HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 116 - New Comrades

"Let us all Introduce ourselves… I'll go first!" The leader of the group of people that sat at the table said.

They were a caravan of six, as novice adventurers who only signed up for the expedition, they needed Nathan's help. Nathan, of course, obliged as long as they paid him.

As for whether he had other plans concerning the innocent group… He didn't show any signs.

"My name is Jack! As you can see, I'm the leader of this small group! We came to Lamar to be famous and make tons of money!" He declared energetically.

Nathan sighed to himself. Overly optimistic people like him were bound to get killed first. 

"U-Um… M-My name is Lydia… I-I'm also a member of this group… E-Erm, nice to meet you…" The girl wearing glasses amp g them said shyly.

She covered her face as soon as she was done with her introduction.

"She looks young. What is someone who looks this young doing as an Adventurer?" Nathan asked himself, staring at her curiously.

She lifted her head a little and met his eyes. Her face turned red as the both of them looked at each other and she buried her face underarms once again.

" Lydia, when will you learn to grow a pair, oh wait… That doesn't sound right," The other female in the group said.

She had a rough noise and a domineering personality. Even from her attire, it was easy to guess that she was not one known for her womanly charms. She was a tomboy.

"Oi, Mr. Guide. My name is Lucy. Unlike this girl here, I actually get shit done. As our leader said, we want to make lots of money and become really famous, that's why we're here, and that's why we hired you!" She said to Jared in a casual uncaring tone.

"What a brat. She's no older than 18, yet she's behaving in such a manner. Does she not know how dangerous Dungeons are?" Nathan thought to himself.

"I can not guarantee what you will find there. I can only promise your safety," Nathan responded.

"That much is enough. Don't mind Lucy. She can be overbearing and impatient at times, but she means well" Jack, the leader, said with a short laugh.

"H-Hey…" Lucy let out, looking flustered by Jack's statement.

"I see, so it's not that she's a bad girl, she's just acting all tough. She's quite simple, isn't she?" Nathan concluded.

"I'm Desmond"

"I'm Carl"

"I'm Puck"

The last three members of the group introduced themselves. They all looked average, and not very impressive when it came to their potential and level of skill. However, they all had decent-looking equipment.

"They must have some level of wealth… Maybe they're rich kids who want to strike a fortune or make a name for themselves here…" Nathan considered.

After all, they had even hired him as a guide. Most newbie adventurers wouldn't think of doing that, and even the ones who did couldn't afford it. Paying an Adventurer to stick by a bunch of nobodies was something that would be costly after all.

"Now that we've all gotten to know each other, let's leave it to our Guide to tell us what to do from here on out. I'm thinking we should start training to prepare more for the Dungeon. What do you think Mr... Erm?" Jack said in his usual energetic manner, slowing down as he reached the point of saying Nathan's name.

"It's Nathan" He answered.

"Ou, right, right… Sorry. My bad" Jack grinned from ear to ear.

"This guy is an idiot." Nathan rolled his eyes.

H looked at the party before him. To ensure their survival in the Dungeon he had his work cut out for him.

He had promised himself to always be cautious even with the prize right in front of him. No matter how tempting the golden egg he saw was, he wouldn't take a single step without going through every variable.

In order not to make the same mistake as last time, costing the lives of everyone who followed and trusted him… He had to be prepared, and that went for them as well.

"We'll be training for the next few days before the 'Raid Conquest'. It would be best if I knew the skills and specialties of each of you so we can be better organized once we enter the dungeon." Nathan explained.

"O-Oh, that makes sense" Jack nodded in satisfaction.

"What about you guys, what do you think?" He asked the rest of his party members.

Lucy still put up her usual strong front, but she clearly supported the idea. Lydia still buried her face, but raised one hand and gave a thumbs-up, showing she agreed.

The remaining three men all nodded in agreement.

"Good. Then I'll see you tomorrow…" Nathan said, rising from his seat.

"T-That's it? Leaving so soon? Why don't you stay with us? Drink with us, come on, Nathan. We were just about to order something nice too!" Jack offered.

"N-No, I really shouldn't…" Nathan said hesitantly.

"Come on, what's the big deal, right guys?" Jack insisted.

"Just sit down and stop making a fuss, mister" Lucy grumbled.

Lydia once again raised her hand and made a thumbs up.

The three other men nodded in agreement to Jack.

Nathan stared at the strange new party he was with, they were an odd bunch indeed. He sighed as he took his seat once again.

"Then, thank you for having me," He said with a wry smile.

"That's more like it! Hehe hehe," Jack laughed.

Nathan returned the laugh with a chuckle. Lucy also laughed as well. The three young men, confused about what was happening, felt left out and decided to join in.

Maybe it was because they were a little drunk, or they were excited, but this new group made Nathan envy their carefreeness. They had such hope, such light… Then he remembered Marie, one who also had the same light.

He clenched his fist underneath the table with resolve. No matter what… He was going to be a man she would be proud of!

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