Heterogeneity company

Chapter 817 Leaves in hidden capabilities

The situation rushed straight down the two companions suddenly attacked, let Ranlostemen did not waving the long sword attempt to use the sword to force back to the attack, Ye Ruo, I don't know if it is too nervous, still other reasons, Ranloste is scared to find himself I can't convert the source into a sword for a long time, and I am hitting in the conjunction with the hiking zone.

Until at this time, he couldn't find the key to the problem. He didn't dare to say that in the magic world, he did not experience various trial temperings. Otherwise, he would not be selected to participate in this group contest, and the situation changes. Panic is possible, but never flustered to the brain of the combat skills that will be never hone, and then think about the performance before Jerrant, which can only be Ye Ruo's hands and feet.

Ranloste is not asked to ask his question. Ye Ruo in the sky has replaced a long sword ready to start the next round of attack. At this moment, the gods from the lightning sketch will come to the sword. The man coming, and the slightening of the slightening of the slightess, the muscles were suddenly rising, and a portable armor attached to his meter.

"San methyl surgery!" After summoning his born, his face was resumed on the face of the confident arrogant, the pair of self-confidence is in the face of Ye Ruo: "I don't know what you have used. The means, forcibly controlling my body! Facts prove that you are struggling to be useless, no matter how your means is strange, there is no strong moving against me, you will be your biggest weakness. "

"You are right!" For the roar in the bottom of Pasil, after the recognition of his statement, Ye Ruo in the chest: "Whenever I use this abilities, my spirit They will suffer, this pain will make me lose ingredients into crazy, so it is a secret that I hide in the body, never easily use me, I have to use it, I will use it. Experience this pain together. "

"The sword has a distinctive wine, shame is a passion!" Ye Ruo shrinks incending in the Pasil, the long sword in the hands of the body shape is like a poison, from a drilled angle. The enemy throat, although this tribute to Pasil escaped, but he also made him find that Ye Ruo is in the sword and the previous changes.

"Thunder car drove the rain, the speed of the electric line is like the truncation!" The next sword stab, if the leaves were in the sword, there was a sound of the wind, the sword was astringent, and the thunder bursts, Pasilwal Skating accidentally was swept away by the sword, felt the destruction of the meridians in the body, this feeling that he was familiar with the Taoist Jian Xiu's war, so that he was angry and said: "You actually have a fancy priest skill! You Attack has always been hidden, for this moment? "

Not only the Hongyu Jian Dynasty, who is watching the battle outside the game, many swords and martial arts, but also from the seat to stand up and focus on the field, if they are stunned on the body, these refreshments are the hipster of the swords It will not see the changes before and after the move.

Before Ye Ruo's attack, although the sword was purely used to use the law, the released sword was not in the sword, but the forcibly condensed was excited by the long sword and there was no slight sword. At most, if you are rumored, you will have a release of source gas attack lines after the source, such an attack is disdainful in the sword. Any monk reaches a certain realm, it can compress conjunction. The difference is just that the condensed speed is slow and powerful.

Now Ye Ruo is attacked by the gentleness of the attack, it is a sword attack that has a sword, and the source is in the conversion. It has the sword with his own consciousness, and it is not only such a self-sufficient. In the attack, the attack is introduced into it, and the conflict with the sword is not conflicted with the priest. This skill is also extremely high-end means in the Taoist sword repair.

Only these swords should know how Jerante and Pasil, how powerful, the words of the flame sword attack, the exhibition of the two power of the sword and the skill is not a good location from the beginning, It is also convenient to make a perfect integration of the two and the rich combat experience in the round table knight and the two people now provide convenience to pure energy.

"Although there is a change in the way, this sword is released in the way, genius!" Hong Yuxian, a long old, looked at Ye Ruo, said: "This is the sword from Mr. Liu Da Let's see, a trint stone, a sword, this is only how long it is, there is such a achievement in two months. It is no wonder that the primary leads to the heart of the love should be cross-border to collect his disciples. ! It is our disciple, this disciple, if you receive careful education, the heavens have not difficult to recover your heart for me for a long time! "

Compared to Hong Yuxian's elders, the Pasilwal at this moment is already in the edge of the anger. As Ye Ruo is in the sword, if the sword is continuous, the strength is inexplicably restricted, even if it is With the later Ranloste, it is still in the situation of passive beating. This change will make the temper and arrogance. He cannot accept it at all.

Gradually explore the cause of strength, Pasil's mobilizing the source of the strange force, while the body will continue to be hurt by the invincible body, "Is this your ability? Shouting the sword, let you Pain, I still want me to end up? Don't bother to laugh! Your attack does make me suffer a small harm, but I want to kill me, you are still far away! I have the power of believers. The energy body, my recovery ability is far beyond you ...! "

"The three feet swords in the back of the box, showing unlawren!" As Ye Ruo, in a hurry, the long sword is a virtual direction, and the voice of Pairo War will come to an abrupt. The entire man's expression stayed in front of the appearance, and the body is in the eyes of the horizon of the lake in the eyes of the road disappeared between the heavens and the earth.

At this moment, Ranloster is really scared, fear is from unknown! He didn't see what the Qing Ye did, and the three people were still hurt. Although it was hurt in the hand, it did not say, it did not come to a fatal extent, and Ye Ruo has just smashed A sword, this sword is even in Pasale, but how is it to the void?

"You, you, what did you do?" Ranloste was looking to Ye Ruo.

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