Heterogeneity company

Chapter 845 Holy Light Baptism

Three absolute! It is enough to explain Lin Johao's emphasis on this skill. At the same time, he also let Yan Yan's cold sweat will be in the end of the escape, and the figure is behind, and it is afraid of the big net behind it.

On the other side of the battlefield, the other side of the battlefield escaped in the tricks, Flameier became popular in the same moment: "Damn! Become him!"

"Calculate him! Are you idiot? Hide this strikes in other skills to seduce them into the circle, everything is seamless, but when he saw the first time of the destiny, even I didn't escape the circle. You still don't understand what this means! His first look recognizes the way of this method, it is ridiculous! I got the law once, I didn't show it. ! The other party knows a clear! "

For the body of the body, Irakou, this time, this time, Flamir is rare, it is stunned. After the two, he can effectively feel the lanes in the Moira source. Status, she said that she is also reasonable!

"Is the magic?" Once the seeding of the suspicion, once any small things will promote their rapid growth, and finally break the soil, become a big tree, thinking has brought the enemy's horn of Vlamel again Doubt objects turned to the existing allies.

"Is it a magic? It doesn't matter, think about how to solve the current battle!"

Mora's reminder let Flamel recovered his thoughts to look at the distance, obviously scared is scared by this trick, until now stands in the same place, I can't stop the attack, this is perhaps it is a opportunity!

It is thought that this Flamier takes a bunch of objects from the storage necklace and see this thing lurks in the subconscious Mora: "Do you make sure you want to use it! You should understand that it can be used. Win this battle, will not participate in the next person! "

"Mora, do we still have a retreat now? If you say something, we can't afford it. This battle is only winning the status and reputation of the magic world. As for the individual, I believe that the teacher will have a way to solve it! As you said, we will now pay attention to this battle! The life of the stone is the life, is my magic world, is it greedy? "

"Moreover, if this skill is successful, will we use the next game without a combat force!" Flamel said with the five little people who arrested in his hand, turned into the mouth The occasional bite is biting into the belly, and the people in the hand in the hand in the black light, and the people in the hand strain into black smoke dissipates and invisible.

After doing these Vlameir shaking, I was attacked by the thousands of fate before the body of the body, and I was frightened by Lin Joshao. I didn't dare to touch the dense linen silk. I have to temporarily demon with it under their persecution.

"You don't have to hide again! This is not the line of fate. Although it is horrible but there is a limitations, only the release of the strange power in just a minute, this is the bastard. This is here, can't make the fate of the way for a long time, but now it is a camouflage source. "

be cheated! Listening to Lin Joshao reminded that he had realized that he had been forced by the other party to his skilled range. Flamel looked at the wishes of the words, and immediately showed the law: " To sing. Shengguang is banned. Holy light baptism! "

The voice did not fall into a beam from Vlameier, and was trapped in the Larami of the Land. At this moment, the opportunity at this moment was directly hit by the beam. Then the body was dropped from the sky. Holy light is covered.

"Do you want to be eliminated? What do you have to do this, you have to be eliminated!" Looking at the squad of the light column, Liang Shao Ying is a horror and not spying Tao.

"Don't shout! See the light column that is not released when the game is eliminated." Wang Wenze took a shallow shoulder and pointed to the light screen.

Liang shallow sexy is indeed the case, compared to the game to eliminate the relatively soft flora, the light of this light column is more intense.

However, there is no such thing as the shallow heart, and a voice will make someone in the field nervously.

"It's better to be eliminated by this light!"

After all the people replied, I was always from the retrieval game, I have been waiting for the son of the magic of the magic of the investigation hall. Listening to her, she said that Gu Sandhui wrinkled, "Why did you say this?"

"The words you know are likely to go back!" Xira said that this is facing a sharp look at everyone, I know that this is not to say when selling Guanzi, "Square Flamel Show This skill is not targeting the soul of the body, and the body and mind of the holy light will be completely baptized, becoming the fanaticism of the magic world! "

"Wash, brainwashing? Are you brainwashing by him?" Wang Wenze immediately understood the meaning of his words.

"Wash it? This word is very pleasing, you can say it! The people who are baptized by the Shengguang will cut everything, friendship, love, only the heart of the church, which means that you appear in front of him. He blocked the interests of the church, he will not hesitate to kill you as an enemy! "

After listening to this dialect, Wang Wenze is coming to the face of horror. Once his comrades turned into an enemy, it can be said that [31App download address xbzs.cc] is the most vicious surgery, and other people panicked with others Different, Gu Shenghui has been calm down after he listened to the dragon, and waved his hand to calm down and then quietly said: "Don't worry! You don't forget that there is still that person!"

Within the battlefield, Flamel looked at the ,, It is no difficulty, but it is impossible to simply touch the banned curse of the heavenly balance. If you don't pay a certain price, it is not possible.

In order to achieve this goal, he also swallowed five songs. These dolls will replace themselves in their own body. Five One person will quickly connect to the curse, so that it can achieve the effect of Shunfa. The negative effects brought about by doing this are also obvious. Singing speed speeds up five times consumption. It has also accelerated five times. He released a ban on the source of five banned curse!

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