Heterogeneity company

Chapter 596, Da Exhibition

After the scream, the words of the tiger were straightforward, and the flesh of the fingers was connected. After a moment, he took a few ways to force a few upper monsters, and the five shells were condensed. The electric light flashed the five-round full-power electromagnet gun through the enemy array, and the six mission of the Moisto in this series of dazzled attacks, the dodge was not directly screened.

This is not enough to kill the heads of the prior to the previous plans, and the electric light shines straight to the Tempided Temcer.

Looking at the rumor, one person rushed into the enemy, the quarter, then chased the crazy appearance of the Di Tima ass, the gods of Meisi floated to the forest. "Do you say that you have to deal with Dit Ma? How can he go up! Is it still working on the original plan? "

Lin Lao's brow, a wrinkle, sigh: "The young man's strength expansion is too fast, he is a lot of rushing by the impulse, and the time is afraid that it will be dangerous. If you have no points, we will go down, everything. According to the original plan. "

It is said that the completion of the forest and the left old fly to Sami Nae: "Mr. Sami Na, we have to kill the enemy?"

"It is here!" Samijina smiled and went straight to the battlefield after two people.

Bewron saw this situation and taking the opportunity to order: "The whole army attacked the people with the people!"

Ordered that the 30,000 soldiers who have been clear about the dragon to the dragon, no more hand-held edge, sing: "! !" And then launch an attack to kill like a big camp.

After the mission in the camp, the army was once after a series of incidents, but they could not choose surrendering because they had the cause of the muddy fight.

In the shouting of the soldiers, Lin's old three, who came down, squeezed to the war, although the goal was grouped by the goal, but also known that Lin is always for it, it is finally at this moment. Think of him to formulate the plan, turn your eyes to the remaining four aristocrats.

Seeing that two of them have been besieged, and they raised their hands and slammed the Mozu who had stopped the rest of the two: "You are mine!"

It was blocked with Beliner to see a darkness in the dark, from the bottom of the mad metal interracial person to fear, now being stopped, there is no way to fight.

"This kid is not in the madness of the madness, and the realm is low, I am so low, we are careful that two people teamed up to clamp or have breakout opportunities" Beliner's hand sword.

"This person will kill the release of the release, even if his realm is returned, but the combat experience is still there. If you don't want to make a whole battle, you will make it full of attacks, and strive to take it!"

Dasler said that this moment was instantly launched the magic gods. The head of the magic, the body was finally constituted in a skyrocket and contraction, and the tyrant was a black light disappeared in the same place. He disappeared with him. Beileina with simultaneous changes.

Have a few times and the Mozi's experience, I have never blamed this, and the two people's action trajectory is clearly outlined, and they raise their hands and return to the side. Return at Sleles, a series of action, cloud flow, no sorrow.

This is another benefit of La Jin's origin on his body transformation. After he mechanization, its own body's ability to play the limit depends on three elements. If he can, the upper limit of the material yourself, the second herself awakened, three he My original physical quality is limited, the first two have been steadily improved in the process of rumor, and the last element has not been able to break through the bottleneck to achieve the perfect balance of the bottleneck because he doesn't have this.

This is also one of the reasons why the body reaction has improved in the body after absorbing Zheng and Jiang two, and now he relies on the blood brakes to rely on this short board.

boom! A rumor came, two figure flashed and said to the boxing of the Boxer, and the body is fast if the lightning side is kicked in the dark, the Beliner abdomen, the Beliner abdomen, the fly, it does not pursue it.

, It is strengthened the speed, but their two power can be weak than Friedri, the Buna Passear is a strong flying, and the two people are more exciting.

"How do you do this? If so, I advise you to surrender! You save me, I can save you, you will give you a good time." Yan Yan hurts the two people shrugged in the words.

"Maden mad!" Was forced to have been ridiculous again, Dasler, Beliner unscrupulous violence of two palms of ten deaths, continuously gathered in the palm, then a boxing two contained the upper magic The devil's god of the law came straight.

. .........................

"How is this possible! How did you do it!" Dasler, who had seen it before, after the occurrence of attack, the eyes did not turn his eyes, seeing him, just standing in the same place. After the hard work, after the attack, after the attack, he completely defeated his common sense and asked in a crazy.

However, it seems that the two people have not enough, and the right hand came back in the air to release a lot of death, and the law turned back and forth. The law contained in its inner is not the heart: "The god of God is admired! It belongs to your unique skills, so I want to learn! I can clearly control the power of so many deaths, but I have never condensed it together like you. It will make such powerful moves, slightly regret! "

"Hey !!" Bellina and Dasler's big Zhang, looked at the power of the death of the death of the death, the two seems to hear the heartbroken sound from his body, follow It is the anger and jealous of the sky.

Samijina, two traitors! They gave this universal nucleus in the end to have such an immecess! Moreover, there is at least five rules! Five kinds! And two of them are those who have seen people in the family.

A interracial person actually absorbs so many demon cores, and yourself! I was only rewarded by the Devil's Temple when I broke through the Magic, I just!


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