HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 173 - The Simp Saga Of Shamac (Pt 1)

Shamac lay in his room, contemplating the various events that had transpired in the past few days. It had not been so long since he lost Talia and Ana.

His master, Hexarion had replaced them with newer, more powerful subordinates. Even though he understood from his lord's perspective, he couldn't help but miss the two girls a little bit.

It wasn't long, but they had quite a few moments together.

One of those moments especially stood out...

[ROOT's Pocket World: Shamac's Training Compartment]

"That's enough, Shamac" The boss said to me in his usual composed voice.

"Huff... Huff, I can go on..." I muttered, straining to breathe.

Trickles of sweat appeared on my skin as my entire body ached due to overexerting myself. Still, I refused to give in to the pain.

"Any more, and you'll just drive yourself further into exhaustion. We won't make any progress with that." He said with a sigh.

For my master to insist that I rest, that could only mean it was very important.

"U-Understood!" I wheezed as I spoke.

My Boss, Hexarion, was currently training me to improve my Abilities within this artificial space he made using a ring he calls 'ROOT'. He was also doing the same for Ana and Talia, ensuring we evolved in order to challenge the Vanishing Dungeon which would soon appear in the real world.

"Our time is almost up, Shamac. We only have three days within ROOT before the 'Raid Conquest' begins. Do you understand?" The Boss asked.

"Yes, I understand..."

During our last fight alongside the boss, it was glaring to all of us that we were useless. Thanks to our incapability, Lord Hexarion suffered a lot.

"If only I was stronger!" That was what I thought of at every moment.

Now that I had been given the opportunity, I didn't intend to waste it.

Using normal standards to measure my growth, I would be impressed with my current height. However, I still haven't perfected the one move I wanted.

"It's still not enough..." I muttered to myself.

"Shamac... You'll be taking the rest of your day off" The Boss suddenly said.

My eyes bulged when I heard this. This was a surprise, one of the things Lord Hexarion had never done before.

"W-wha-?!" I nearly made a protest but managed to stifle it just in time.

It was preposterous to question Lord Hexarion's decision.

"What am I supposed to do while I wait?" I asked, instantly accepting his earlier statement.

"Explore the grounds, sleep, anything you want." He shrugged.

"Really? Is that it?!" I asked myself in surprise.

"Yes. Take your mind off of training for today.," He answered in an instant.

"There are many interesting sights here. Take your time and refresh yourself."

Before I could further comment on what he said, the Boss vanished.

Where he went, I did not know. Even though I was still dumbfounded by the whole thing, I had to admit that my body needed rest.

"I should heed his words..." I mumbled to myself.

I crashed upon the devastated ground, surrounded by the scarred earth, a result of the rigorous training I had been undergoing.

Potholes and massive cracks on the earth were visible all around, couples with explosive marks.

I had not been kidding around this past couple of days.

After resting my aching muscles for some time, I grew bored of just lying about and decided to take a stroll.

After departing, the damaged grounds slowly faded from sight, replaced by a beautiful landscape. Flowery greens surrounded me, and I took in the fresh breath of simulated nature.

"Ahh, this feels good!" I exhaled pleasurably.

Still marveling at the sight around me, my eyes suddenly darted toward a door standing erect in the middle of the garden.

"What in the world?" I said in confusion.

There was nothing behind the door, yet it stood alone in the vast expanse.

Curious about this strange phenomenon, I slowly walked toward the objects and with trembling hands, turned the doorknob.

My eyes widened in surprise as I saw an entirely different sight behind the door while looking through it.

I instantly shut the door as a reaction to the weird occurrence and tilted my head to see the regular atmosphere.

"It's different..." I mumbled.

The door must have been a gateway to an alternate plane.

"Does the boss know about this?" I asked myself.

He most likely did, after all... Everything here is within his domain.

Once again, I peeked through the door and found the same strange sight.

"Well, he did say I should explore... I mumbled.

Deciding to check out the world behind the door, I stepped foot inside the strange plane, entirely passing through to the other side.

"Whoa!"I exclaimed, feeling the new sensation of the climate and surroundings.

It was warmer here, and there was a more pronounced wind.

The plants also appeared to be smaller, with more trees and stones around.

"Where am I?" I asked, looking around.



I heard two distinct laughs emanate from a distance.

My eyes broadened upon hearing the low and hardly audible voices. At least two more people were here.

I wasn't alone in this place.

"Who could it be... Oh wait, don't tell me-"

Talia and Ana? It had to be. There could be no other person within ROOT... unless I wasn't in ROOT anymore.

Deciding to investigate this, I picked up my pace and finally reached close enough to hear their sounds more audibly.

"Ahhh, this feels so nice" A familiar voice let out.

"T-Talia?!" My mind rang, instantly recognizing the voice.

"Really... To think this place existed here..."

"Ana?!" I thought to myself.

The two blissful moans of the girls made my cheeks turn red as my imagination ran wild.

Just what could those two be up to?

I decided to advance slowly in order not to raise any alarm. Slowly morphing wings behind me, and thin layered feet, I silently approached the sounds of pleasure.

A sweet aroma wafted through the air as it filled my nostrils. Flowers, coupled with an indescribable fragrance made my body twitch and my mouth water for more.

The sounds made by the girls didn't make things any better, making me more excited as I approached the territory.

"I can't wait!" I cried internally.

Transforming my eyes into sharper lenses, I was able to see much further ahead, spanning a few dozen meters.

The sight I saw made my heart nearly blow out of proportion.

"T-that is...!" I exclaimed as my cheeks reddened.

The girls, some distance from where I stayed, were both immersed in a bath, enjoying each other's company.

Their blissful faces, coupled with the voluptuous chests which floated atop the water and their clear skin, caused an instant reaction in my little partner. 

The little beast sprung to life, starting its engine as it kept growing bigger.

This was the first time I had seen them like this, so my body naturally responded in kind. Ana's clear skin and dignified person, Talia's beautiful body and playful look... I wanted them so badly.

But, those two were nowhere within my reach.

"Or are they?" My mind rang naughtily.

A brilliant idea sparked in my mind, and I slowly considered it.

"Thinking reasonably, I may never get a chance like this again. I better go for broke!" I reasoned.

However, the danger I would face if I was caught made me shudder in fear a little. Talia was one thing, but Ana was freakishly stronger than me. Sure, I had trained relentlessly over the past weeks, but so had they.

"For all I know, they could both be stronger than I am..." I said, slowly dissuading myself from carrying out my plan.

"No!" I immediately snapped.

If I lost this chance, I might never gain it again. Was a life full of regret the kind of future I wanted to have? Definitely not!

My non-stop intense training had left me very exhausted, but also sexually frustrated. I needed a way to release all the pent-up desires I had.

"T-The Boss must have understood! That's why he made me take a break... That's why the door was there... It must all be... For this moment!" I convinced myself with this logic.

If Lord Hexarion was looking out for me to this extent, who was I to refuse?

"I'm diving in!" I grinned wickedly.

Instantly, my body morphed, transforming me into a tiny creature, undetectable by most.

Was it a fly? No, a mosquito? No... Even smaller.

I made myself into the tiniest insect I could visualize, combining many images in my head.

Now tinier than a tick, I proceeded to my prey, charging straight for the lush feminine bodies soaked in water.

"Hehehehehe" I laughed pervertedly, my heart thumping louder.

Since my size was infinitesimal, it took a while to close the distance, but once I did, the first thing I did was dive straight for my first target.

I perched my barely visible body on the reddened lump hanging on Ana's chest. 

"This is... Paradiseeee!!!"

I screamed internally as I landed on the bouncy pink layer on Ana's breast.

It smelled so nice, and I felt the texture of the round spot.

I couldn't help but tremble as I explored the vast lands which was Ana's body.

"So this is what the Boss meant when he mentioned those words," I thought to myself, remembering the last thing Master Hexarion said.

'There are many interesting sights here. Take your time and refresh yourself.'

My grin widened and my eyes narrowed in a naughty fashion.

"Boss.... I shall carry out your wishes!!!"

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