HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 132 - Annihilation Mode

[System Information]

<Due To The Level Of Difficulty, Several Changes Have Been Made>

<Safe Zones Have Been Removed>

<Hunger and Thirst Elimination Have Been Removed>

<Monster Restrictions Have Been Removed>

<Annihilation Function Enabled>

<Reward System Has Been Altered>

<Rewards Have Drastically Improved>

<Drop Function Initiated>


[The 5th Floor]

Nathan and everyone else opened their eyes and found themselves in unfamiliar territory. The last thing they remembered was Nathan's sudden words of warning and the feeling of apprehension that came upon them when the light from the Passage enveloped them.

After they gathered together and braced themselves. They had just been mysteriously transported to such a strange place, so they were clearly wary. The room was dim, with very little source of illumination made available. They saw fireflies buzz all around and creeping vines extended throughout the walls.

"W-Where are we...?!" A shaky voice muttered, speaking the mind of all of them.

As they looked around their surrounding, they all noticed a notification panel above them.

<<Welcome To The Fifth Floor>>

This made the reality of their situation much more vivid to them. Something was definitely wrong... But what exactly changed, and why?

"Everyone. There's something you need to know..." Nathan said to the shaken Adventurer's party.

They all looked at him expectantly. He was the most powerful and experienced of all of them. He remained calm, even with the unpredictable situation that seemed to send shivers down the spine of the rest. 

They all trusted him, and the only reason they had not fallen apart and panicked entirely was his presence.

"... But first, I have to ask... Did you see anything strange before you opened your eyes here?" He asked.

They all glanced at each other with confused looks. Nathan looked at them all, expecting their answers. His serious gaze made them aware that they had no choice in the matter.

Nathan saw something that bothered him. A system window similar to the ones they all saw earlier right before the statues attacked. However, he wasn't certain of what to make of this. The responses of his Party would give him the definite answer.

And so they all gave their accounts.

It was mostly a narration of fear and panic, however, there was one thing they all recalled, at the last second, just after the bright flash of light and before they opened their eyes, they saw the system notification.

"T-That was real? I thought I was just hallucinating!" Jack yelped in surprise.

They were all shaken by their collective testimonies. Since they all had the same account, there was no doubt about it.

It was real.

"N-No more safe zones?!" Puck yelled in panic.

"That's not all... We'll have to start hunting and gathering food from now on. Water is also an issue... We need to hurry up." Nathan explained.

Everyone was tired. Their exhaustion built up into panic and dread. Their previous notion of safety slowly began to get eroded.

"There's still the issue of shelter, and places of rest, but we'll leave that discussion for later... Because, it seems we have company..." Nathan muttered.

His eyes darted to his far-right, and amid the darkness, he could sense something creeping in on them.

"That is..." He mumbled, using his blade's aura to heighten his senses.

"A Tree Golem?"

Everyone's attention turned to the area of focus. They could feel fear seep into them and a part of them wanted to scream and run, but their bodies didn't listen to them.

One tree Golem approached the group, leaving the dark point it stayed. With a height similar to the group, it looked stared at them with its bright yellow eyes. Its green frame was covered in vines and shrubs, making it appear to be a crossbreed of plants and man.

From its appearance, it was easy to dismiss it as weaker, compared to the giants they faced on the second floor.

However, the entire group could sense it... The amount of power and authority it exuded. This monster was not on the same level as the ones they had faced before. Even the statues were no match for this creature.

"Looks like we're going to be in the fight for our lives! Don't panic everyone... Do you remember what I promised you all?" Nathan said to everyone with a reassuring smile.

Even he was nervous. If this was merely a single mob monster, how perilous would the entire floor be?

However, he couldn't run now. He had promised himself, and these people who counted on him...

"I promised not to let any danger befall you, as long as I am with you. I intend to keep that promise!" 

Their eyes all lit up as he entered those words of hope. They decided to place their faith in him. However, they didn't want to serve as burdens to him.

Equipping their Relics, they all took formation behind Nathan immediately. He was surprised by their sudden behavior, not knowing what they were up to.

"What are you guys doing? Stay behind me. You're all no match for this monster." He told them.

However, their faces displayed a strong resolve not to yield to his words. They wanted to fight alongside him, and they weren't going to give in to anything else.

Even Puck, the coward, was staying behind them and not hiding in a corner. Even though he couldn't fight, he didn't want to worry anyone.

"What sweet kids..." Nathan muttered in a short laugh.

They all smiled back, giving off their usual hopeful exuberance.

"Very well. We'll go with Formation G. I'll take the lead. Lucy and Jack, back me up. Lydia, provide support. Carl, be on Standby, Desmond, as well! Puck, ready any items we may need in this fight. Don't lose focus for even a moment, or it could cost you your lives!" He ordered, unsheathing his blade.


The plant monster halted a few meters from them and suddenly, whips began to protrude from its body. They numbered five. Two from its hands, while three came from behind.

"Urgoooo" It growled.

"Let's go!" 

After Nathan yelled, he quickly dashed.to the monster, blade in hand. His body was covered in blue energy and his usual electrifying sparks made his body glow in the dimly lit area. 

The tentacles of the Tree Golem burst forth and charged at Nathan's speeding form. He dodged their attacks, though barely. One of the vines grazed him by his side, causing him to wince as he quickly turned his body to avoid another damaging assault on him.

"Shit! It's faster than I thought!" Nathan groaned.

"And the damage is insane... So this is Annihilation mode?" 

Millions of questions rang through Nathan's mind. Questions like, what could have caused the Dungeon to suddenly react this way?

Was it the effect of something that triggered it, or was there a mastermind behind this sudden twist? 

He pushed these questions from his mind since he had no answer to them and focused on the monster. 

"I've been on the fifth floor in the past. I don't remember this monster being as powerful as this..." His thought trailed as he dodged the continuous attacks of the long whips.

Nathan reasoned that the sudden growth of this monster had to have been as a result of the 'Annihilation Mode' that was triggered.

The Tree Golem's attacks and the force behind them were not to be underestimated. And this was merely a single mob.

"If I can figure out its pattern, maybe delaying with the others will be easier..." He reasoned.

Nathan played tag with the monster for a while longer, drawing its attention, while Lucy and Jack dealt damage to it at its blind spot. 

Whenever the monster wanted to counterattack, Lydia would use her Icicles to limit its movement.

They continued this strategy and slowly damaged the monster until it was nearly subjugated. However, perhaps as a dying attempt to destroy its enemies, the Golem entered a berserk state and sent its whips flying all around him.

They slashed and tore through the walls of the room, drilling holes through everywhere.

Nathan and his Party retreated as the vine creature did this. 

"Urakkkkk!!!" It screeched in pain and rage.

"Tch" Nathan let out in dissatisfaction.

"It looks like after consistent damage has been inflicted, it goes berserk and issues random attacks to its surrounding as a defense mechanism... I see..." 

After observing its movements for some time, Nathan grinned. He had finally gotten what he wanted. Through the entire fight, he studied the monster, and after this final attempt, he had gotten the full picture of the kind of creature they would be facing on the fifth floor.

"Lydia. Use your [Ice Burst]!" Nathan ordered.

Lydia nodded immediately and began to charge up her attack.

"In this frenzied state, the Tree Golem stops moving, instead it allows the vines to cause damage around it to protect the main body." Nathan reasoned to himself.

"If I use my Blade of Rupture, the vines would get in the way, so I won't be able to fully kill it. It also has a high regenerative factor when it comes to those vines. It'll just be effort." 

"Also, there's a chance going that would agitate it, causing it to move from its location. That would be problematic. Currently, its vines are scattering everywhere, destroying anything around. Thankfully, the vines have a limited range, and we just happen to be outside it. If the Golem keeps advancing... It won't be long till we have nowhere else to run to. And when that happens... We'll become mincemeat." Nathan smiled, looking behind him as he saw a flat wall not too far from their location. They barely had anywhere else to run to.

"We'll have to beat it right here and now.... And I have just the plan for that!" 

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