Heterogeneity company

Chapter 856 is about to become enemies

After saying this, I saw that I was sitting in the position silently pulled the cigar, and the wasta was awkward. He continued: "More to mention the magic plane that defeated and deeply humiliate in the group competition, I It can be determined to tell you this, a few big one, this source of this source will personally make a person who has cultivated and taught this person's player! Not only the top most difficult resources and materials will be pouring on these players. "New Network mobile phone: https: / m ../

"Ok! They will have more I know, now talk about what you can bring to me, and what I need to do!" Listening to the Trinha's story, there will be some semi-cigar left. I was extinked, put it back into the cigar box, and pushed into the wine glasses in front of it. The sticky alcohol was launched through the throat, and I felt the bloody smell of the demon servant, the dear. Dai Yan pushed the wine glass back to the past.

"Happy!" Xira fell half a glass of wine, and slowly pushed to the front of his words: "Our Hell Moz will exit the next individual competition."

"Hey! Exit? Why?" He said that he took the wine cup and wondered.

"Hey, Mr. Yan Yan, do you think that even the power of my magic is now the victory of the game? Before you get a few big actions, you will cultivate a few new origins in this place, and improve the magic in a short time. The family fights against the combat power of the natural disasters, this is already the limit of our family, and then wasting resources to play a battle that cannot be won. This is a lot of extravagases. We can't afford it. "

Xira said that this is a flash of losses in the god. If it is possible that she can certainly want to get a father's own relieity, go to the same stage to compete with you, win dignity and glory for the Mozu, but the father is not Ok, she didn't even optimistic her brother, and I chose this man in front of him. I thought that this time I looked up and looked at the words: "So we chose you to gamble, my father hopes you to get up to the hell, he is It is waiting for you where you will receive the power of the magic resources. In addition to my father, you can also get the real artifact help! "New first .. m ..

"Wait! Wait!" Cao Lila is a big crude phone, let the words are somewhat, standing up the wine glasses, after the three laps, he will be confused. "You said that your magic will give up the game." Pour resources on me? Well this problem later, what is this artifact? Isn't this a game not to use the artifact? "

APP download address xbzs.cc "Do not let the artifact, can be seen according to the current information, other planes will take the artifact to inject it into the contestant, this is a destructive behavior, artifact will be players The personnel combined, the player's strength, the power of the artifact, the artifact also destroyed will never recover. "

"In order to win the four artifacts, I destroy three artifacts. Is this worth it?" He said that the artifact can also use this, and he will feel after Zhang Dazhi.

"Why isn't it worth it? These origins are very young and the artifacts, although the artifacts have disappeared, but these origins will be the top of the top battles and guards in the next year. This kind of thing will inevitably happen. Not for this game, it will also have the possibility between the upcoming and blood brakes, which is the fastest way to improve the high-level combat power! "Xira said that this expression became lost again, so Before doing the prizes for competition, it is also a majority of a warning for blood brakes. These high-end power hopes to make the blood brakes are taboo, forced it to return to the negotiation table. It is reasonable to divide a new pattern of a large one. If the blood brakes are obsessed with orphan, then these sons of the top power, they will become a pioneer of the blood brake.

However, all this is not related to himself. The magistrate allows the number of the evolution of the devourd artifact, one is the other of her brother, this is why, this is why, this is a big fever, and hate. The reason, from today, her strength will never catch up with these people.

"In this case, your ethnicity also attaches great importance to the improvement of combat power, why not use the artifact on himself, and use it in me?"

The anti-saying is like a sword directly poked the pain of Cahaila, seeing her hand grinning the cup and sorrowful for a long time, and Yan Yan continued to ask: "Will not be the first additional The source of this source is that the things are committed to giving you, you don't have to cast such a big blood. For the artifact in the first prize? Sorry, this is impossible that the sample of the sample is also ambiguous, It is absolutely likely to make it! Miss Tila, you should know that I never believe that I will drop the pie, give me a reasonable explanation, let me believe this is not a circle! "


Two words that are cold in the past, don't let the ? Considerate? On two words are too grass, talk about specific content? "

"Specific content? The specific content is too weak! My father believes that I am not qualified to serve as the burden of the artifact, there is no way to change the future battle, this explains you satisfied!"

"Hey ...!" In the face of the speech suddenly put the wine glass on the table, suddenly raising the roaring Cira, I can't say a word.

After a long time, the past has a exciting emotion, and the exuberant of the forehead is long: "My father only lets me tell these messages with you, accept not accepting your merit! But when the call ends, if he said if he said You have doubts about this condition, you can ask your world's original body. If she agrees, you can get up to the hell community and meet him, I think there is a certain agreement between them, just like you said. We are all in the chess, we are not known! I have already conveyed it, and if you look at your own will! "

"Miss Tila, I ...!" He said that the pasta walked away from all walks away, and the stylus did not know what to say is good.

" , I understand your cautious this can be said to be a rare quality, only cautious talents can live to the end, but I also want you to know that even if the people in the weaker meat, people are also Feelings! Our Mozu is also a race that is about Zhun's report, not a monster without emotion! Don't always think so bad! "

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