HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 98 - Carnage

"Wh-Who..." He shrieked silently.

But he had to keep moving. 

As he walked past the rooms he had checked earlier, their doors were closed, as though nothing had happened there before.

Finally, he stood between the last two doors. Behind one of them was the Relic he sought. Suddenly, a creaking sound was heard, and the door to his left creaked open slowly. His eyes slowly followed the sound and glanced over to see the cause.

The door opened completely, and he saw it... It was an empty room. Most likey a storehouse. Sacks and bags were there, nothing out of the ordinary, nothing scary. 

Nathan heaved a sigh of relief. 

"Maybe there are Relics there" His thoughts suddenly rang.

If that was true, maybe be could find something that could let him leave the house. He hurriedly approached the room and entered. He checked around the dimly lit place and saw several sacks and boxes. A grin appeared on his face. 

"I'm not going to die! I'll live... Marie is waiting for me!" He mumbled to himself.

He opened the first sack his eyes saw excitedly, ready to see the goods he would find. 

His face paled and eyes widened at the sight which he saw.

"Uahhhhhhh!!!!!!" He screamed, pulling away from the sack.

The sack lost balance and fell, causing it's contents to spill out. Something rolled out of it and stopped midway between the object it came from and Nathan.

It was a butchered head. It's bloodied form looked grotesque and mishappen, but Nathan recognized it well. 

"Jared.... Is that you...?!" He muttered as tears flowed down his eyes, though he didn't know why.

Was it fear? Was it sadness? Maybe it was both.

Suddenly the room vibrated and the other sacks and boxes began to open and fall, pouring their contents out as well.

Liver. Kidneys. Intestines. Pancreas. Heart... Scrotum sacks and testicles... They all came pouring out. Nathan's legs were nearly out of strength, but he pushed himself to stand. His noise must have drawn attention, he had to escape. He had to run! He gathered his energy and made himself stand. His wobbly legs gave out strength as he crashed down again, his hands clashing with squishy intestines and fat.

He gave up on walking and decided to crawl. He was desperate. He crawled as fast as he could, using his hands to support his weakened legs and pushed himself. 

"Almost there..." He groaned, nearly reaching the door.


Suddenly the door began to move, and before Nathan could utter a word... It closed, leaving him in absolute and perpetual darkness. 

"No... No... Please... Someone, anyone... Please don't leave me here! Please! Noooooo!!!!" He screamed as tears rolled down his desperate eyes.


"Everyone is... Nathan, Donny.... They're all dead. I'm the only one alive!" Karl said as he ran through the hallway, seeing a strange door open and beyond it was a storehouse. Sacks and boxes were within.

"Maybe... Maybe I'll be able to find that Relic there" He said desperately, panting and looking around him in fear.

He entered the room, and not long after screams came from from within it.

"Oh, god no... Noooo. Please, Uahhhhh" 

The door shut tight, locking him within the dark confines of darkness.


For Donny, for Bolock, for Dez.... For everyone else, it happened. They found themselves as the only survivors after finishing their jobs and returning to the rendezvous point. Of course, they went to look for the others, but found the same thing. Bloodied corpses and death.

They attempted to escape, but couldn't. They tried to find the Relic for escape, but ended up being trapped in a room of darkness.

It happened to them all... But it was not real.

It was...

"HEX # 90, Haze"


"Pathetic creatures"

I smiled as I watched the group of nine men dance and wiggle desperately on the ground, screaming and shouting. They muttered unintelligible words and cried their eyes out. Every once in a while they would let out cries and pleas for help.

"Help!!! I'm sorry! Please just spare me!"

"I don't wanna die!!!"

"No no no no no!!! I can't... I can't die here!"

"It's over, is this how my life ends?!"

The burglars all rolled and squirmed helplessly on the floor as they all screamed like madmen, scared of something that doesn't exist in the first place. 

"They must be enjoying the dream I gave them very well" I smiled.

"What exactly did you do to them?" Talia asked in a confused and scared tone.

Their screams seem to be unnerving her.

"I used Hex on them. Haze shows people whatever I want them to, attacking their minds and causing madness and unspeakable fear within them. I merely gave them a dream and generated a scenario to follow" I explained.

In each person's dream, he finishes his mission successfully, returns to the parlor in order to meet up with everyone else, and ends up being the only one there. It turns out everyone else is dead, and gruesomely so at that. Not only are they dead, but the entrance is also locked, as such they can not leave the house. With the rest of the teammates dead, and the killer still on the loose, also trapped in the house as well, it can only cause one thing to rise.


As such, they have a couple of options. One is to stay in their position and wait for the killer to find them and kill them. The second is that they forcibly use a very powerful Relic or weapon that they possess to forcefully break out. The final option is to find the Relic used to break into the house and silently escape.

I see everyone chose the last option much to my disappointment. I even designed scenarios that was going to occur if they had chosen the first or second option. In the sight of blood and carnage, they lost all sense of reasoning and refused to think with their heads. Instead, they allowed their desperate instincts to lead them.

I have to say though, these men are the most foolish of creatures. I'm not an unfair person, so in this little game I made for them in their heads, I provided a way of escape. But instead of following my clues or being dilligent in their venture, they gave in to desperation and met their end. Just look at them, crying and whining like children.

I saw Nathan among the Adventurers beneath me. He looked miserable as his mouth mumbled words in a low and coarse tone.

"M-Marie... I-I... I'm sorry... I'm so so sorry!" He cried.

He is such a baby. He engages in such illegal and criminal acts, yet when it's time for recompense he acts like a child.

"But, isn't this too much for them? I mean, it's not like we died or anything. Also... After hearing their words, I don't think they are bad guys. It's probably just due to circumstances that-"

"Talia! I can't believe you are sayings that! They deserve this much for trying to assasinate Lord Hexarion. After what master did for him, this ungrateful commoner dares to do this?" Ana said with clenched fist as she watched the men desperately scream for mercy, especially Nathan.

Caught between the opinion of the two girls, I decided to learn of Shamac's stance on the matter.

"They deserve to suffer" Shamac said sharply.

Talia glanced at Shamac with a shocked expression, coupled with a disappointed glare.

"What? It's true. They came here prepared to kill us. So it's only right they suffer the same fate."

Now then, what should I do?

To be honest, other than Nathan, I don't need any other person among this group. They'll mostly serve as baggage to me. This just means I'll have to get rid of them.



The locks opened


The hinge of the door bent

Suddenly, the locked door in front of Karl opened up. As it slowly shifted to the side, exposing the light he begged so desperately for, Karl smiled with gratitude and happiness. He was finally free.

But the thought of how the door opened, or who opened it did not cross his mind. After spending such a tortuous time within the room, he didn't care. Whether it was days, weeks, years, or only a few hours... Karl had lost track of the very concept of time within the dark little room. For the very fact that light came, it was enough for him to cry for joy.

"Thank you. Thank you so much!" He cried sincerely.

The entrance was open, but there was no one in sight. Everywhere was empty and silent. The eeriness that came from outside was enough for anyone to want to remain behind the closed door. But for one who had been trapped for so long in nigh eternal torment of darkness, he would do anything to leave. He hurriedly rose to his feet and ran toward the wide space in front of him, fearing the door would close if he waited any longer.

Little did he know of the horror that lie beyond.

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