HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 59 - Hero Of Justice (Pt 2)

"We are Apostles, little ones. Sent here by the gods themselves! We have come to save everyone and make you happy!" The white clad lady said with a warm smile.

As she spoke those words, something within me started to feel pain. My face began to soften as I heard those words.

"You must have been in so much pain before our arrival, but do not fret... The gods did not abandon you. For we have been sent to help you" She answered.

"You are safe now... Everything is alright"

Immediately, something broke within me..The tears I had not shed since the death of my parents came flowing down. It poured and flowed, showing no signs of stopping.

"Wahhhhhh" I cried uncontrollably.

The other kids also suddenly burst into tears as well. After so much pain and suffering... After so much unhappiness and emptiness for so long... Finally, finally...

"Little girl, it's fine" The woman in white drew closer to me and hugged me softly.

Her scent was so sweet, like flowers just in bloom. A scent I wasn't sure I still remembered after spending so long taking in the countless odors of various men.

Her white attire rubbed against my rough and dirty clothes. I was taken aback by this and tried to move away from her grasp.

She brought me closer to her chest and didn't let me go.

Her skin was smooth as she patted my rough and dirty hair. She smiled softly as she held unto me.

"B-But ... I'm so dirty.... I... I am so... Do I also deserve to be saved? Am I not too...?!" I hicced and said with a broken and trembling voice.

"It's not about whether or not you deserve it. It's whether or not it is willed to be given to you. Consider yourself honored... You are blessed among others who couldn't make it." She said to me.

Me? Honored?!

"B-But... I'm so... hic... I'm so..." I said to her.

I don't deserve to be saved. I am just a sacrifice meant to make others happy. Happiness isn't meant for others anyway. After all, if I can make as many people as I can happy... That would make me... A hero...

"We, as the chosen ones of God, don't care about any of that, now do they?" The woman said to me, pulling my face out of her warm chest as she gazed up my eyes.

"Because... We make sure only the good guys are happy, and we punish the bad guys!" She said to me.

"P-Punish... The bad... Guys?!" I repeated.

She nodded her head as she smiled at me.

"Yes, they're nothing but heathens. Like the men who held you all captive. They don't deserve any happiness or mercy or love or pity... Only judgement. And it is our duty to see to it that they are judged well, and to make sure Innocents like you end up being HAPPY.

These words hit me like a sledgehammer. So it wasn't me who was doing anything wrong. It was them... My dreams, they were flawed. Since I made room for people like those men in my plans for a better world, it was greatly in error. As the woman just said... I can't save everyone... But I can save only the good ones!

So that was what made me so different from them... They were...

"Lady... Are you per chance... A hero?" I asked her as my voice shook in her presence.

She paused, not responding for a while. I suddenly got nervous, perhaps I had said something wrong to her.

"Pfft" She suddenly let out.

"Eh?" I let out a surprised look.

She laughed heartily, still holding on to me.

I didn't know what to say as I just watched her brilliantly laugh.

"Yes my little girl... I suppose you could say I am! I am a hero" She said, looking at me with a brilliant gaze and a soft smile.

What I spent so long doing, what I gave my all to do... That wasn't my dream... That wasn't my purpose!

That wasn't being a hero!

A hero decides who is worthy of saving and separates them from the trash of this world.

From that moment on... I decided to be a true hero, based on the image 'she' set before me. Because... On that day...

"It was you who saved me... Lady Gratiana" I smiled with tears streaming down my eyes when I saw her years after.

After the rescue, we children were sent to the Sanctuary, where we received proper treatment and care. Many of us had troubles recovering from the trauma we experienced back at the camp, but I had no such issue. Because, I now had a new reason to live. As a hero... I was going to be just like the person who saved me! I too would save many others and make them happy! Also, I would make the heathens lay dearly for their sins. After all, they deserved no mercy at all!

"Heathens are the trash of this world, and trash do not deserve happiness!" I recited to myself every day!

The people at the Sanctuary made us stand before a special glowing orb, explaining to us that it was a test to see who the gods had chosen. And so one by one we stood, waiting for our turn.

When a child stood in front of it, the orb would glow, the brightness differed for each person who stood in front of it. This continued until it was finally my turn.

When I stood before the orb, the light glowed brighter than any if the others and it's brilliant ray illuminated the room.

I was so surprised and flustered, thinking I did something wrong. I was eventually calmed down by the Apostle, Gratiana, who bent down and held my shoulders. She looked at me with a warm smile and said to me...

"Congratulations Lana, you can be a hero too... Just like me!"

"A Hero?!" I asked, almost in disbelief.

That was how it all started. I was chosen and trained until I became an Apostle, and even had my name changed from Lana.

"Henceforth, your name is called Lauria, you will begin a new life here in service of the gods and prove useful to them in all ways... Welcome to the Apostasy... Lauria" An elder said to me as they newly prepared the name for me.

I swore to be the sword of the gods and the shield to the righteous, to serve them in all ways and repay them for the new life they gave me. Above all... I became the Hero I always wanted to be. I contracted with Hades after I had gained enough experience and eventually became a mentor to a younger, more inexperienced Apostle.


"Sigh, Flora... How many times do I have to say it. When facing bad people, you do not need to hold back. Heathens need to be uprooted from the core!" I told her many times.

"B-But... If there's still hope for repentance then..." She protested weakly.

"No... Heathens do not deserve repentance. In fact, they don't even seek it. The lot of them, all they have awaiting them... Is the righteous judgement of the gods!" I told her.

Flora was too pure and kindhearted. Nothing wrong about that for an Apostle, but... She showed mercy to the wrong opponent. And she died.

"Flora is dead?! How come? Who did this?!" I asked the Apostle who reported the news to me.

"I don't know the details myself. But I was asked to give you this scroll. it's concerning your next mission. I think it's connected to Flora's death so you should be able to get your answers from it".He said to me.

I didn't say any more and just nodded. He smiled and walked away.

"Flora... You must have gone too easy and all kindhearted on your opponent again. But don't worry... As your mentor... I'll make sure they don't get away with it! I promise... All trash like heathens do not deserve to live. I'll make sure to destroy whoever it is... With my very own hands!"

Or so I thought... But now, my life ends anyway. With hundreds of highly powerful Relics in the sky all aimed at me... This is the end for me. Lady Gratiana... I am sorry for not living up to your expectations. In the end... I couldn't... Become a hero like you... I'm... Sorry...

I closed my eyes as the multiple Relics descended upon me. My life ends here... As Lauria the Apostle, chosen by the gods as a hero of justice.

But why... Still why....

"Why am I not happy...?!

Tears of sorrow and regret fell.

I truly was the happiest, back then... With my parents... I truly wish... I could return.... To that time.

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