Heterogeneity company

Chapter 815's Counterattack

Even if Ye has already turned a bunch of focus, Ranloster still holds a cautious attitude to be alert to his side, but it is the cautious time to save him at the crucial moment. Life.

Just lifting a sword in Ranlos, a sword stabbed to Ye Ruo, and there was a slice of the body under the body, and a blue light shot and spun it and sprout his neck. The big shocking body is extremely back, and at the same time, a figure is from the corpse of the golden shells, and the stream is rushing away from the distance.

"Blocking him!" The sword with a Ranlostel Jianger has been angry.

Without him, he told his move to Wahwar and Jerrante. In front of the first time, he was in front of the opponent's left rushing right, and the two people were resolved in the original place. .

"I didn't expect you to go out, it is quite awkward. If the kid is cautious, it is not allowed to make you successful breakout and your companions." Jelanti stared at the wolf, the wolf, the wolf, the wolf, and the Ye Ruo said: " It's not good to escape in that firing! "

At this time, Ye Ruo has been in a new suit with the camouflage, and the body is separated from the body and the body, and the upper source gas is filld between the two. Let yourself be hurt, so the flames are burned, but it is a shell wrapped by the tree vine, but the hot high temperature has caused a small harm to him, so that after you have healing, leaves If the body is still flushing like a cooked prawn.

"I would rather to endure the pain, I have to take the opportunity to break out. It seems that you care about the girl! Are she is your lover?" Pasil Wah couldn't help the eyes, and the The battlefield, at this moment, Summer is hugged from the high altitude, and the companion standing up after smoke dissipates the winner of this battle. I saw this Passa Val's mouth to play. "Unfortunately, you can't save She! She can pay attention to death in the sacred duel by Bedvil, this is her story of her. She will be passed on the magic world, and you don't have to be sad because we will send you to you, but as a More than a person who is dead, I can tell you that this is just a kind of comfort, and there is only endless virtual virtuality after death. "

Also seeing this scene, if it was originally in the edge of the madness, it was prepared to start the attack to rescue the summer language, but it became calm down due to a sentence in his mind.

"Don't worry, my branch has been rescued. If she can quickly break through the eight-order generation." The people who speak naturally will also give Xia Jun Zhao helped by Xiaoxiao. If you are in appealing After the emotion of the violent, she continued to laugh: "It's a very wolf now, how do I need to help you like help Xia? What is going to make a long time to do anything once?"

"No! These three people can also deal with it!" Ye Ruo learned from the shelter of Xia Ji, and finally slammed down from the battle, and recovered again to usually calm down. Channel.

"Well! Let me see your performance! My future host!"

The last sentence left by Lin Junzhao in his mind, Ye Ruo can say that it is five flavors, and the unique talent makes him have a very fast comprehension ability from small to the big, so no matter what to learn is still doing things. Shunfeng is unfavorable until the investigation hall finds his day, he understood that this talent comes from its own influence.

Tao! Everything has a road, since it is completely awakened, no matter whether it is a sword, knife, martial arts, he can master the essence of the essence in the shortest time, and extend it to ordinary people can't enter the height, because of this Soon, I was deeply standing in the young generation. I was deeply leaving the hall and even the road to the Fairy Palace. At that time, even Ye Ruo, I was inevitable, I would like to be self-satisfied, I think he is the darling of God.

This kind of self-good feeling until a person's appearance is obeyed, that person is a saying that he is in a unbelievable progress, rapidly rise in just a short time, and constantly absorbs him with almost quite actions. everything of! I finally surpass my most dazzling existence in the hall.

Do he jeal? It is a lie, but more is not willing! Because of its own ability to influence, if the usual mentality is much more smooth than the same age, it is also because of the influence of the power for the ultimate pursuit, he is more persistent than ordinary people, he is even more than this more decisive, as long as he does not endanger his loved ones, he can even isolate the link to the relatives to the path of the ultimate power, which is what he can give up his agreement to make Lin Jun Zhao to occupy his own body.

I look down on the long sword in my hand, Ye Ruo is not a bitter laugh, maybe like the ordinary people saying that the art is not more than the fine, mastering a variety of martial arts and even the one who compresses the gas, although it is enough to be in the ordinary It is said that the real enemy always seems to be a bit of a strong enemy because of the lack of fatal hitting means.

However, the proverbs in the old population have never pay more attention to a dialectic. In this preface, some people say that there is a lot of things, but it is not only one way.

Thinking of this leaves will slowly lift the long sword with the chest and the chest, play the sword with the finger: "In addition to the natural abilities, I woke up when I was converted. The abilities, and then get an abilities from the prisoners when they come to the department. "

Looking at the feelings of the feelings of Tai Ruo, Ye Ruo made in the strange move, and the three people in the Passa went to face the face on the face, only listening to the leaves, "I have never been concerned about what kind of difficulty in the past. I have never revealed in front of the outside, this is the pride of my life! At the same time, it is also because these two abilities are too violent. I don't seem to use my mentality. However, this situation has not been used in addition to using them. Better choice. "

boom! boom! boom! When Ye Ruo said, a series of explosions came far away, and the Pasilson reputation found that the sound came from the two parties of the Yan Yan and Xia Dynasty, and looked at the Bedvier sword. The whole body is shrouded in the world, and the Pacivar brow is frustrated. "The situation has changed as soon as possible to solve the battle here, go to support others!"

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