HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 69 - Architect Of Ruin

I smiled at him and finally spoke up.

"I'm going to take over Artia. Right now, I've brought you, the powerhouse of finance in this city, down. I've also taken down the Black Market and they will soon be under my control. I intend on swallowing your entire company, Julius. Imperius will be mine... And Artia will follow." I said to him with a smile.

"You... I can accept my defeat and everything else so far. But there's no way you can take over Imperius. It runs deeper than the both of us. Heh, looks like there's a bit of a flaw in your plan. Who would've thought..." Julius said with a satisfied look.

This guy... He must be really daft or something lesser than stupid. To think I esteemed him in my mind at a point.

"Then what do you say about the 50 million Ancient Coins that Imperius owes me? What would happen if they were unable to pay back such a huge bulk of money?" I smiled as I asked.

"Y-You... What do you mean. That money is with me, you know it. Besides, the deal you made was with me... We clearly agreed on the terms of the con-" Julius protested.

"Yes, that we did. The contract we agreed upon indeed states the agreement to between you and myself. But... You should also know what happens when the vassal or steward of an establishment makes an agreement within the company, the authority of said establishment is present in it. I made a contract with you, Julius, but as a representative of your company you have involved them as well. What happens when Julius, the Branch manager of Imperius becomes missing? Who shall take responsibility for the great loss on my part?" I asked him.

"You... You think Imperius is as simple as that? You think I matter in such a large establishment? They'll throw away any affiliation with me and deny everything!" Julius said in protest.

"I suppose you would have been correct, that is if I was just an ordinary person. But I doubt even Imperius would be able to deny our agreement when I have a written contract with the seal as evidence..."

Julius let out a loud snicker, interrupting my speech.

"A written contract? That's it?! You think that counts for jack in the world we live in?! You think..."

He was still ranting when I snapped my fingers.

Immediately his right leg exploded, causing blood to splatter all around the forest, and the residue oozed from the hole the explosion made on the remnant of his hind limb.

"Gahhhhhhh! Guahhhhh" Julius let out in agonizing pain.

"Be quiet!" I said.

I snapped my fingers again. This time, the volume of his noise reduced until he went mute. His annoying sounds stopped being audible and this surprised him. Tears streamed from his eyes as sweat filled his face.

He bellowed and bellowed but his voice couldn't be heard. Not by me, nor himself. He glared at me as his tears flowed, angry at me and himself for his powerlessness. This continued as I watched him cry in futility.

"Done yet?" I asked him after waiting for his desperate cries to die down.

His face grew weak and pale. I suppose he has lost a lot of blood and energy. We can't have that now, can we?

"HEX# 39 Causality Reversal"

Immediately, his body returned to it's original state and the sound resumed.

"H-How..." He questioned as he looked with unbelief, perplexed by the miracle I wrought.

"Never interrupt me!" I told him.

This little worm dares to interrupt me while I'm taking time to explain something his fragile mind can barely comprehend. What an ungrateful mongrel.

"S-Sorry..." He shook, feeling a cold pressure surrounding his body.

His face and bodily reactions show that he's still in shock and his fear has definitely increased. All he needed was a reminder, and now he's back to his subservient and pathetic state.

"As I was saying. I have the written contract as evidence... And the Royal family on my side." I said.

His eyes bulged as I mentioned this.

"Heh, as you know Phobio is a prince, a legitimate son of the Royal Household. Normally, his words would count for nothing and his influence wouldn't amount to much..."

"But, I suppose his level of influence has skyrocketed thanks to the few million Ancient coins I gave him to present to his family." I explained.

Julius suddenly realized this and his body shook.

"With Phobio as my pawn, It's not so easy to discard anything I want. If, by chance I, an innocent merchant and best friend to the prince makes a complaint to the Royal family due to the money I saved in Imperius and their refusal to take responsibility for my collosal loss. What do you think happens then?"

"Not only will the Royal Family be gravely upset with Imperius for not paying their dues on the Ancient Coins, but also refusing to do the 'right' thing to the friend of the prince, who happens to have access to Ancient Coins" I said with a sly smile.

At this point, Julius' face fell even more and he let loose every tense muscle of his body. Looks like he has finally given in now... I can sense it... The despair.

"The debt Imperius will incur due to your indiscretion, as well as being out of favor with the Royal House... Don't you think letting go of a branch in Artia is a better deal than the consequence that will unfold if they choose to do otherwise?" I asked.

"I-I accept it... You win... I... I was wrong" He said, tears falling from his eyes.

"I assure you, it will all be mine. I told you from the beginning didn't I? That in exchange for the coins, I'll be taking everything!" I said with a smile.

He nodded slowly as tears streamed even more.

Looks like regret. How unsightly. Does he think I'll pity him and spare his life as a result of this? How wrong can he be.

"So, even the Royal Family is part of your grand plan... Just how far do you intend to go? When does it stop?" He muttered.

"In exchange for the brief satisfaction of having so many Ancient coins in your possession, I received everything you had. What do you think happens when the Royal Family obtaines a piece of my treasure?" I asked him.

"You plan on taking over the Royal family too? Y-You devil..." Julius bellowed.

How shallow.

"You think too small. But I suppose that is the limit of human cognition. I never operate at a loss. Everything is for my benefit. Obtaining Artia... Even the Royal Family. They are all a means to an end" I said.

"And that is... The End of this World!" I said to him with cold eyes.

As he saw this, his body throbbed even further that he nearly gave out.

"W-Who... Just what are you?!" Julius asked me with sweat pouring all over his body and his face exhibiting pure fright.

I smiled.

"I am he who knows the end from the beginning. The one who swallows worlds and possesses the secrets of the birth and death of existsnce. The one who achieves chaos, the one who brings despair and the one who consumes all. The evil one and the lord of primordial destruction. I am the author of nothingness, and the very personification of nonexistence. I am the origin of life and of death. My name is Hexarion, Primordial of The Void"

He trembled before me, his mind processed so many things. The possibility of me being very Demon God who stood against the Primordial Ones, the very existences who stand supreme in this world. If I was such an existence, he was certain...

He never had hope to begin with.

"This... This is what I get for making a deal... with the devil himself..." He said softly.

Immediately his entire body exploded into tiny chunks of meat, bone and blood. They scattered all around, making his now scattered corpse unrecognizable.

No one will be able to tell that this used to be Julius. But... For good measure.

"HEX #64 Flames of Pardition"

Black purple flames appeared and consumed the blood and bones and flesh and other parts of Julius that existed all around me.

The black flames burned and within seconds it erased every single trace of Julius' existence. All that is left... Is the very mirror he clung to until the very end.

"That Julius... Despite his words and actions... Deep within him, he never let go of his false hope until the very end. The fact that he held unto this proves that" I muttered.

I attracted the mirror to myself and held it.

"You did a good job Julius. Now I have a whole bunch of new items to experiment on... But, knowing this world's standards, they'll all end up being trash anyway.

In any case ...

"ROOT" I called out.

The first thing I did was remove my coins from the mirror and returned them to my Treasury.

The things left in the mirror, well... I'll check them out later.

I walked away from the scene and headed for Talia and Shamac's location. I wonder if they've rendezvoused with Ana and what their reactions would be after seeing her. I suppose I'll have quite the sight to look forward to.

"ROOT. Store Items within Treasure Space" I commanded.


"<<Individual Item qualities are too weak>>"

"<<Items will be analyzed collectively>>"

"<<Items have been completely analyzed>>" "<<Categorized in Sacred Grade Treasures>>"

"<<Storage Successful>>"

Well, looks like together they qualify as Sacred Grade.

That's an improvement.

"Let's wrap things up, shall we? It's time to begin the takeover" I said with a malevolent smile.

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