jiang Feiyang's mobile phone back in his hand. Peng Lang sat.

"I don't know who I want to chase people, Zhao, being used as a blame!"

"Hahahaha!" Hui Hua and Kong Lin were coming with the sound and laughed.

Silted by Jiang Feiyang is not angry and shooting the shoulders of the brothers helpless: "There is no way, the survey is small, this female agent is a rare baby. Oh, this old summer never took the flower fallen leaf brothers. I can't fall in my hand, I don't even mention Xiao Zhao! Look at the squats in the two months, in addition to his sister is the most upstream, Two people are now on the window, I can't run. ! "

"It's also!" Penglan nodded, and Side, Kong Lin smiled: "Is there still the foreigner? Zhang's multi-brought!"

"Brothers, don't say that she is the future of the overseas investigation to go back in the future, is that she is born, I dare to marry her? Unless I want to completely destroy otherwise, you will wait for the non-stop investigation Let's take a wake up in the back of Kong Lin, and then muttered: "It is the mother of the sister! This degree is high and beautiful!"

Said that he felt that other three people looked at them like a monster, and they couldn't help but cough two times: "How do you have a sister?"

"Let's just let it! I have to be guilty of the people, I have to have this little scorpion investigation hall, but if you really have this, I advise you to take advantage of me to see a team of ginger and this thought, people I used to protect the other month for a few months. The relationship is more close than you. "Jiang Feiyang scared his mouth.

"Really!" Hui Huixin thought it was seriously thinking about a look.

"I have gone, I really said that today, today is coming out!" Jiang Feiyang took the neck of Jihua, and hooked him a few people to talk to the town.

Although the words say, the real situation is cruel than the real world's variety of entertainment venues. The entertainment life of the Mozu is really lacking, and after passing the three circles in the whole town, I have to feel the Moz. The people have no enthusiasm for themselves, and the four people really have no more desires, until this time, Jiang Feiyang sees the library signboard that seems to be in any plane, this is pulling three companions The door went in.

When the four people entered the pub, the original people were quietly quiet. Everyone's eyes fell on these four heads without a magic corner, and they were in the people who were wearing a wonderful costume, in Xifer and Samiki. Under the two major families, all the Mozu in the present, all the allies who fight against themselves, but suddenly encountered a time but I don't know how to say.

I smiled and smiled at the unparalleled eyes. I said: "Don't go back!"

"I am walking!" Kong Lin said that it is necessary to retreat to the door, just come at this time: "Stand!"

This shouted that Kong Lin was immediately prepared, but he saw a veteran to stand in front of the wine, and the top and down took a lot of Jiang Feiyang and reached his neck. I shouted: "It is him! It is the fire support for this kid to help us retreat a wave of red scorpion!" I said that he reached out and pick up a glass of wine and shouted: "Respect warrior!"

"Warrior!" Everyone in the Pub lifted the cup.

"When I came in, I invited you to drink a cup!" The old man took the glass of wine and took a shot of Jiang Feiyang's shoulder and smiled and invited.

It's easy to get a lot of pleasant, and the old man has a very popular person in the pub, and there is a popular figure in the pub. It is constantly talking about the two sides to talk about the respect of the respective worlds. There have been a variety of novelty legends that have not seen the world.

"You are said that you can mobilize any spells, only by a kind of oil can sprout the alchemy, faster than the eight hooves, flying is higher than the eagle head!" A long-awaited voice is sweet and sweet. The magic girl, glaring at the incredible eyes worshiping Jiang Feiyang asked.

Regardless of this kind of sound in any language, it seems to be easily easy to obey the psychological line of single men, let alone have a few cups of wine, a little fluttering Jiang Feiyang, heard this, I can't help but pride, "Of course!" I said that he took out the phone to open a movie video and pressed the play button.

All the Mozi in the pubs came up. Looking at the sci-fi movie in the screen, there are many booming buildings in the middle of the building, which is full of prosperity, and the huge mother ship sent by the enemy is light and easy to destroy. And the air attack line of the jewelled rays, all the magic people, you see me, I will show off the color of your face, the cornerstone is so strong!

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