Heterogeneity company

Chapter 823 Calt's Ranloster

As the party, the victory, Zheng Jiaru, also looked quite wolf, the upper is all shocked by the original fluid, because [31 update] is consumed to resumption to normal people Sign, and the right arm of Boss against the right arm twisted, the broken bone stabbed pendulum opened the leaf of the wound to the outside, and the blood was launched to start the viscous blood.

"Cough! Vomitation!" After the cough, the family is still can't suppress the injury in the body. As a blood sprayed out of the body, on the ground, the big mouth breathed fresh air to enjoy the rest of the rest of the lifetime. .

After the two movements were floated in his body, from the deep pit, Ye Ruo hugged the Xia Ruo in Zheng Jia Ru, looked at the two sick numbers in front of him, Ye Ruo, rushing, said: "100 Ten thousand tons of blow? You go back to think about it for a few days to think about such a moving name? "

"What is it? This is not very suitable? I can play a mountain in a box! I don't exaggerate this name!" Zheng Jiaru said that his body was back, and the sure is directly lying on the ground to reverse the head. Ye Ruo returned in a laugh.

"I don't think it's not to celebrate now, the other party seems to live!" Xia Dang turned a white eye to the two people who were interested in, and the hands and knees were shake and swayed. Time to restore her in the body, and looked up at the three knights who gathered in his face.

"It is so much powerful, just the number of people, the enemy's combat power exceeds our expectation! Lao Zheng!" Ye Ruo said Zheng Jiaru, who kicked it with his feet, asked: "You still have the ability to fight again ! "

"Give me a little time, it is good for two minutes! Let me slow!" At this moment, I have to use a finger head to use all the efforts to use the whole force, and I am desperately mobilizing the source of the injury to repair myself. I am weak with my mouth. .

The other side of the wounded is not very good. In addition to being affected by the lightest Ranloster, Gheeris and Jerrant two people helped Boss's battles, and they consume a lot of energy at this moment. A large discount.

"Despicable!" Jelan is looking at the summer to stand in the summer, Boss is dead! Although they have long died, I have died, but this time, Boss is a true soul, and it is completely disappeared between the heavens and the earth, and all this is because this woman sneaks himself at the crucial moment. I think this is called. Look at Gheris anger: "Why don't you go up and kill her! Is it a stupid thing in Bedville? Stupid persistence to bury the life of Boss!"

"Enough! Jelantte has come to our realm to see what is can't open to life and death! Boss is died in a fair duel, are you tarnishing his consciousness and glory?" Gheeris is also painful but He is more sensible, facing Jerrant's accused.

"Fair? It is clear that the despicable woman is sneak over!"

I heard the words, Xia Ran, who roared with his fingers, sarcascular: "Yes! It is unfair! But you don't have to say that I will say I mean! If you really faire, you are one-on-one and Zheng Jiaru Pick! Just like the knight before duel, if you blame me, I have nothing to say! Obviously, you will first take the first three people, I will help my companion, what is wrong! Hehehe When I gifted others, I used the so-called knight to gently as the ear. I said that the battlefield was cruel for victory. I lost my nose and said that the other side of the other side, you also count the round table knight? "Kindergarten Knight!"

Looking at Jelantte, he had a mute and ruthless violent violent appearance. Xia Yan felt that he was so long and his mouth is also more and more poisonous.

"Calm! Don't be taken by a little girl! Take a look at the man who is fighting with Boss, he will not be too light after his current look, the trauma is not too light, the little girl is also the same! The main combat power is still a man who uses a strange ability in your mouth, we will solve him or have a hope! "

Gheeris was calm down to analyze the finish situation, and made an accurate judgment: "We took the lead in engaged me to hit the man named Ye Ruo, Jerlot, go to the little girl, Lanloster you In the first time, the man who fell off the ground was then destroyed! Then and destroy the woman, in the end, the three people hit the Ye Ruo, even if they used a life to win this victory! "

"Call! Just do what you said!" Jerlot knows that now can only do this, take a breath with a long breath.

After a moment, I didn't get Ranloster responded to Gheris, and I was strongly compiled with my heart: "Have you listened to what I said?"

Still not respond!

Until this time, Gheeris turned to see this young man, found that he was low-headed and double boxing, and the whole person seems to fall into the battle. He is hesitant, see He is so inspected, Gheeris sighs to persistently: "Don't panic! We also have a chance to win! Listen from my command to end this battle! Understand! Critical, you are also Rankloste Descendant! "

This sentence seems to hit the challenge of Ranloste. After hearing this sentence, he finally stopped the shaking of the body and slowly slowly spread. Gheeris saw his words and turned and turned Bosso launched a attack, but he did not wait for two people. I only thought that the chest had a painful extraction of energy fierce and poured.

Looking at the palm of your chest, Gheris and Boss are shocked, and the hard side of the hard side is wrong: "What are you doing? Your gang is enemies Is it controlled? "

"Is it controlled? I still don't think about this level!"

In the face of Ranloster, the fading and became calmly like a water, and Boss angry: "Then you are for what!"

"For the victory!" Ranloster greedy absorbed the residual energy in two people, a single question gave his answer: "Boss is dead! This battle does not care about the last end, decided to summon you. I will be severely punished after I returned to the church! Hehehe, from I summon you, you never look at me? Now I have to be punished because of your reckless and failure, do you feel fair? ? "

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