HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 78 - A Desperate Situation

"Huff... Huff" The young man heaved as exhaustion was beginning to catch up to him.

Still, he lifted his heavy sword with what little strenght he could muster as he huffed even more. He had several injuries, as well as a severe wound on one of his legs and his side.

"Keuk....It's no use." His partner commented, returning to his side.

She was also bleeding all over her hands, with a slight bruise on her head.

The both of them glanced at the bodies of their fallen comrades. Three lifeless corpses were scattered around the battlefield, with blood staining everything around them. Some of their body parts were already dismembered and crushed.

"Our party of five is now... Urk..." The young man groaned.

His female partner looked at him with a sad look and then turned toward their foe... A monstrous creature of unbelievable mass and strenght.

"I should've known not to take the quest..." The man's voice quivered as he spoke in regret.

Because of his impulse, three of his party members were now dead. The remaining one he had was severely injured, and he wasn't better off either. He should have known better...

"This monster... We can't beat it!" He let out in frustration.

"Grughhhh" The monster growled.

It was at least 9 metres tall. It had two large horns protruding from it's head. With the face and tail of a calf and the body of a giant man, coupled with massive strength it was known for, this creature was none other than... The Minotaur.

Not just any Minotaur, but a full adult one. With a massive club in hand, It's red glare was enough to send shivers down the spine of the surviving adventurers.

"We're... We're going to die?!" The young man said, slumping to the ground and kneeling helplessly as the giant monster approached them steadily.

"Nathan, snap out of it! Your words mock the sacrifice made by our fallen comrades. Are you not our leader? How can you act like this? They fought till the very end, did they not? They believed in you! I still believe in you... So Nathan..." His female partner said to him.

Nathan looked up and met her gaze. He saw how bruised she was, yet... She looked much more elegant in that manner. She still trusted him, she still stood firm. Even with such a strong adversity, she still held her ground.

"... After this is all over, you're going to do what you promised... Okay?" She said as she smiled at him.

His eyes widened as he saw this. It was beginning to come back to him... The promised he had made to her.

"After this is all over... Let's finally get married, Marie"

He remembered how he took this job in order to raise enough money to get them a better life as a married couple. Yet...

If she could believe in him, and muster up the courage to say those words to him. How could he, as a man, not return her sincerity with all of his being.

"Marie! We're going to survive this! The sacrifice of our friends won't be in vain! After this is all over... LET'S GET MARRIED!!!" Nathan declared with a loud voice.

Marie smiled as Nathan stood back on his feet and they both faced the monster... Together.

They nodded and exchanged an unspoken understanding with one another. Deep down they knew they might not survive. But, they decided to give it their all and hope for a miracle from the gods.

"I know... This is impossible... But o gods, please I plead with you... Just this once... Save us!" Marie thought to herself.

The Minotaur drew closer and then raised it's club, ready to crush the people who dared to oppose it.

Nathan clung unto his sword and gripped it tightly. His body throbbed with pain and fear but he would not relent. Marie also held unto her staff as it glowed, indicating the commencement of one of her special attacks.

"It doesn't have much power left, but... I should still be able to manage one last shot" She told her leader and lover.

"Alright! I'll create an opening for you! Once it's ready, fire it with full power!" Nathan answered her.

She nodded and raised her staff which glowed even brighter as she closed her eyes. With unwavering concentration, she gathered the little energy left within the staff in her hands.

Without a moment's hesitation, Nathan charged straight for the monster with his injured body.

"Oraaaaaaaaa" He yelled, using his two hands to lift his greatsword.

The Minotaur halted it's approach and brought down it's hand which held the giant club.

Nathan saw this coming and quickly leaped away, barely avoiding the strike which caused a massive shockwave.

With the monster's hand close to the ground, Nathan used his sword to slice through the tendons of the hand, causing the Minataur's grip on the club to weaken.

"Guarghhhhh" The monster yelled in pain.

Nathan tried pulling his greatsword out, but it remained stuck in the thick hide of the beast. He didn't have enough strength to remove his weapon from the monster's body... And the injured beast wasn't going to give him enough time to gather it.

"Gurhhhhh" The Minotaur glared at it's assualter.

It immediately launched it's second hand to crush Nathan, who dodged by a hair's breath.

The shock caused by the impact of the monster's hand in the ground caused Nathan to lose his footing, making him roll on the floor uncontrollably.

"Gahhh" Nathan yelped.

The Minotaur wasn't done with him. It left it's club and gave it's full attention to Nathan. He roared as it prepared to charge toward him with full force.

"Yes... Just like that!" Nathan muttered weakly.

With it's back turned away from Marie, it was the best opening she could ask for, and he delivered.

"It's up to you... Marie" He moaned.

Marie opened her eyes slowly as she smiled weakly.

"It's ready!" She declared.

A great mass of energy gathered on her staff as she pointed it toward the nape of the monster's neck. With the amount of energy her staff was going to project... Surely it would be enough to pierce through the head of the Minataur and cause it's death.

"Gríðarvölr Blast!!!" She yelled.

Immediately a massive bolt of energy, in the shape of fierce lightening emanated from the staff and charged straight for the head of the Minataur.


The raging sounds of thunder and the shockwaves the massive surge created caused the entire forest to tremble.

The light dimmed as the lightning flickered before it ceased. Marie's glowing staff turned entirely dull as it slipped off of her hands.

"Huff... Huff... Is it... Done?" She asked herself.

She saw the Minotaur in front of her, it's head was entirely dismembered from it's body as it's charred skin brought out smoke.

"W-We won?" She said, nearly in disbelief.

"Huff... Huff... We did it Marie. You were amazing" Nathan said, limping as he approached her slowly.

"Nathan..." She smiled with tears falling from her cheeks.

"Finally... We can go home..." Nathan smiled to her.

"Yes!" She replied.

They both locked eyes with each other. Their weak smiles and tired body could be seen, but what mattered the most was the fact that they survived together... That was more than enough.


Suddenly a sound was heard.... A sound which signalled something far worse to come.

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