HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 151 - Firm Resolution

Monsters are creatures who differ from other life forms in the world.

They exist in variety, and for unknown reasons, they bear immense hostility toward the human race particularly.

Unlike normal animals, they possess special features that give them an overwhelming advantage in battle... Making than formidable foes.

To battle these crazed beasts of nature, Adventurers are hired. Armed with Relics, these brave and powerful sets of humans combat the savage scourge of the Monsters.

However, even among Adventurers, not all of them possess enough capabilities to defeat certain kinds of monsters.

Just as Adventurers and Relics possess ranks, so do monsters.

Spanning from Grade 9-1, the 1st Grade monsters are considered to be the most powerful... However, there exists one other rank above the First Grade.

Monstrous beings who belong to this rank are so devastating that no single human could ever be capable of slaying them. Multiple Adventurers of the highest rank would be needed to even stand a chance.

Bearing unimaginable powers of destruction and impenetrable defenses, while causing chaos enough to drive an entire nation to ruin in moments... These Monsters are classified as SPECIAL GRADE.

And of these... One just appeared before the exhausted rookie Party of Adventurers in the Vanishing Dungeon, devouring one of their comrades in an instant.

"Dra-Dragon...!!!" Nathan exclaimed with a shaky voice, starting at the beast as his body refused to move.

The ominous figure which appeared before them was none other than the deadly beast of legend! A SPECIAL GRADE even above others.

Baring its sharp teeth at the trembling group, it focused its red glaring eyes on their fleshy bodies.

Saliva dripped from its slightly opened jaw as steam proceeded from within the fine line which highlighted the mouth.

"Gurrrrrr" It let out in a low undertone, glaring confidently at its prey.

"H-How? Why?!" Nathan mumbled.

His legs shook violently, and he felt like he could pass out at any moment. His mind couldn't comprehend the reason why such a grand beast and disaster of nature could be standing before him.

"Why is it on the Fifth Floor?! This is too... What the hell is happening?!"

Suddenly, the dragon moved its massive leg, stepping forward.

The sudden motion it made caused the ground to tremble. This made Nathan lose his balance as he fell on his behind and watched powerless as the beast of horror drew closer.


The bloodied corpse of Puck, their porter, turned into paste as the feet of the Dragon crushed it while advancing.

"S-Stay away... S-Stay back!" Nathan mumbled in fear.

His teeth rattled and his body quivered even more. His eyes begged desperately that the monster halt its advance, though it was all in vain.

The remaining members of the party were not exempted from the aura of despair that enveloped the room. In confused and frantic states they all glanced toward the only one who they trusted most.

"S-Sir Nathan, what the hell is a Dragon doing here?"

"What do we do Nathan?!" 

"Shit! We're all going to die!"

"Sir Nathan!"

"Help us, Sir Nathan!"

Nathan couldn't turn his face to look at the young ones who cried for his attention. His paralyzed body could do nothing before such an overwhelming foe.

"Help? Against that?!" He thought to himself.

That was a bad joke.

There was no way in hell he could win... No way at all!

The trauma of the past began flooding his consciousness.

He remembered the death of his friends, how he watched their corpses cruelly displayed before him. 

Recalling the house of despair which changed his entire perception of reality, his body trembled even more. 

However... A thought suddenly flashed in his mind. Something that had been clouded by fear, a resolution he made to himself after meeting the new set of friends he now had.

"B-But... I promised..."

Slowly, his thoughts came to him. He gave his word, not only to himself but also to everyone else.

He wasn't going to let the same tragedy that befell his previous friends occur again.

"... I resolved..." He mumbled, gathering strength into his body as he forced himself to move.

The Dragon slowly kept advancing, confident about its inevitable victory. There was no need for such a high beast to rush through its target.

With shaky legs and fettered arms, Nathan slowly stood up.

"... I told you all.." He said, turning his face towards the expectant group which looked at him with great expectation as their bodies were petrified in fear.

"... As long as I'm here..." 

Nathan's hands went for his sheathed blade by his hip. He tightened his grip and drew his weapon in an instant.

The blade shook, an effect from his trembling hand, still, Nathan held it in place.


With this final statement, Nathan pointed the edge of his Relic toward the massive beast. His grim and scared look slowly turned into focused concentration.

"B-But, Sir Nathan... T-Thats a Dragon! There's no way we can... Even if it's you..." Lydia muttered, knowing fully well the height of the Monster's might.

"Lydia... There's no other way! Even if we run I'm sure the Dragon will have no difficulty catching up to us. For it to make such a slow advance, it means it's confident of winning..." Jack replied in Nathan's place.

"I'm sure Sir Nathan is aware of the power of the Dragon... Even more than we are. But, for him to take this stance... This must be the only way!" Lucy also added.

"Perhaps... If he used that attack he used the last time... Maybe..." Desmond thought within himself.

No matter what, the group only had one hope of survival, Nathan!

Nathan used his two hands to grip his Relic. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply to concentrate on the energy flowing within the weapon in his grasp.

"I'll pour everything... All the energy it has left... I'll use all of it in this attack!" His thoughts went.

If he didn't, there was no guarantee of dealing any damage.

However, through sacrificing all he had, even will the last drop, the likelihood of succeeding increased.

"No matter what... For the sake of everyone... I must succeed!" Nathan's thoughts rang with a firm resolve.

Perhaps.... Maybe there's a chance!

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