HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 165 - Making A Hero

[Moments Earlier]

"It's time to tell you of the plan"

After leaving Talia in the 5th floor Boss Room, Wrath, Ruth, Shamac, and I ventured away, moving to the edge of the Vanishing Dungeon's walls.

After reaching this checkpoint, I urged everyone to halt and began my explanation.

"In some hours, the Raid Conquest will be over. Meaning the remaining Adventurers will be returned to the Human World." I explained.

"A-Are there even survivors after what you told me? If the Adventurers truly experienced the Hard mode on Randomizer... Everyone should be dead!" Shamac responded.

After getting the gist of what was happening in the rest of the Dungeon while he and his teammates fought against the Apostle, and remained with Wrath, Shamac was stunned. The immense difficulty of the Dungeon was too much for anyone to survive.

"No, that's not true." I quickly chided his thoughts.

"Nearly 95 percent of the Adventurers are dead, but some still draw breath. Besides, of the ones here, there are some exceptionally strong humans. They won't die easily, though thanks to 'RANDOMIZER', it all depends on luck." I explained.

It wasn't like I made it impossible to clear. There are drops for every monster defeated, so survival is feasible.

"Still, the loss encountered in this Raid will affect Lamar for years to come. Even this Vanishing Dungeon might not be challenged in the coming years due to the immense danger presented this time." Shamac muttered in deep thought.

True, but it was inevitable. To gain access to Wrath, I needed the difficulty to be at 'Annihilation', and created the 'Randomizer' effect so there would be minimal interference with the fight of my slaves and the Apostles.

There were other reasons, but in the end, it was the most efficient option.

"I admit the blow on Lamar will be devastating, but there's a solution to that," I said with a smile.

While Shamac and Wrath racked their brains to figure out what was going on in my head, Ruth silently watched everyone with a smile plastered on her face.

"You've been silent for a while, Ruth. Why don't you say something?" I offered, turning in her direction.

Now clothed with silver lace and purple designs, Ruth stood with great poise as she addressed us, revealing her shimmering earrings and glowing necklace. She had a ring on which resembled the former 'Root Of All' Treasure I possessed.

"Lord Hexarion plans to make a new 'image' of a Hero to Lamar, correct?" Ruth answered.

Shamac's eyes widened upon hearing this.

"Why didn't I think of that?"

Wrath appeared confused, unsure of why I would go so far for the Adventurer City, especially after I have obtained my prize.

"You are right, Ruth. Impressive." I commended her, causing the girl to blush in satisfaction.

Having Ruth as the combination of Ana and ROOT is certainly looking much better than having none at all.

Fortunately, the latter didn't end up being the case.

"B-But my lord... Why?! Why do you need to make any effort for such a puny civilization? I'm certain your goal has already been accomplished by retrieving your Nether Core and retrieving me. I doubt there's anything of worth left within this-" Wrath protested.

"Wrong!" I sharply corrected him.

He instantly shut up at the sound of my voice, bowing his head to listen.

"It's true that my initial goal was to obtain my Nether Core and retrieve you from this Dungeon. But, interesting events have occurred that caused me to revise my plans. One of which is Jared, the Hero of Lamar... And the being he houses within him" I revealed.

"Hero? Being?" Wrath mumbled, understanding nothing.

Well, he doesn't need to know the details now.

"In any case, I plan to stay in Lamar for a while. I have already set things in motion, and it will be irresponsible to leave things half baked." I responded.

Since we'll be here for a while, I might as well take advantage of the situation.

"Currently, a large crowd awaits the return of the Adventurers. They are unaware of the horrors the people here have suffered. The few who survived will surely give their testimonies once they return, which will drive the Guild into a state of panic. Losing over 90 percent of their workforce will be devastating. Out of the remaining few who survived, some may never desire to fight again after this experience."

My three subordinates paid rapt attention as I spoke.

"However, there is one thing that can turn things around. Even in tragedy, the appearance of a massive figure of light gives hope to everyone." I continued.

"I will be that figure. After this final show we give the people of Lamar, they will revere me as the savior of the city... And even with most of the workforce gone, with the power I will exhibit in my match against the 'Final Boss of the 100th Floor, they will not be shaken as long as they have me."

With an evil grin, I concluded the basis of the scene we would be acting in.

"A-Amazing! As expected of my liege. I have nearly no idea of your rationale since they are on another level, but I do know that it is phenomenal" Wrath spoke in awe.

What did I expect? Wrath is the least intelligent of the 7 Deadly Sins. While his strength is nearly unparalleled, his intellect leaves much to be desired of.

"His body was my initial choice for revival... Too bad the mental capacity was not nearly enough to contain all my memories and consciousness." I thought to myself.

"I think I get it... Even if hundreds of men have died in this Raid, the appearance of one man who has enough power to replace even a thousand of them balances the tragedy that has occurred!" Shamac quickly mentioned.

Exactly. The Adventurer's Guild, as well as the people of Lamar, will look unto me as the only Adventurer they'll ever need to fully feel safe.

"Indeed. However, for that to happen, the master has to give the people an absolutely terrifying sight that is even more despairing than the death of hundreds of Adventurers..." Ruth mentioned.

Her cold analysis makes her take after ROOT even more, I like it.

"Yes, that's where Wrath comes in. We're currently standing by the edge of the Vanishing Dungeon. Wrath will forcefully break out from within, and wreak havoc, killing a few hundred people. The casualty doesn't matter, as long as everyone equally feels despair." I responded.

Once that happens, I'm sure the Adventurer's Guild will send in their best. I heard the Guildmaster is currently away, so the Vice will have to suffice.

Jared won't be coming due to the trauma he had when fighting me. That's a good thing though.

"In Wrath's current state, he may not be able to handle that kid" 

The others will be pieces of cake though.

"Once you've caused enough damage as Wrath, Boss Monster of the 100th Floor, I'll appear and we'll have our showdown." I smiled.

"Of course, to make it absolutely terrifying, you'll have to use flashy moves to allow them know your power. This way, when I defeat you, they'll be able to place my powers on an even higher level." 

Wrath nodded instantly, clearly excited for what is to come.

"To think I'll be fighting the Master again, how scary," He said with a slightly nervous look.

Now that I have completely absorbed the Nether Core, my level of power has transcended anything I had since I revived.

Even in full power, Wrath is no match for me. But, that won't be a problem.

"You don't need to worry. I won't be fighting you..." I said to my flustered General.

Immediately, a portion of my separated from the main one, forming another figure. In an instant, the formless mass of nether essence took the shape of a man, wearing my Adventurer attire and had my exact features.

"... I will!" The clone I generated said.

Since I have the key to making new beings like ROOT, I can instantly split off portions of my body and assign programs to run them.

"I could split my consciousness to control that body too, but it'll be too bothersome playing a noble hero. I'll leave it to Program: Rio" I said, waving off the stares that surrounded me.

Besides, it might be useful later on... When I decide it's time to leave Lamar.

"Why can't you just face Wrath without using a clone?" Shamac suddenly asked.

Ruth and Wrath immediately turned to Shamac with shocked expressions. Even I stifled a laugh upon hearing this.

It seems he still doesn't understand how powerful I've become.

"You should watch this match carefully and see how powerful just a portion of myself is," I told him.

"H-How much power did you give it?" Wrath asked, bracing himself for the fight to come.

"Oh? Not even up to five percent." I replied.

It's only one percent, but he doesn't need to know that little detail.

"I-I see..." Wrath said, smiling.

"Oh, and one more thing... My clone might end up being a little rough with you. But don't mind it. After the fight, you'll be duly compensated..." I smiled at my General.

This sparked Wrath's curiosity, instantly beaming with his eyes widening with interest.

"I'll reconstruct you, this time restoring your full power!" 

A wide grin instantly formed on his face. This incentive was too much to pass up.

"Understood, my Lord. I'll be sure to carry out my duties perfectly!"

[The Present]

I watched as the object of my creation, a mere fragment of my power, decimated Wrath. Using the explosion as a smokescreen, he retreated to my side, leaving Rio Xarion at the scene.

The crowd all looked up at their savior with grateful and relieved expressions.

"Is everyone okay?" He said with a concerned look.

It is done.. A hero has been born.

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