HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 211 - Strategy

~Oh yeah, one last thing. I've set up a channel of communication between the both of you. You do not need to speak to reach each other any longer. You can now hear each other's thoughts... If you want to...~ Rio's voice suddenly appeared in admonishment before vanishing once again

The sudden news elated Ruth and Shamac, as they wouldn't want the Constellation picking up anything they said to each other. 

~Shamac, can you hear me?~ Ruth's voice telepathically connected to Shamac's thoughts.

~Loud and Clear. This isn't so bad, after a-~

Before he could complete his thoughts, Shamac felt an intruding presence creep upon them. In a flash, the figure approached the two of them, smiling as it finally stood before them.

"So this is where your rats were holed up. Did you think you could escape my senses from this distance? Pathetic!" The Constellation spat in contempt as he glared at them.

~Well, he's here. What next? Now that I think of it this is the first time we've fought together... Well, not counting all the times within your pocket dimension.~ Shamac mused to Ruth.

Ruth laughed internally, though they both maintained stoic faces outwardly in order to ensure their opponent wasn't suspecting their use of telepathy.

~You know what? I'll take him. I'm the stronger one of us two...~ Ruth decided, shrugging nonchalantly.

In order to wrap things up quickly and efficiently, the job was most suited for her.

~I don't think that's such a good idea...~ Shamac cut in. 

Ruth stared at him with a surprised look and gave a disappointed sigh.

~Now is not the time for one of your competitive games, Shamac. This is a mission, and we have to do it in the most efficient way!~ Ruth chided.

Shamac was known well for his determination and stubbornness when it came to battle. Obsessed with becoming stronger, he pushed himself to the limits and always desired to fight more powerful foes. 

It was this nature of his that made Hexarion and Rio more pleased with him, and they both knew he had high potential to become phenomenally more powerful than they initially foresaw.

However, at the moment Shamac's drive was unnecessary. They only needed to complete the task. Ruth was more concerned with the mission than any excesses her partner displayed.

~Thats not my the reason for disagreeing with you, though...~ Shamac responded.

Surprised a little by this, Ruth allowed a slightly surprised expression slip out of her stoic face.

~What are you-~ 

Her thoughts were cut short by the annoying bellow of their opponent, who had apparently grown impatient of them for ignoring him.

"...By the time I'm done with you, you'll be begging me to let you spea-"

His voice rose to an irritating degree, and while Shamac had intentionally filtered him out of his conversation with Ruth, he couldn't control his dissatisfaction with the tone Aries used.

"Shut up!" 

Aries was shocked by Shamac's response, but Ruth didn't show any emotion. She was already used to the fact that Shamac liked asserting dominance when confronted with an opponent, even if they were stronger.

~Ruth, you mostly use Hex for your attacks. When facing an Apostle, you're at a disadvantage due to their interference with the Art. But, I'm certain with your level of mastery, you would be able to cope with it. Still... that would mean using Hex powerful enough to draw unwanted attention. Plus, I'm certain Rio still has plans for the Constellations, which is why he hasn't killed them yet. It would spoil his plans if you used the Art of the Evil One, and lost their trust, especially Virgo.~

Ruth hadn't considered that possibility. Even though she was extremely smart, she had only looked at it from the perspective of efficiency. It appeared she was still lacking in a certain degree of perspective that Shamac possessed.

However, that didn't mean she was entirely wrong either.

~You have a fair point, but my abilities aren't limited to Hex, you know?~ 

Her response made Shamac smile a little as he stepped forward, abandoning her in the rear. It appeared the little Shifter Hybrid had already expected her response and had another counter for it.

~While you can also tap into the Grace of Ana, and have merged it with your original power, if you use ROOT REALM directly against Aries, it will still cause some suspicion to arise since there are traces of Grace in it. Hex and Grace, using either of them would definitely make the Constellations extremely suspicious of us, especially concerning the recent killings of Apostles.~

Ruth ruminated on his words, and Shamac was right. She hadn't really been using her head at all to consider the reactions and emotions of others. All the while, her thoughts were more focused on efficiency and the swiftness of their operation.

~It also doesn't help that you look like Ana. Their suspicion will only be confirmed if you use her Grace to fight.~

Ruth was impressed. The more time she spent with Shamac, the more he impressed her. Not only his tenacity was amazing, but even his wits and analytic abilities were as well.

Of course, she knew this much since she possessed her memory as Ana, but it never stopped amazing her.

~If we eliminate both of your major abilities, that only leaves your access to the Boss' Treasury. But, having that alone may prove difficult, since you're not accustomed to using them alone in a fight, and you don't possess access to all of them either. Therefore... It only makes sense that I would be the one to fight this time~ Shamac spoke in a commanding tone, mixed in with his analytic words.

Ruth finally gave in. She had to admit defeat this time, as she couldn't argue with his logic. Besides, their opponent was getting extremely impatient.

Smiling defeatedly, she gave Shamac her blessings.

~ It's up to you, then.~

~Sure, leave it to me!~

At this point, the Constellation barked out annoying words, entirely enraged by their lack of reverence in his presence, especially Shamac's earlier words of disrespect.

"I said... shut up!" Was Shamac's response to Aries' words.

While Aries remained stunned by his defiance, Shamac's heart raced with excitement and he could feel himself consumed by the darkness he had long succumbed to.

Still keeping his hands within his pockets, Shamac proceeded further ahead while leaving Ruth in the background. 

He would allow no interruption in his fight against his prey.

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