Heterogeneity company

Chapter 801: Angry

"Is Lin Daozi, is it very funny? Or do you say that you are still stupid?" Flamir turned his head to the fairy palace that was always on the wall, quite dissatisfied question.

"Stupid? Yes! I am stupid, but I am not laughing, but I am laughing."

In the face of the forest road, when everyone faces themselves, the firmel pupil is a moment, and the humiliation of him is already enough. If you don't touch the opponent's hard-to-help, the fairy is getting out. , He Lin Daozi dare to face himself so! New network mobile phone: https: / m ../

For the Lin Daozi who is not satisfied with Vlameir, I still have to say: "Vlameell stayed in the Master Tower is too long, learning the magic too long, I have forgotten the world? You are here and each other Speaking of interests, I don't know if you just touched the interests of people. You think that you can use interest to use the interests of Guayu to force the Magic, that is, the effect of the bottom of the kettle, and humiliate the speech before the words, enough to reach what you want. Objective, but you don't know how to understand your opponent's temper before you come to participate in the game. "

Said that Lin Daozi smiled at the words: "That is a master who eats soft and unstoppable, from his way to the road, this time is four words, killing Li Wei! Rotary ! The survey is the power of the department! It is just that you are in front of the audience in the world. It will be forced by him to protect the people! This is not the majesty of trampling the investigation department! This is not the interests of interest, but The dispute between dignity, then you still count on the other party will retreat? I don't want you to be stupid who is stupid! "

Lindao sarcasm, of course, not for the picture, not to let him go to Wake Virmel let him realize his mistake, he is doing this, but it is on this soon, then poured The last splashing oil made the battle between the two avoided it.

Listening to Lin Daozi's ridicule of Flamade bow his head and didn't think about what he had wondered. He said: "It's my heart, the new rise will inevitably challenge the status of the old people. For the dignity of his investigation hall, is it to give up the dignity of my magic world? There is no truth in this world, and dignity has never takes strength. "

Said that he hoped to say that he said: "So the battle between us is unable to delay?"

"Ah, no mistake! I don't want to wait for it. Don't be in the top three in the truth. In the top three in this game, you can only leave one, or you don't leave it!"

On the other hand, I said that I launched the power of the magic of the magic of the moon to complete the magic god and the blood brakes, ridiculous: "or you can immediately use your mouth to persuade, dragon domain and blood brakes Also automatically exited the game, I can wait for you for five minutes, I think the dragon domain may have some difficulties, but you will be able to talk to the blood brakes. "

boom! The voice just finished the mechanization and finishing the surface, and an electromagnet shot is an exclamation. If things come to this, the two sides have nothing to say, only one battle!

Dramatic explosion fried in front of the magic camp, the first thing to be in the forefront is still wearing Ranloster wearing heavy armor, facing the galloping investigation hall, he waving the long sword, this time he did not In the case of an attack, but in the eyes of everyone, piercing the long sword into his chest.

Dangdang, a series of crisp, looked at the light curtain that stopped all the stops, and the double knees were rushing from the chest, naturally formed a magical array of Ranloste, When it is broken: "What is the ghost blessing, general attack can't open this defense, you flaws it to me!" New Net computer: https: //../

Other four people heard the words, leaving the battlefield in the middle of the battlefield, he didn't hesitate to pop up, and the light curtain should be taken, and there is a full-eyed eyesight. The power plasma cannon strikes above the defensive wall.

The smoke from the explosion after dissipating the sky is blown by the wind, and the defensive light wall in front of you has become unbearable, but it is also because of its effective to curb the words and others. Attack, to take time for Lanloste, which is a secret law.

I saw the knight of the double knee sword inserted the chest, slowly stood up from the abstraction of his blood, and his hands held a little bit of the sword. Every time I pulled out. The blood category came out from his body, and then condensed into a bloody humanoid after contact with the ground. When he completely pulled the long sword from the body, he paused five times, and five people were standing in Ranlos. Next to it.

I saw the five blood shadows gradually pushed into the blood jacket in vitro, revealing a body of the whole body, and a voice suddenly sounded in the brain: "This is the three major councils of the magic world, the church twelve round table Six people in the knight, a single taking out from it is not your opponent, but the six joint efforts are not underestimated. "

I heard this rumor, I was aimed at the direction of the Fairy Palace, and the secrets were secretly sent to my own Lin Daozi and smiled slightly. I won't be joined to enter this spell, I have to control one. The nano-machinery insects fall to the lace in the ears of the forest: "Does he speak people so open?"

"Hey!" For the vocabulary of the people, he reflects what is the meaning of Lin Daozi who is thinking. "The five knights he summoned, except for his strict sense, it is a round table in the past. The knight's spirit, with his flesh and blood, through the short-lived product after the Holy Spirit spell, from essentially a call of spell, so it is not a violation, but you don't want to look at them, now they are calling During this time, it is a living life that has the most peak-lasting period before the birth.

No matter what the other is for the good reminder of Lindao, the words still express the hearts of the heart, but in the two people, the magical camp in the magical camp, the three similar gods from the arms. Items, as his fingers are gently moving, the god is like a broken break, while singing from his mouth: "God gift! Da Sheng Guangjing! God gift! Negative effect resistance! God gives! The spirit of the gods! "

In the singularity of the three light waves, Vlameier is scattered around, and after the saying, after watching the call, the face is unable to recover, the face is not recovered, and the armor is damaged in front of himself. A recovery together, such as the first gas is even more often!

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