HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 187 - The Abandoned Town

"G-good day, strangers" A woman suddenly said, rushing forward to meet us.

The other townsfolks shrunk away, removing their eyes from us as they returned to their business.

The strange woman wore a bright smile on her face, drawing closer to us, accompanied by two individuals, a boy and a girl.

"Welcome to our town!" She added, bowing her head in front of us.

Her two followers did the same.

"Strange... just a few moments ago, they started at us apprehensively. What changed?" Lucia muttered, staring at the women uncomfortably.

"Good day. As you can see, we are not from around here. We are travelers from a faraway land" I said, entreating the woman to raise her head. 

The three natives of the town raised their heads and looked at us. A smile was formed on their face, and while the woman seemed to mask hers well, it was clear from the expression of the other two that their smiles were forced.

"I apologize for our poor reception... It's been quite a while since we have had any visitors." She answered.

I shrugged, still looking around me.

"Are you, by any chance, the head of this town?" I asked her.

"Haha, you could say that!" She laughed.

Interesting. Well, there's no point in dragging this on any further, for now...

"Is there an inn or a place to rest?" I asked.

"A-ah, no sir. You see, we haven't had any visitors in a long time. We have no structure to accommodate you all..." 

"I see. Very well, I suppose we will have to leave for the next town we find," I replied, signaling my two subordinates to begin moving.

"W-wait!" She protested.

I knew it!

"The nearest town will take days to reach. And from your appearance, it seems you have been journeying for a long time. Surely, you need some rest" The lady added.

What a farce. It hasn't even been up to an hour since we started moving. Besides, it doesn't show in any way on us that we have been on any journey at all.

"If it is okay with you, we can make a place for you to rest. You can stay with us if you don't mind. It's not much, but there's enough space for you all to relax freely." She offered.

"Why go out of your way, though?" Lumia suddenly questioned.

The woman appeared a little flustered by her question but quickly pulled herself together so she wouldn't appear suspicious.

"W-well...I..." She stuttered.

"Enough, Lumia. You're being rude to the lady who innocently offered a place to rest." 

Lumia glanced at me with surprise, but after giving her a knowing glare she gulped in fear.

"I-I'm sorry..." Lucia apologized to the lady and her entourage.

This made her appear even more flustered as she tried refusing the apology in embarrassment.

"I-its nothing, really. I understand..."

A smile formed on my face as I decided to play around with the situation a little more.

"Are you sure it's alright, though? I mean... won't your husband protest?" 

"Ah, I-I don't have one. Haha!" She laughed uncomfortably.

"Really? Aren't those your kids?" I asked, looking at the two young ones behind her. 

They appeared to be in their early teens, and the woman was in her early thirties, though she tried masking it with makeup.

"No, they aren't. They are my niece and nephew. After their parents both passed away, these two have been in my care..." She replied.

"I have had no children yet... since I have yet to find a suitor" She smiled distantly.

Wow. Impressive.

"That's a surprise. For a beauty such as yourself to have none." I smiled, drawing closer to her as my eyes locked with hers.


Her cheeks became red as she looked away, trying to avoid my passionate gaze.

How easy! Such a cute woman.

Of course, this is what most people would think. However, that endearing facade isn't enough to fool me.

"If that's the case, we'll gladly take you up on your offer." I smiled.

She beamed upon hearing my words, bowing her head once again.

"Then please come this way." 

Giving the other two behind her a knowing look, coupled with a slight nod, the boy and girl scurried away.

"They have some errands to run, please excuse them" She smiled at us.

I nodded in understanding.

The woman led us away from the town square and began walking to her house. From the corner of my eyes, I observed the townsfolk. They tried to hide it, but they were all observing us. Some had smiles on their face, while others made pitied glances.

"This should be interesting..."

[Moments Later]

We finally arrived at the house we were brought to. It was bigger than I expected, and while the exterior had a shabby look, the inner structure was very luxurious.

"This is quite the house for a single woman" I teased.

"Haha, I am kind of the leader here, so I guess it's only natural..." She laughed it off.

The house had about three rooms, enough for her family and us, the visitors. Just as she promised. 

"The Eastern Empire sure is different, uh?" I muttered.

Perhaps it was just this place.

Unlike the wooden chairs I experienced in Lamar and Artia, this town used mats and short tables. The decorations and carpets around gave the home a comfortable feel.

There was also a lovely scent that filled the room, they must have used a very good freshener.

She showed us to our room and gave us time to settle down.

"Please have some rest while I put things in order for you all. Since we weren't expecting any visitors, it'll take some time to procure something." She smiled.

"Wow, thanks. You're really doing so much for us. How could we possibly repay you? Do you accept money, perchance?" I smiled, looking impressed by her hospitality.

"Please, there's no need for that. Money is obsolete here since we do not even have any contact with the other towns in the Empire." She smiled.

"It's our pleasure... after all, we ought to help each other out, right?" 

Her sweet smile permeated the room, making me cringe a little, though I refused to show it.

"Thanks a lot, then." 

She bowed her head and exited the room. 

I sat on the cushioned mat on the floor and glanced at the Wrath and Lumia who remained standing.

They had puzzled looks on their faces, especially Lumia.

"You have something to say, don't you? Speak." 

Finally getting the chance to express her opinion, Lumia stepped forward.

"That woman, no, this entire town is suspicious. Why are you going along with them?!" She asked.

Just as I thought, she noticed it well.

Wrath sensed nothing off in their behavior, due to his hardheadedness, but he was still surprised by my friendliness.

The Primordial he knew was heartless.

"Well, if I were to put it in words, I'll say it's fun!" 

"F-fun?!" Lumia repeated, surprised by my response.

"Yes. I already figured out most of what their deal is since a while back. I'm just curious as to how far they are willing to take this." 

Lumia sighed, collapsing on the mat beside me. 

"So that's it, uh?" 

Wrath, who had been silent for some time, looked around as he noticed something.

"Master, this room..." He stated

"Yes, I know," I replied with a knowing glance.

Our room was bugged, and through the help of the Relic here, they were listening in to our every conversation.

"I have already taken care of care of it" I added.

Using Hex, it was a simple task. Whatever they were be hearing would be what they wanted to hear.

"Oh, these people are so nice."

"Ah, I'm exhausted... I hope the food comes soon."

"That woman was really pretty though. I wonder what she's doing in a dump like this."

"I have to make her mine"

"I hope she comes soon"


"My name is Xiang. Once again, I welcome you to this humble town" Our host said.

She had changed her attire and even refreshed her makeup. 

"Ah, I'm Rio. These two are Lumia and Willy"

"Oh, such unusual names... you must be from the Southern Kingdom," She said with mild surprise.

Don't go acting surprised like you didn't know already. Our complexion and looks are clearly different from yours.

She pretends to be a village bumpkin, yet she knows where we are from just by our names? There's no way this is their first encounter with visitors in a while, at least not for her.

"Thanks for hosting us. Our gratitude knows no bounds" I responded with a grin.

"I hope the room is to your taste. If only we knew visitors were coming, we would have prepared more..." 

Such lies. The house seems to be in perfect order, almost like they knew we would be arriving. She must have sent those two kids to quickly arrange the house prior to our arrival and even stalled for time, taking us through a long route to delay our arrival there.

"If I may ask, why was everyone cautiously looking at us. I know visitors are uncommon, but their expressions showed a slight hint of fear and suspicion. To be honest, I was a little hesitant to approach your town..." Deciding to play her game, I also began acting innocently.

Her face fell upon hearing my question, and I could tell she was about to begin spouting a load of bullshit.

"You see... the thing is... The direction you came from is close to a forbidden region in our Empire. No one has ever come from that direction." She began in a tone of dread.

"What?! Why?" I asked, feigning shock.

"You see... a particular creature lives there, one so powerful that none who have ever gone there returned alive."

Hoh? Now we're getting somewhere!

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