The Minataur raised it's club and smashed it into the ground. The leader evaded the slow, yet powerful strike. He dashed as fast as his legs could carry him, dragging his large sword beside him.

"Lara, Marie... Now!" He yelled.

Marie raised her staff and launched several volleys of energy blasts at the Minataur, causing it to stumble on its feet. As it was stunned, the next party member prepared her attack.

Lara, the archer among the party members steadied her bow and focused her eyes on the target. From the tree where she was stationed she focused on the prey... The Minataur.

She released the arrow, launching it powerfully toward the stunned beast. It's hissing sound filled the air and within a moment, it pierced the head of the monster...

"Yes! It hit!" She said with excitement.

... Or so they thought.

The arrow fell, crumbled by its impact with the monster. The arrow did not penetrate... It got destroyed.

"W-What?! No way!" Lara, the archer said in disbelief.

The Minataur turned away from the leader and it's red glare focused on Lara.

"Get out of there!!!" Marie yelled to her with a desperate tone.

They all knew what happened when a Minataur got angered... Destruction!

"N-No... Stay away..." Lara said fearfully to the beast as it approached her, trying to escape from her position on top of the tree.

There were no other branches around which guaranteed her escape, so she had only one option.

The monster stretched it's hands to crush her, but she quickly took the initiative and jumped down, barely escaping it's clutch. 

"Gahhh" She yelled as one of her legs let out a disturbing crack.

The bones of one of her legs broke due to the impact. She felt great pain as a recoil from suddenly landing on the floor so unexpectedly, coupled with the pain of her broken bones. This left her stunned for a moment.

By the time she pulled herself together and managed to rise, it was too late. A dark shadow covered her, and she could feel chills running through her body. She looked above her and saw it... The leg of the Minataur was raised above her head, ready to squash her.

"Lara!!!" Her comrades yelled.

One of the other party members ran desperately, stretching his hands to save her from her impending and inevitable doom. He pushed himself with all the energy he could muster as he groaned.

Lara heard them all call her name as she looked in front of her. One of her teammates, her best friend... He was running toward her, he was going to save her. His outstretched arm looked so big. Perhaps... She could be rescued from...

"D-David..." She stretched forth her hands to grab his, with a slight glint of hope in her eyes.


The ernomous hoof of the Minataur crushed her, sending her bloods darting in every possible direction, and the rest of it oozing on the ground.

"Laaaraaaaaa!!!" David screamed as he witnessed this happen before his very eyes.

"Y-You... You monster!!!" He yelled at the Minataur who looked unfazed by his threatening glare.

"I'll kill you!" David growled in fury as tears streamed from his face.

Punching his two fists together, the chain he had in his neck glowed, causing two red gauntlets to appear on both his hands. A massive surge of energy permeated around his body as he clenched his fist in anger and resolve.

"Uohhhhhh" He said in concentration, increasing his energy output even more.

The power he amassed increased threefold as his muscles grew even larger and his body, more finely toned.

"I'll kill y-" He raised his head to glare at the beast.


The heavy club of the Minataur smashed into the body of David, the brawler, causing his increased muscles to burst as blood splurged out of his body.

"Guarkkkk!!!" He yelled out in shock.

His bloodied body was sent flying by the powerful swing of the Minataur, causing him to crash into several trees as a result. The impact broke thier barks, as well as his bones, in the process.

This caused a loud noise which shook the ground. The Minataur turned away from the mayhem he just caused and focused on the three remaining. He growled as he walked forward, leaving the bloodied corpse of the archer, Lara.

"Huff... Huff... Where do you think you're going?" A voice appeared from within the destroyed mass of trees.

"I'm not done with you yet!" David said with his gruggy and exhausted voice.

He glared with his tired looking eyes as he staggered to walk.

"David, that's enough... You've done enough!" The leader said to his comrade. The rest of the party members couldn't take looking at their friend, who was all beat up and covered with his own blood, coupled with severe injuries, yet still struggling to fight.

"Shut up! Stay out if this Nathan! That beast will pay for crushing Lara! It's mine!!!" David growled.

He built up his power once again and dashed toward the Minataur, who looked shocked by David's sudden increase in momentum.

"Uohhhhhh!!!" David said, raising his fist as he built up a large mass of energy concentrated there.

"Drop dead!" He said, hitting the Minataur in it's chest, as it tried to attack him.

"Guoarkkk" The monster shrieked due to the severe pain it experienced.

"Rahhhhhhh" David continued to cry as he poured out all his energy in his strike.

The massive surge of power caused an explosion which blew away the trees in the area, causing an open space around them.

Dust filled the air as David struggled to still maintain his stance. He staggered as his two hands were already rendered useless by the move he made, and his vision was blurry. He gazed at the monster who was on the floor, looking lifeless.

"Serves you right... You crazy beast..." He muttered weakly as he smiled.

The Minataur had a gaping hole in it's chest, an injury that was fatal to anyone who received it.

"Lara... I have avenged you... Finally..." He mumbled.

However, due to his victory, he let his guard down. And that carelessness... cost him his life!


Blood burst out of David's already damaged body as the Minataur's horn pierced his stomach.

"W-Wha...?!" David said as he coughed blood.

His eyes bulged as the Minataur slowly raised him up as he stood.

Hanging on the horn of the monster he supposedly killed, David realised that he was sorely mistaken. The gaping hole of the Minataur slowly began to regenerate. The monster was not dead yet.

"I...I..." He muttered, before finally losing consciousness and dying.

"Grauhhhhhhh" The Minataur roared, it's voice reverberated about them.

The waves of sound and wind caused David's body to slip away from the horns and fall lifelessly on the ground.

The Minataur glared at the remaining adventurers, clearly enraged at this point. Before they could react or counterattack, it used it's fist to hit the ground, digging out a massive lunp of earth from the cracks which appeared due to its strike.

"Grrrrrrkkkk" It let out, turning to face one of the surviving Adventurers.

"Eeeek..." The man yelled, trying to escape from the range of the Minataur.

But he was too slow, too late.

The monster threw the rock with absolute precision and power, whirling in the air as it neared it's target with unbelievable speed. The Adventurer turned back as he saw the massive rock descend on him and realised it was unavoidable.

"Oh... My go-"

The rock crushed his body as blood splattered on the ground and on the nearby trees around him.

"N-No... No way!" Nathan said as he watched his friend die.

"Lara... David... Jared... They're all..." Nathan mumbled to himself, facing the ground.

The other survivor, Marie, quickly left her compromised position and hurried to his side.

"Nathan... It's coming!" She said to him.

He looked ahead of himself and saw the Minataur glaring at the two of them as if telling them:

"You're next!"

No, he refused to die. He had to live... He had to win against the Minataur. He gripped his greatsword and nodded to his partner who raised her staff as it glowed. They would take their last stand... Together!

[My Turn]

I watched the battle unfold, but refused to intervene in any of the deaths or circumstances they found themselves in.

Truthfully I don't need all of them to live, the more people perish, the better for me. If just one or two live, then it's alright by me.

As they fought and struggled, I watched them. How weak humans are.

They finally combined their efforts and defeated the Minataur. They looked so happy and relieved by their victory.

Unknown to them... The true challenge was on its way. And their victory was shortlived.

The five sleeping Minataurs approached them and their hopeful smiles turned to looks of fear and despair. As they watched the monsters close in on them, powerless, they could only do one thing... Render prayers of help.

Now that they are in a desperate situation... Exactly as I planned, I will save them. In doing so, I will make my first debut in Lamar, as Rio a wandering hero... An aspiring adventurer.

"Rejoice, powerless humans. You are about to be put to good use. By saving your lives, I will achieve one of my objectives." I grinned.

Well then, It's about time I joined the party!

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