HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 142 - Divine Regalia

For the first time since our battle began, I could see Wrath flustered. A bead of sweat dripped from his forehead and his body slightly throbbed with nervousness.

Surprise and fear were both displayed on his face, dumbfounded by the sight before him.

To see me, the one he rejected as his master, don the attire unachievable by any other... He could not comprehend it.

My entire frame was covered in dark purple attire. The previous outfit I had on dissipated due to the pressure and power I emitted.

The earrings I had on glowed like pearls, having a dark undertone, which caused it to glimmer malevolently.

I wore three extra rings, two on my left hand, and one on my right.

My entire eyes became covered with blackness, and my senses reached an entirely different realm.

Shrouded in darkness and power, I heaved a little, darting my eyes slightly to stare at Wrath.

"Divine Regalia: Type 3" I muttered.

Steam proceeded from my mouth as it opened, and I could feel my entire body burn up, slowly consumed by the immeasurable power coursing through it.

"I won't last long... But it should be enough!"

"Come now, Wrath... Don't tell me you're scared..." I taunted.

"Y-You..." He muttered, glaring at me.

"You're plenty powerful yourself, for you to have forced me to resort to this Apparel... I truly overdid it when I created you. But, even you must know the difference in our power now." I smiled.

"Cheh, you know nothing! I, Wrath, will never lose to a faker like you!" He growled.

With his fiery robe around him, he suddenly launched himself toward me, moving beyond light speed while distorting space itself as he closed the distance.

Immediately he reached my location, he stretched forth his hands toward my head to crush my skull, grinning maniacally.


One of the rings in my left hand glowed red, immediately erecting a barrier around me.


A massive wave of pure destruction raged through the vast space we were in, destroying everything in our vicinity.

The crimson field around me remained, shielding me from Wrath's desperate attempt to attack. Red lightning buzzed around my protective layer, sending sparks to fly toward my assaulter.

He quickly dodged their strikes, twisting his body through the air as he avoided any hit.

"Ruarhhhhhhhh" He yelled, sending a pulse of fiery pressure to push away the lightning, destroying them all.

"Eat thisss!!!!" He grinned, bringing his hands together.

An intense concentration of energy gathered between his palms as he placed them opposite each other.

The energy bomb kept expanding and retracting, swirling together to a condensed form. The red sphere cackled and overflowed with pure destructive power.

Wrath sent his palms toward me, releasing the orb in my direction. It flew, instantly transversing our distance and reaching me in a flash.


It screeched and whirled as it touched my barrier, suddenly expanding in size as it glowed brighter.

It exploded!


The intense surge of eruption devastated everything for miles, turning everything into tiny particles of dust as it kept expanding.

Wrath ascended higher than the blast, looking at the wreckage he caused.

"Hehehehe, let's see how you survive that, faker!" He smiled satisfactorily.


Hissing sounds of the melted surface filled everywhere and smoke from the devastation ascended into the sky. As the dust settled and the view cleared, Wrath squinted his eyes to confirm the end of his target.

"W-What??! This is-" He let out in shock.

His eyes bulged as he saw the miraculous situation occurring within the smoke.

A warbling distortion in space was revealed, causing no smoke to be seen or felt around the specified area.

Isolated from the blast, though within its range, the anomaly warped about within the destruction.

"A splendid attack.." My voice rang out.

In a single whoosh, I cleared the smoke which filled the surrounding.

Clearly visible now, I smiled at Warath's flabbergasted expression, unscathed by his attack.

"... But it's pointless"

Around my body was a field, distorting the immediate space that surrounded me.

One of my rings glowed blue, warbling in a low tone as it finally stopped shining.

The blurring field around me stopped and hummed slightly before finally dissipating.

"You can not reach me with any of your attacks... The very space the danger needs to transverse has been cut off, making me literally untouchable." I remarked.

My Treasure devoured the space around me, protecting me from the wide blast. If it didn't... Even Hex couldn't protect me from that deadly move.

Suddenly, a sharp pain coursed through my body, causing my head to throb.

"Gahhhh!" I nearly screamed out, gripping my agonizing head.

My body feels hot, as though it's on the verge of exploding... I'm nearing my limit... Any more and I could really die.

"I'll be ending it now!"

With a resolved look, though covered by my exhausted facade, I glared at Wrath, who shook in surprise by my survival.

"[Dark End]" I muttered, raising my palm slowly.

Immediately, a little black dot appeared above my hand, flickering and buzzing as it danced around it.

I released it from my palm, causing it to float above my head and rise to the high sky.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Wrath yelled, confused by my sudden performance.

"Wrath… Consider this as a bit of advice from me…. Try not to die, okay?" I smiled.

Immediately, my earrings warbled and my body was covered in a black shell, shaping itself as an orb, the hardened lump of darkness floated steadily in the air.

"What the he-?!"

Before Wrath could complete his thought, the black orb I released flickered… And suddenly exploded.

There was no sound, no huge blast or flamboyant display… Just darkness. In an instant, everything became destroyed. Reality itself shattered apart, space mangled and everything else became envelopes in destruction. Colors faded, and concepts such as sound, smell, feelings… Everything ended in that big bang.

Before Wrath could even think, he was the only thing left within the vast expanse of the void that consumed the entire room. His Treasure shielded him from the effects of the black nothingness that ate up everything all around.

Slowly, his Treasure fizzled away, disappearing from his body. His body gradually integrated with the darkness. Pain seared through every section within him as he felt himself integrate with nonexistence.

He couldn't scream, he couldn't move… He merely suffered in painful silence, awaiting his inevitable end.

"…That's enough!"


The darkness dissipated in an instant, leaving Wrath's nearly eaten-up body, and returned to its source. It converged at a single spot, condensing into the small orb which started everything.

The orb once again flickered and then faded away, disappearing into the white surface that was left by its destruction.

"U-U-U…." Wrath let out a struggled sound, looking at the dark spot.

His body had already been destroyed by the [Dark End]. Only his head and a small fraction of his body remained, floating in the blank space that existed after the darkness did its damage.

His battered-up body descended, helplessly flailing as it neared the ground. Capable of no motor actions, Wrath could do nothing but fall, crashing heavily into the ground.


His stunned face throbbed as he let out unintelligible sounds and groaned in pain. His head faced upward, watching the blank space which spread over him.

With nothing left, only blankness covered everywhere. However, there was a black dot that distinguished itself from the rest of the area.


The black sphere which stained the purity of the area began to sizzle as it tore apart, revealing its content.

"You held out well… As expected of your body…" I said, coming out of the dark shell which faded away as I stepped out of it.


Wrath mumbled as he watched me gloriously emerge from the tough shell that protected me from the death of everything else. Floating above him, I gazed upon his pathetic frame.

"The [Dark End] causes everything around it to get enveloped in it to suffer nonexistence. It's a variant of the Void Aspect, consuming anything and everything." I explained.

I descended until I reached his body. He struggled to speak, but his eyes told me everything I wanted to know. Finally… He believes.

"Hicc… Hicc…" He sobbed.

Tears flowed from his eyes as his entire pride crumbled before me, his lord and master.

"Lord… Lord Hexarion… Y-You're back…"

"I am. You have done well in guarding this place all this time." I said to him.

Weakly shaking his head, he continued to shed tears.

"No, Lord. I am unworthy of such praise! I merely fulfilled the purpose for which I was created!"

How amusing. Now that he's been humbled, Wrath is acting so docile. With no other form of resistance he can muster, he has finally seen despairing proof.

The fact that he can not heal his body proves that he has just been affected by the Void Aspect.

And I am the Primordial of the Void.

"Listen carefully, Wrath… There's no longer any time. As you've clearly seen, I am vastly weaker compared to when you knew me. The Divine Regalia, as well as [Dark End] are beyond my current means… And as a consequence of using them, the durability of my vessel has decreased significantly. Within moments, this body will no longer be viable…" I said calmly, already feeling the sensations of pain coursing through me.

The gnawing sense of death crept through me, lurking around… Waiting for the moment to fully envelop my body in it.

"N-No, master… You can't leave now! You are still-" Wrath weakly protested.

How admirable. You're also on the verge of death too, Wrath… Worry a little about yourself too.

"It won't have to come to that.. That's why I need it. Wrath, where is the Treasure I entrusted to you? The Final item of the Vanishing Dungeon… My Nether Core!"

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