Heterogeneity company

Chapter 859 Goodbye

"I don't have this time, what happens to the battle of the natural disaster army?" Decisive the waiter of the servant, the self-suite of the bubble is lazy to sit in the main hall position, enjoy the food that is coming up and the food comes. Tao, now he suddenly felt that this kind of feeling is not good.

"Prince is big ...."

"Don't call my prince! West Fer, we are also old friends! Now no outsiders, call me, if you think it is not suitable to call me, Mr. Yan Yan!" Reply to the words and laughed.

I heard this, I'm obviously the tone, the stiff face relieved from the heart of the smile: "Okay! Mr. Yu Yan, after you walk, these months in these months It didn't change much from us, but I have tried to cut off the link between the Holy City and the outside world during the Jianjian Conference. The two sides handed each other now to temporarily captured by the Tianzheng Army. "

When I said that this Sifer saw that the brow was refurbished, she rushed to supplement: "But this is not tight, because the land of this area has been blocked by us after the last battle, they can't set up a natural army There is also an impact, so the occupation is only temporarily temporarily introduced with the outside world. I have already launched the place where the lost land has been settled. I don't want to use the road to the Holy City. "

"How many days? But I don't have so much time to waste here!" Yan Yan put down the knife and the knife in his napkin wiped the mouth, and the hand was on the head.

"Amount, the prince, if you are very urgent, there is a small way to lead to the Holy City. The road is far from the main road and the blood brakes, although it is impossible to pass the army but go to one or two pedestrians, I You can send people to the Holy City. "Standing on the head of the thorn flower knight next to West Fer, Leohard heard the two-person conversation on the previous step.

Looking at the front of this, the head of the knight, who had been humble today, and the words did not feel anything, and the napkins were thrown to the side asked: "How long does it take?"

"Will be more than two days than to take the road, although it is a small road, but the natural disassembly is still in the eyeliner, if someone is found to have a patrol team to come to search, the past messee It is necessary to try to avoid hidden body. Of course, if you have a breakthrough in your skill, it is just a far away, and it will reach the Holy City for a day. "Leohadong.

"I know, you first prepare to wizard, I will see the situation in front of the situation tomorrow." Yan Yan said standing up, as he got up a house, accompanying him, gathered, : "You will come back this time, there is an urgent thing to get up tomorrow. Now I need to grow savvy. I can't drink a sarlet, I'm a regret, I will have a long time to come to the Japanese. I still will return to the battle with everyone to fight against the cold, so I thank everyone's good relations, the remaining wine and the remember to pay for me when I return it. "

Said that the words of the wine glasses will do the cups, and his high-spirited move immediately triggered a good feeling of the rest of the house, Qi Qi took the wine after drinking, and he left. Banquet hall.

Xifri is looking into the back of the whisper, and the heart can be said to be five flavors. This man has been in the beginning of the beginning, and it has changed to the power of the people who can pull the hearts of the people, and this change Only in five years, she is even more in the past five years, putting their families from the second-class aristocrats that are about to be renamed, and she will enroll back to the ranks of the first-class family. She thinks she will receive a noble title again. When the family's strength is enough to match this man, he is amazing in the Jianjian Conference, and has become a leader in a young man.

I can't catch his footsteps!

When I took a full night, I saw Sifer who had no sleep for a night, and I didn't have a heart, and I didn't sleep well last night. The result was this heart. The heavy girl touched, accompanied by her strong and laughing, two people went to the magic front line big camp.

At this time, I still can't think of this will be the last life of the two. When I met, Xifel has changed a birtless body.

I didn't detect the bleak behind Xifd, or I found that he was not placed at this moment. Afterwards, I repented this day, I'm always regretted for my numbness, I have lost my life, if I have more delayed one Two days, more and she said that she will not avoid the occurrence of tragedy afterwards.

However, there is no regret medicine in the world, and after the two people come to the Mozu major army camp to watch the role of the anti-Japanese arms, the self-confidence can be rushed to the sway, and he is eager to meet the strength of the Devil, there is no extra The time was wasted above these trivial matters, and Xifel hurriedly bid farewell, in her full of worrying, he was only in the big army of the Tianzi Legion.

"Adult, the people of the silver wings, is this? Is this too dangerous! It is too dangerous! Opposite is a complete natural disaster army, at least three deputy-stand-off members are sitting!" Leohad looked at observation After a doubling, after the cold of his owner, he rushed into the Tianzi Camp in the Camp of the Campaign, and the tongue was reported to Xif Lee.

"He can do it!" Delivery to Xifu's love, I would like to collect the sight. Now she still has no time, and there are still many things, there are many things waiting for her, think of this recreation and order: "Notice Director of the army, after the success of the Yinyi Prince, immediately launched the power of our princes with the help of the silver wings, and won the Tianzi Legion will re-retraverse the road to the Holy City. "


After Leohad heard the rumor, he turned and rushed to convey this order. As a result of the soldiers to shut down within the big camp, the entire Mozi major army camp is also like a hometown.

Nowadays, in the five years of operation, this army has become a private army of Qatar, which has become the private army of Qatar, which can be said to be prohibited, this is the previous scenery West Fur I can't imagine it. Like the strength of the words, she also enjoy the right to bring her pleasure!

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