"Bastard!" Ye Ruo is in a low sentence, or is not familiar with the race rules, and it should be considered that it is not a context. If this is an aircraft, according to the style of the office, it is necessary to borrow a handle. Artifacts come to participate, one of themselves or the rules, and let the blood brakes first.

"Old leaves, what should we do now." He looked forward to the sky with no one in the distance.

"Unfortunately, I am not proficient in space spell. If you want to break space, you will be unable to do. It's good to go in. It is also a rumor. There is Xia Zong and Lao Zheng. Their strength should be in his heart. It doesn't need to worry for their safety. "Saying Ye Ruo, the sword holder of the waist, watched the other small teams around the other teams:" We should now worry about how to stick to it in the outside, good to come out Give support. "

I would like to hear the words and neutrality, I raised the stress when I was said: "You said that they will do our hands, now the blood brake is dead, it is not fixed."

"All is not allowed, I don't understand, now you still don't understand? This is a game that is related to the future of your own, I don't expect other places to make good heart, I will comply with Dao Yi." Said this leaves The eyes are not far away, and after the disappearance of the words and others, they have no intention to sigh to the magic community of ourselves here: "Now you, I am the best prey in other people."

In the case of the income of the three players, in particular the disappearance of other people's deterrence, let the investigation hall, the survey department, and immediately become the weakest in the field. Forces, if you choose priority to eliminate the target, they are undoubtedly the best way to get the object.

At the same time as Ye Ruo worried about his own situation, he looked up in a wide grassland, he looked up the crow group in the sky, and then looked at the two blood brake members in front of him. It has been the worst case.

"I have reached this point, there is no need to bring a mask, pick it up, let me see if there is an acquaintance!" Soon after being dragged into blood, I was obviously seen after I was dragged into the forest and summer. Language, but after a twisted space is turned after recovery, it will not find other people's traces, prepared for a month of the field group war preparation, the result is still separated by people to fight, Worried about the safety of my sister and my companions, let the rumor have become anxious and uneasy, and the eyes are not good at the front two people.

"You are , sorry, let you down, there is no old acquaintance here, you should be a first time." A Subsequently, the people have a sorcerer, and the mask is still next to it, and the blonde is like a waterfall. Under this hair is a white woman, a beautiful face, now this The beauty of the soul is using the tenderness of the water, and the autumn waves are secretly sent.

"Is there a man in the magic world?" It is clear that the long knife is indifferent to the opponent.

"Hey, , in many faces are not only the people like me like me, is there people in the world?" The woman is slightly dissatisfied with the hands of the chest, actually like Popularize the lover to Yan Yanjiao.

However, her appearance is still difficult to maintain in the next moment. Her voice just fell into the original place. When she was noticeable, a long knife was still pulled up, and the flowers were out of color. The woman's figure is back, but it is too late to say that it is faster than her. It is almost close to his body and the long knife is like a blast, and it is rampage from multiple angles. How to escape from the woman, I can't escape the calculations, and there is no anesthes on her body, and I have left more than ten knife marks on my body until it comes out of the blood and the air. A pink blood fog, I am worried that the fog has a swindle to slow down the attack, which makes her breathing machine.

"It's a stinky ghost that I don't know!" After the woman stood, she looked at her wolf and watches. He looked at himself to cut the knife and cut it, suddenly angry and angry to Yan Yanjiao.

Switch into an internal respiratory system, wounding the unique powder fog fell on the woman, found that the scratches of the other side were scored by themselves, and he said that this will be recovered. Ridicit: "Sick regeneration, it seems to be a member of God's desire, what is the relationship between Suhbar, a newspaper, my name, I don't have a name."

"Hey, kid! Are you quite confident?" From the beginning, he served as another blood brake member who was played by the woman himself, he wanted to say cold.

"Don't say it? That happens, don't blame me, I am not mood now and you will waste time here." He said that his left hand is aiming at the woman's head to start attack.

"Are you worried about your companion?" The white woman was crushed under the simply sorting, and the smile of charming and moving again. Nowadays, the robe crushed her beautiful enchanting figure, in her intention to sell It is even more tempting to add.

I heard this problem, I stopped the movement in my hands, I copened that myself poked my opponent's pain. The woman giggled to a smile, and the beauty of her eyes was so loudly. "Unfortunately! You can't see them in this world, I am Amontina, who wants to send you to the death goddess of hell."

boom! The electromagnetic gun of the palm of the palm is out.

"Hell, I have already been to you, don't you send it, as for Goddess? Sorry, I didn't see the old lamma, I saw one." After the shell, rushed to Amontina, and the long knife Aligned with your neck, sharp blade is like a hot knife and tangee, and easy to draw each other's body.

Looking at the beautiful head of the feet of his feet, people who didn't believe that people who came to participate in this contest would be so easy to be killed by themselves, so he did not feel easy to increase 120,000 vigilant, and the body side jumped out far away Stay away from the blurred body that is planted to the ground.

And the facts did not guess, the wonderful figure that just looks beautiful, it is turned into a beach in the blink of an eye, and this is the trend of the mud, which is constantly expanding, but the rotten mason flip between breathing The scope has far exceeds the limits that their body can accommodate, spread to the foot of the righteousness.

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