HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 84 - City Of Adventure

"Sir Rio, if you don't mind my asking... That blade you used the other time, it was a Relic, wasn't it?"

Nathan looked at the sheathed 'Sword of Rupture' which was strapped by my waist with curiosity. He must have been thinking of it for quite a while.

I smiled when he asked me this. His intentions are unclear. He is probably just interested in the weapon since it dealt such a heavy blow against the Minataurs, but it's also possible he covets it in his heart. Either way, he knows he can't obtain something like this from me.

"Yes. It's called the 'Blade of Rupture'" I said.

Calling a thin layered blade like this a sword is too inappropriately for me. A katana is a katana, there's no meaning in giving it an ambiguous identity.

He kept his eyes fixated on the Relic, so much that it became annoying to me.

"Would you like to have a look at it?" I asked him.

"Y-Yes! If you would allow me to!" He quickly answered energetically.

Of course he would say that.

I gave him the blade, still in it's sheath. He collected it and observed the structure of the blade, refusing to part with it as he unsheathed and sheathed it many times.

I let him do as he pleased, after all we won't be together much longer.

Since I gave the coachman and the horses enough time to rest, we got to the city of Lamar In nearly four hours. The tall walls of the city caught my attention. Guards were stationed on the walkway at the very top of the walls. The giant gate was also an interesting sight. It was bigger than the one at Artia, which doesn't come as a surprise to me.

Even though Artia is a trade hotspot in the Kingdom, the Adventurers City is still one of major importance. Plus, since a variety of monsters and dangers are associated with the city, the security is bound to be higher.

Our carriage took us to the gate. The coachman halted the horses, stopping our movements temporarily in order for the soldiers to perform the usual checkup. The coachman showed them his license and the passengers he carried on his carriage, namely us.

The soldiers stationed outside the gate are two, working in pairs is a very common thing in this world. Only one left his position to check out vehicle and carry out a short inspection. Of course I'm already aware of this, after all it is a normal regulation followed by anyone visiting the city of Lamar. The soldier who came to inspect our carriage was middle aged, on his way to the old side. He had a cheery face and a gutsy expression. Immediately he saw Nathan, the man looked surprised.

"Oi, Is that you Nathan? You're back early, aren't you? Thought you would be spending longer with your party. By the way, where's the rest of those young'uns?" The solder asked Nathan.

Nathan looked downcast, unable to respond to the guard. Catching the hint, the man looked shaken by the fact that the youths he just recently saw leaving the city perished just like that.

"You mean to tell me... You're the only survivor?" The guard asked in a sad manner.

"N-No... Marie was also able to survive. B-But... I couldn't do anything!" Nathan lamented"

"No, there was nothing you could do. You did your best protecting Marie, Nathan. For that alone you can call yourself a real man" The soldier attempted to lift Nathan's spirit.

"W-Well, about that... Actually it was this young master here that saved us from death and helped us reach this city." Nathan said, gesturing to my direction.

I smirked within myself. I have been waiting for this moment. It looks like Nathan is perfect for this after all. Fortunately, I didn't kill him, that would have been a waste.

"Oh? This is... I've never seen him before." The guard said, carefully observing my face.

Is this really appropriate?

Usually guards are only to conduct a thorough search on the visitors or anyone entering the City of Lamar. However, since there's currently no haste to move, we are free to converse for the time being.

"Yo, kid... Is what this man saying true? You really saved his arse from some beasts? The same beasts that killed his comrades?" The man asked me, drawing his face nearer to mine as he stared me straight in the eye.

I see what is going on. This is exactly as I predicted the situation to flow. Nathan is a veteran Adventurer, so it's only natural that the guards know him well. Not also that, but for him to have taken a quest to the Forest of Monsters, he must have at least a somewhat noticeable rank within the Adventurers City. The guard will definitely ask of what happened to him and the whereabouts of his partners. After, he involves me in the conversation and my existence is made known to the guards. A great idea, though it's a bit annoying how this man is being so casual to me. 

I looked over to see the reactions of my subordinate. Of course, the three were surprised the guard said that to me. Talia and Ana were clearly pissed off at the guard for his effontry, but Shamac was more shocked that I didn't anything to the man.

"It is true" I responded calmly.

"Oh? With that sorta face and this kinda fanciful ride? What were you doing in the Forest in the first place?"

He must be doubtful, since it looks like I am an entitled person, someone who just has the money to show. Maybe he thinks I bribed Nathan to give me all the credit. How shallow is that?

"It really is true sir! He used this weapon! You should have seen him. He was awesome!" Nathan said, with excitement clearly written all over his eyes, while also showing the guard the 'Blade of Rupture' I lent to him.

The guard stretched out his hand, indicating he wanted to see the Relic. Nathan looked at me hesitantly, but I nodded.

He handed over the blade to the guard, and after a moment of observed the Relic in his hands, he looked up and stared at me with a surprised look.

"T-This is... Who are you?!"

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