Location? When you pull us into this space, you should be on the body, then you should be your own, after the battle, we have been making friends why I didn't know it! "


Dtrich listened to the words, saying that the brow is slightly thoughts, suddenly knows: "It is a smoke bomb! It is when I release a smoke bomb! At that time, you have already exchanged the body!"

This time, I didn't talk, I had an answer, Detri saw that she should be observed, since then, after the future, I didn't pick up the face, but this change I don't know the side of the bottom, who can I notice in the battle between electric light? I think that I have a good force, but I am helpless, my head is helpless, and I am so angry, I have a hard work, I'm going to be bored, I have a good way.

"So, you will not have my abilities at all. Your mechanical body has been playing!" I ignored Dtrich, who had lost their fighting spirit, Amontina's hand crawled from the ground, staring at the eyes The words are evil.

"Yes, your abilities can actually form an image inside the pure mechanical body, and I have learned your ability through the back of it." I think of the three passing to send to my own image. I have the heart to Amontina. "I must admit that your ability is really powerful. If you are not your premature exposure, you have excellent control skills, let me have a prevention measures in advance, otherwise I will The body is really in your move, and you will really add it, you are drilled by you. "

"Hehe, now, what is the use of this, we have missed the best time to kill you! Say how you are going to place us." Amontina said while stretching his hand to your own.

"If it is a team member of other planes, I will open it on the net to make my bracelet to quit the game, as for you! I think you should know that you should have a good thing to be a water, not You die is dead! You have not pulled off the bracelet now, I want to come to the death command! What else is there? It is your own way! Or I will send you! " After the end of the machine, the side of the surface is divided into the side, and the two are stopped on both sides. As long as it is slightly moving, she will hurt the killer.

"Self-discracery? He is too small. Our sense of people! The man who died in my hand is at least one or two hundred, I have long thought of such a day, I want to let me know that you will tell you is a thought. Amontina, who was not wretched, suddenly became hard, and said that the side of the story came to the side of Detri Hero: "Delich! Look at what you are now When did you prepare for decadent? At the end, it is not as good as you are going to die. "

"Shut up! I still don't want to be educated! Now I don't talk about any side effects. I will die, I have to tear a piece of meat from !" Dtrich said to reach out A bottle of a bottle of orange-red liquid, open the bottle of a pungent taste, rapid spread, this bottle is the hormone that Suhebaru uses the hormones that use his own abnormal refining, The various refining materials are refined. Since Suhebaru is dead, this thing has become a bottle of a bottle of scarce, for this contest, for the finals, for the last juncture Fight!

Drinking itself will have an instant to have twenty times combat power. The duration is determined according to each person's physical fitness, but because this pharmacy is too violent, it is very unstable, and the user may be self-explosion after drinking. Even if you are lucky to live, you will face a series of side effects. It is a year of hearing a year.

However, all the concerns get not worth mentioning at this moment, ! Delitii is exhausted in the bottle, and if the empty bottle is fell to the ground, with the crisp of the glass break, Dtrich only feels a hot flame from Since your body, the heart is hot and accelerated. The whole body is hot and the body has become blurred. The muscles begin to control their own control, and the pain of the heart is spread throughout the body. The strength of the inflation seems to have a flood beast to break through his body. Turn your sleep and destroy everything in the world!

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" The gentleness became red, the muscles were constantly cracking from the middle cycle, and the blood flowed through the whole body, the wild beast, the fizzout, and finally adapted to the body's change in extreme pain, and then the same The eyes of people are instantly locked their goals instantly.

boom! The impact formed under strong strength stepped over the entire parallel space, and the deterei hand-held army of the outbreak of the limit power, and rushed to the rumor. He is absolutely not I will choose the wrong, there is no fancy moving move, the front is to resist hard, and it is a changing life!

Standing in the place of the country, I didn't see Deteryi, silently rushing three, and his eyes have been firmly locked in Amontina that suddenly became tough.

If he doesn't expect him to succeed in the fight against Dtrich, Amontina seems to have a long-term dance, but the eyebrows of the pair of souls are dripping, observe The situation determines that you are staying!

And Yan Yan quickly helped her make a decision, Amontina, who was still doing the situation, looked at the scene that happened in front of him, and the shocking grew up! Looking at that suddenly become a magical god, it will generally reveal the boundless mechanical , in the huge power released with the Dtrich collision, the last luck in Amontina is completely defeated, and the head is not going back. Under your own sleeves, the source has inspired the bracelet hidden in the body, and the bracelet has emerged above his wrist. She immediately reached the hand to take them.

"Look at my secrets, do you still want to live in a ventilation?" Yan Yan sounded like a ghosty voice.

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