HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 147 - Dissipating Hell

Deafening silence filled the Dark dome. With everyone else either dead or unconscious, the two remaining survivors kept their focus on each other in a deadlock.

Shamac remained on the ground, releasing what little resistance he had left to fight the impossible challenge in front of him.

The Executioner, Rider of the Underworld and the leader of countless demons stared down at Shamac from his flying horse and grinned with satisfaction.

"You intrigue me, boy! What is your name?" He asked with his deepened tone, breaking the quietness that pervaded the expanse they dwelled. 

Shamac, still struggling to breathe and stand, continued beaming at the superior being he faced. Excruciating pain and immense drowsiness crept upon him, drawing the young and wounded lad to their grasp. 

However, he wouldn't have any rest... Not after realizing the true status of the enemy he faced.

"It's Shamac!" He grinned tiredly, still maintaining eye contact with his opponent.

The Executioner smiled upon hearing the name of the brave lad.

"An excellent name. The one you serve must be pleased by your determination. Despite the clear difference in our strength you refuse to give in... You possess the true heart of a warrior." 

Shamac was slightly flattered by the showers of praise he received, but he didn't let his guard down for a moment.

While he knew his opponent didn't require resorting to flattery in order to subdue him, Shamac didn't want to loosen his concentration for even a split second.

Doing so would mean his loss.


A low buzzing sound suddenly came forth, echoing through the enveloped room. The sturdy some around the two beings began to vibrate at an abrupt rate, causing Shamac to lose focus.

His eyes darted around, confused about the shock that caused the area to quake. Concern for his teammates began to trouble him, driving his focus away from the enemy.

"It's a shame we can't continue this fight... It seems time is up" The Executioner muttered, looking around.

Shamac immediately turned his face back to the Executioner.

"You know what's happening?" Shamac asked.

He eyed the Demon General with suspicion and apprehension.

"Of course... With the Apostle Dead, her Grace dissipates, returning to the God who blessed her with Divine Energy." The Executioner said.

"That woman's Grace is what holds this space together... With her currently deceased, it's only inevitable that the layer of darkness dissolves." 

Upon hearing his explanation, Shamac was relieved. If he had to face another threat while being occupied by the current enemy, death was guaranteed.

"... It looks like our time together has come to an end..." 

"What does that have to do with our fight? Have you lost your motivation already?" Shamac responded quickly.


The Executioner burst out in laughter after taking in the ignorant words of the young hybrid. They were nothing more than prattlings of the weak, one who was unaware of the despairing difference between himself and the enemy, or was foolish enough to believe such difference could be overcome.

"Young child, while I find your courage amusing, there is no chance of victory for you in this battle... Your life would be forfeit before you even knew it" He chuckled.

A bead of sweat dripped from Shamac's forehead as another wave of drowsiness hit him. 

"Shit... I'm at my limit already..." He cursed.

No. Even if he was at top form, Shamac knew he would still not have been able to take on the enemy.

Yet, he stubbornly confronted the Executioner, despite knowing his chances of victory were nonexistent.

"Tch... I'm so pathetic..." He groaned to himself.

"It seems you finally understand the limits of your power... However, that is nothing to ashamed about." The Crimson Rider spoke.

"There is no shame in being born weak... However, it is utterly shameful to remain in such a lacking state."

As Shamac heard his words, he began to slowly succumb to unconsciousness.

"Shamac... I do pray we meet again. During our next encounter, if Providence wills... Become strong enough to stand at the same height I occupy... Only then will you be considered worthy to fight me at full strength" 

Shamac's vision blurred, and a ringing sound kept hammering within his ear. He heard the deep words spoken, but couldn't respond with his own.

"Shit... I'm losing consciousness... I-I have to respond... I have to say it..." He slurred, stumbling on the floor as he struggled to maintain his stance.

"Do not struggle in vain... Save your strength. I'll be waiting for you... Do not dare to die before that time comes!"

The quaking of the surrounding veil continued, becoming even fiercer as cracking sounds emanated from the dark field.


The Executioner felt his body slowly fading away, l. The red particles that formed chunks of himself rushed to the darkness, retreating within the black Gate.

"Time's up... I have to return already, eh?" He thought to himself.

"This group was certainly different... Looks like I have something interesting to report to Lord Hades and my brothers" 

Musing to himself, The Executioner beckoned his horse, rousing it from the motionless state it adopted.

The steed instinctively knew the will of its master, galloping in the air as it ventured to the black material that surrounded them.

"Neighhhhhhh" It sounded, penetrating the unstable barrier of darkness.

"Farewell... Shamac" 

The Executioner, who had come to take the lives of the enemies left without killing a single soul, something that had never happened before.

His army, with whom he brought when he appeared, was all wasted. Their dead bodies turned into Aspect particles, flying into the Dark Gate that led to the Underworld.

Finally, with the last speck returned to the veil, the tremblings stopped.


A whirring sound rose, climbing as the high-pitched noise reached a deafening pinnacle.


Finally, the black veil shattered. 

As the darkness broke, the devastated Boss Room became visible to the sight of everyone.

"U-Uh...." Shamac fell to his knees.

After the immediate threat vanished, his tensed muscles relaxed and he was going to pass out at any moment.

"L-Lady Gratiana!" 

A tiny, melodious voice called out.

Shamac recognized the voice, though barely. As his brain shut down to rest, he recollected that there was one last enemy they would have to fight, though they all ignored her because of the overwhelming person of Gratiana.

"The... Disciple...." He mumbled, before falling on his face and passing out.

With everyone who was within the some already passed out, and bloodied carnage left behind, only one person was left to experience the gory sight.

"N-No w-way... Lady Gra-Gratiana..." She muttered.

As she dragged her feet to the dead Grand Apostle, tears flowed from her eyes. Her mentor and the woman she loved and respected, second only to the gods.

And now she was dead!

"N-No... It can't be..." She cried.

Maria didn't want to believe it, but the bloodied corpse of Gratiana lay at her feet, with a gaping hole on her throat. Her eyes were widened with shock, indicating the nature of her dying moments.

She must have not expected to die.

"... Fault..." Maria's voice began in a low undertone.

Seething range swirled within her, coupled with pangs of loss and the overwhelming burden of regret.

It was too much to bear... She needed to ease herself off the tendrils of emotion that surged from her.

"... It's all their fault!" She said with a fierce tone.

Staring at Ana, who lay unconscious beside her mentor, her tearful eyes contorted Into a glare. 

"You....!" She growled.

Her eyes went further down and saw Shamac and Talia also lying helplessly on the ground. They were injured, looking spent as their seemingly lifeless bodies lay motionless. 

Only one thought came to her mind. Her feeling of sadness and loss slowly reduced as a dominant emotion took over.

Pure malice. 

"I'll kill you!" She spoke decisively.

Bringing out a dagger she kept hidden within her robe, Maria stepped forward, glaring at Ana, whom she decided to kill first in order to sate her increasing feeling of animosity.


With this final thought, her eyes widened in a crazed manner as she descended her hands to complete the task.


Sounds of ripping flesh echoed, revealing the gory sight of death that just occurred.

"W-Wha-?!" Maria muttered in shock.

A gaping hole surrounded her chest, revealing an empty space where her heart was supposed to be.

"Urkghhhh" She immediately sounded, blood oozing from her mouth as her mouth displayed shock.

Maria was stunned beyond words. She was certain that the only one conscious in the room was her.

Who could have caused her such damage in an instant?


Blood gushed out of the empty spot in her chest, pouring to the hard floor beneath her.

"H-How... W-Who...?!"

As her thoughts rang, she suddenly felt a presence steadily approach her.

Her eyes bulged as she noticed the person behind her.

The girl's body stiffened, unable to tilt her head to the side to view her assaulter.

As she remained in her frozen stare, a voice suddenly sounded.

"So these are Lord Hexarion's subordinates... Disappointing. They could have at least killed off the trash before deciding to take a nap"

The deep and malevolent voice made Maria's skin crawl as the owner drew closer.

"It's a good thing I can here on time... The master will be pleased"

Wrath smiled, fully healed and donning a lively expression.

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