The adult man has three palms wide, and the armor of the tattoo to tear the crack after the other's chest, but it is difficult to save half a minute.

"Damn! Is your chest beat it!" Several games have failed, and then the summer curse has a strong smile: "The gravitation is useful to you, then I don't know if you are good!"

The voice just fell, and I was also pulled with the three knights with the iron sword, and the next second was like a baseball that was flying, and even the iron sword of the chest was fly. Summer slightly squatted, the two arms under the action of the abilities showed a bright silver-like metal gloss, and looked up to lock the three lack of the four knights. The boots were like the strings. .

When the knight was thrown into the body, Xia Dynasty had already jumped to the highest point, and the waist shredded for a while, and immediately under the gravity of gravity, such as the eagle The iron sword of the knight chest is bombarded.

boom! The two figures have been falling from the empty fall, and the impact arises, the earth is slightly trembled, and the earth is pulled out of a deep pit, and the dirt will be shrouded in Zheng.

Hey, hey, hey, that is the sound of the iron sword, in such a violent impact, the temporary iron sword finally armed with a heavy weight, a man in the sound of the fragment, the sound of a man : "Girl, this war game is fun?"

"Monster!" Looking at the face of the chest, a forty middle-aged man in the four-year-old man who exposed after the helmet collapsed, and he didn't rub his blood on his face. .

"Monster? It is really ironic from your mouth. Those who have encountered the so-called monsters and your strange power is really worth mentioning. Gheeris! Is there a change? Nowadays, there are so violent Have you? "The knight after the hit by Xia Tian did not continue to chase Xia Dynasty. After standing up, I took the hand on the chest and repaired the broken armor, and I laughed at one side of my body.

"Bedville, I think you are really dead for too long. I have a confusion! Look at her hair and then look at her appearance. Don't you understand! This is a female monk from the French World! You Right, Boss! "Gaheris will pull out the giant sword in the chest to pull it out.

"I think you are both idiots. The power contained in this human body is neither magic is not the source of the road. It is a power that we have never seen before, it seems that this world has become in this world after we die. More interesting, can this? What is the relationship with us? "

Boss turned to lend the remaining two knights and Ye Ruo in Lan Ruott, shook his head and dissatisfied: "It seems that the descendants of Ranloster's hateful guy Summon us, hurry to end this battle, let my soul returns to the Shengguang, and it is so disgusting and unresponsible! "

"Don't be so! It's hard to re-return, I am also ready to understand how my later people have passed, you should know how much believers do this time I need to use my beliefs to warm our soul, very It's rare! At the same time .... "A helmet recovered in Bedvier, and looked up and looked up to Xiaoxiao. Dangerous moment! "

"Who? Who? This girl! Ok, I admit that the weird moves before she have been very novel, but only this is here! I don't prefer the person to do my opponent! "Gheeris glanced at the summer, the eyes were all disdainful, and then turned to Ye Ruo in the direction, but he just took a step forward and flying the sword, from him," His way to stop.

"Your opponent is me!" I ignored her attitude towards the enemy, and the summer flakes the iron sword of the shank, and the three people reiterated her existence.

"Ms., don't come to you!" Gheeris turned over to Xia Zi, and looked up and looked at it. He looked at it later: "Here you should be the rural conference, Boss, you It's okay before, the young people after us will really become a generation, such a game still summon us to solve the battle. "

With the remarizzing of Gheeris, he repeatedly persuaded: "Exit it! I don't like bully, I don't like bullying a woman you are all, so let yourself hurt yourself."

"Weak? Hehe, I haven't listened to me for a long time!" Gheeris is very sincere persuasion, which has become the most harsh ridicule, weak! This word seems to be very suitable for the present, since he added this game, it seems to have been in the state of the legs.

With the sick ability to fight in Alex Chia, let himself have to provide effective support for Zheng Jiaru, after being guarded by him, is it behind Ye Ruo? Then what do I do this game?

who am I? I am Xiany! Summer who has not yet lost in the martial arts! Even Ye Ruo is, even now, you must want to go beyond summer!

The term of the weak is never belong to yourself!

"Drink!" In anger, the summer map roared, and there were no four sorts of the body on both sides of the body. .

"Hey, a hard-wrapped woman!" Gaheris helpless sigh, with a little incomprehensible, lifted his arm, one side of the light shield naturally appeared in front of him, with a series of metal hit the sound, coming The flying sword hit on the light shield, like the rain falling in the pond, in addition to arrays bursts, unable to break down the light shield to cause any injury to Gheris.

! Taking the Summer Tang of the long sword, the heavy bombardment is bombarded on the abdomen of Heris, and Heris has retreats more than ten steps after this hit body shape. Surprised: "Bedville is not exaggerated for your evaluation, only for strength, you are the most powerful thing I have seen, but only this and those boring means, you can't win us! "

"Call! That look at the woman who will use boring means, and you can live in the end of the grave from the grave!"

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