HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 107 - Devastation

"W-Who a-are… you…?" Jared asked with an alarmed look.

I grinned as I saw his expression. The look of disbelief and panic is written all over his face. Using my Hex of Authority, I took control over creation itself in his world. Tearing down everything he made, I recreated everything in it and made all this possible. Of course, I also used this to expose him since he was hiding behind his constructs.

"So, Jared… What do you think? Looks better than that dreadfully bland world you made, doesn't it?" I asked casually, shrugging off his question.

He took an apprehensive stance as a bead of sweat dripped from his brow, down to his chin. He finally understands that I am powerful, and is acting cautiously around me. That's only natural after witnessing me perform an impossible feat.

"There's no point in asking any longer. You won't answer my questions. In that case… I will have to make you talk!" He said with determination.

"Oh? Are you sure you can pull that off?" I asked him with a wide grin.

His eyebrows furrowed even further as I asked him. He appears not to be sure of the outcome but determined nonetheless.

"You've made your point. I underestimated you. You're strong, stronger than anyone I have faced so far. For someone who is not a Hero to show this kind of power... I am surprised beyond words." He commented.

"The gods never told me about anyone like you… That's why It's so frustrating to find out a person without such a qualification can interfere with my power" Jared said.

Hold on… did he just say, gods? Has he met the gods before? If that's the case then I have to find out as much as Incan from this child.

"You've spoken to the gods before, haven't you?" I asked him.

"Of course. I wouldn't be much of a Hero if I couldn't " He said to me with annoyance.

"And just what does that title mean, Hero?" I ventured to ask.

He smiled when I spoke those words.

"And why should I answer your question when you ignored mine," He said.

Tch. Bad move Jared.

"Why don't you tell me your identity, and I'll you in on mine as well." He suggested.

Bullshit. I don't need to make any sort of desk with him. All I need is to defeat him. Brain Drain will handle the rest after that. There's no point in fooling around with him, especially since he might not even tell me the truth. To avoid any wrong information, I'll be checking his memories when I'm done.

"I suppose you've made your choice then. There's nothing left to say." Jared said, floating overhead me, restoring the confident smile he had on before.

"I suppose" I replied dryly.

"Rio, if that's your actual name… Technically, your team has fulfilled the first condition for this exam. You have passed since your performance has been satisfactory enough. However, as for the condition you attached, there's still time. See if you can make me accept defeat!" Jared said.

I watched him soar above, from my position which is closer to the ground. He must have a god complex, seeing as he enjoys watching everything beneath him.

I'll be fighting the real Jared now… Let's hope it's more interesting than the others.

"Don't disappoint me" I smiled.

Immediately, Jared's eyes turned blue and a massive surge of azure light surrounded him, engulfing his entire body in its warmth. The space around him became distorted, making it impossible for me to even get close to him since he has affected the Space Aspect surrounding him.

"Try not to die, okay?" He said grinned.

Immediately, a large monster, over 60 meters tall materialized of thin air, made by him, and stood in front of me. It had the look of a dragon but had three heads and a huge build. It launched at me with such a fast pace that the high-speed movements it exhibited betrayed its looks.

I dodged the initial attack, and it twisted its hands to crash into me. I raised my hand and slightly touched the first of the monster. Immediately, its entire body started twitching and within a moment it puffed up and burst.

Purple slimy blood gushed out as they splattered all around us. The blood didn't even teach anywhere close to Jared due to the protective layers of warped space. As for me, I already used the 'Orb Of Protection'.

The grass and countless wildlife I made didn't suffer a gentler fate. The severed parts of the monster caused the lands to be devastated. With the head, bones, and body parts darting all about, it made everywhere a mess.

"Is that all you have to offer?" I asked.

Suddenly, millions upon millions of blades in various shapes and sizes appeared all around me. Not only them but countless other monsters, the same as the one I defeated also materialized. I count at least a hundred of them, and they continue to spawn.

"I'm not done yet…" Jared said excitedly, clenching his fist as he raised it.

Golems numbering in thousands filled the plains, all of the different types. I saw the earth, fire, wind, ice, lightning, and water golems all appearing at once. Their bodies are nearly half as large as the Monsters Jared summoned.

With these threats before me, and Jared flying above with his ability to produce, even more, I considered my chances and balanced the odds in my mind.

"I don't know what you did before, but I won't let you do it again. I have strengthened my control over this plane. Blank Canvas is mine and mine alone to play with! As a foreigner, I won't let you interfere with my world any longer." Jared said.

Now, this changes things. I was able to use Hex Authority on him since he wasn't properly guarding his Aspects. Like a thief who steals the property of someone who isn't vigilant, I was able to take control of a part of this world for a short while. However, Hex isn't omnipotent. It requires conditions that must be met.

Since Jared is closely guarding the Aspects of this world, I won't be able to take control easily. Blank Canvas also has a limited amount of Aspect essence, and he has used a majority of them to make all those things attack me.

"Now then... Let's see how you handle this!" Jared grinned maniacally.

He stretched his hands forward, ordering his troops and weapons to attack me. They all lunged at me at once, and within a moment I'm sure they will reach. I can't control his world anymore, and he has me outgunned at every angle. Surrounded by countless foes and weapons, this entire world is my enemy, it just makes me realize how much I'll need to grow before I can take care of my siblings and achieve my goals. But… Compared to them, this boy is just fry.

With a wide grin, I opened my mouth and made my counterattack.

"Hex #07"


Immediately everywhere turned black. My malevolent energy filled the entire atmosphere as a dense aura of miasma covered everywhere. The atmosphere of darkness and depravity shocked Jared, confused with what happened. The once colorful plains and the brilliant sky became a starless night of our chaos… Something that shouldn't be possible.

"H-How is this possible? I made sure he couldn't interfere with Blank Canvas, so why…?!" Jared asked himself, conflicted by the impossible occurrence.

His suspicious glare darted over to me, who merely smiled at his pitiful look. He shook his head vehemently, refusing to accept anything.

"You can't fool me with these tricks! I'll be the one to win this fight! Keep charging!" Jared commanded his constructs, though he didn't need to.

The enemies who still approached me and the weapons which descended upon me in their millions did not halt. They kept lunging for me with phenomenal speed. It's a shame they won't reach.

With a single sigh, they all disintegrated and turned into nothing but dust, down to their most minuscule parts. Within a fraction of time, I turned his arsenal into nothing but microscopic fragments sifting through the air, still breaking down further as they are swept away by the harsh turbulence filling the world we are in. As they faded away into nothingness, Jared's jaw dropped and his face exhibited pure confusion, unable to comprehend what just happened.

"You must be flustered, confused by what has just happened" I stated the obvious.

"N-No… I-Impossible. How could you? How did you? What did you do?" He asked with trembling.

His body shook, not only in fright but also due to the adverse condition of the atmosphere. A corrosive and devastating aura filled everywhere, and it has started affecting him.

"Haven't you figured it out already?" I asked him.

He glared at me, clearly still unsure of the situation he has found himself in. It looks like I'll have to explain to him.

"This place… Is not Blank Canvas!" I revealed.

Using Hex, I have made my pocket world within Blank Canvas.

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