Heterogeneity company

Chapter 771, a rough negotiation

I just wanted to talk about Amontina's breath, and I swallowed back and swallowed it. It was not because of the gentleman's style, but after a blue light flashed, the death that was killed by himself could not die. Dtrich, once again appeared in front of him.

I looked at the foot of the Ashes, and looked up and looked at the twisted neck to raise the double dagger. I was ready to start attacking myself. When I fell into the confused, speed and regenerated? impossible! Even if he has the ability of Sulbar to kill the bully meat, you can still speed and regenerate, it should be recovered by yourself, how can you run?

With such a doubt, he was retreated with his hand in front of this Dtrich II. The two sides did not talk to the short hand, and the other side is not a righteous opponent by his anti-hand, after a knife. I took a thunder-electric iron fist through Dtrich's chest, took out my mechanical arm, and the soft drop of this body was in my feet, and I didn't hurry to destroy the dead, but I didn't go through the eyes. Staring at this body, he is going to see what the other party will play.

After less than two minutes, or that place was still the blue light, when another Dtrich appeared in front of him, he smiled very loudly.

This new Dtrich did not rush to start attacks, but he looked at the probilization of the squadron who helped his face and laughed: "How is my combat method ridiculous?"

"Cough and cough!" After laughing, he had coughfully, and the body kicked the body and kicked the body. He smiled: "I said that your sense is a little bit of death, but use this way Live live people to death? A speed and regeneration, a hide is in the dark, you? Do you have a three tires! I killed you, have you come out? Four cells? Five tires? Or seven Tire? How much is it together! One is a gourd to save your grandfather! "

Decorated by his ridicitated Delhi, I didn't talk, but it was hidden in Amontina in the void. I listened to my words and said that it was a smile: "We don't have as you like you. The origin of the origin is love, can engage in a few big one of the origin seeds, who makes our head people, can only be secretly doing some hands and feet! And say that you think that you are like you, do you have a good fight? It was eliminated by us. "

I can't reformed, Amontina stepped forward: "I know what you are thinking, and we are entangled, but you can get it! First leave this place and your companions will solve us? I advise you Cancel this idea, come in and start you release your nano robot to explore each other, find your companion? Hehe, I can tell you by truth, here is an interior of a space system artifact You and those who have been pulled into the independent space, you want to get stripped, remove us or we take the initiative to put it out, do you think you can do! "

Speaking of this Amontina doesn't have much: "I understand that you want to find my own body from the beginning, use your Huaxia tactics called the thief first, if you are in the outside world, you may succeed. In the outside world, although there is also a space system as auxiliary, it is not a possibility that the artifact has been found to be flawed. It is not as unlucky with the Slee Slee, but here is within the artifact, not proficient in space lame You didn't find the possibility of my true body! Gigbling! "

"How is it desperate! We may not overcome you, but you have no way, can you support your two teammates? Although I am fighting my teammates, I have to say He is very unmanned, hey! There is also a little girl who is pulled into space, oh, I don't want to think about what to get to you! "

The proud Amontina continued to move the will of his words: "Listen to my words for your friends, I can guarantee you after you take the initiative, I will put you with my companions. Safety leave this place, you can record our words, if we have not reached a promise afterwards, you can launch our revenge after the game, never a violation of the match system, how to think about it! For your friends ! "

Looking at the words that heard this, Dtrich and Amontina did not continue to attach attacks, leaving him full thinking time, she did not deceive him in this thing, organized Their mission is only one thing that is dragged, if you can force him to exit the game is a big work! If you agree that they ask for active to withdraw from the game, the rest of the two people will be in their eyes, and they will not affect the overall situation.

"It seems that you are really painful for me!" Just in the middle of the two, he looked up and looked out to remove the brightening smile, then slowly solve his mechanical state. , Rushing to shake the green bracelet of your wrist, this moment is in Amontina, which is detrich or hidden in the dark, is widened, staring at him next, will be started action.

The suddenly stopped at the edge of the bracelet, looked up and showed that the eyes of the two were not trustworthy: "After I quit, you will really abide by the commitment to let me have two companions? They are still alive now. ! You can don't play! "

"I assure you that they are still alive now, but how long can I live to see your decision!" Dtri hurriedly speaking.

"Yes! I can swear the reputation of God, as long as you quit our two companions to leave the artifact space, I can even guarantee you in the next game, if you don't deliberately target your remaining players, if If they have strength, I get a good grade to get a reward is not there! "Amontina saw that there is a turnover and attached.

"It seems that I can only give up for my companion, but if I found that you didn't abide by our promise, I swear, I will find you to smash your corpse!" The left hand holds the right hand wrist bracelet looks at Dortri bite tooth teeth threatened.

"Of course, we will definitely follow your commitment!" Dtrig is staring at the words and once again.

"Hey!" A no longer sighed from the mouth of the mouth.

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