Hey, Dad, I'm Being Hunted Now!

Chapter 115: Spending A Lot Of Money To Seek Daxia’S Medical Technology! The Beautiful Country Is Co

Chapter 115: Spending a lot of money to ask for Daxia’s medical technology! The beautiful country is so confused!!

As major international medical institutions broke out a series of shocking data.

At this moment, not only people around the world are going crazy.

Officials from various countries also felt extremely incredible because of the latest medical research in Daxia!

The news came so suddenly that they immediately dispatched relevant elite investigators from the country to investigate and confirm the authenticity of the news.

And under the strict investigation of their domestic intelligence agencies.

They were all surprised to find that many international medical institutions did not lie!

Daxia’s medical technology is really making rapid progress!

Now, officials from all over the world cannot sit still.

"Daxia's medical technology has really risen overnight!"

"This is incredible. If major international medical institutions hadn't announced this data, we probably wouldn't have known about it until now. The big car is too Versailles!"

"Daxia's medical technology can be said to have transcended an era. It can not only treat liver disease, but also almost all AIDS, cancer, etc. This is simply good news for mankind!"

"I really envy Daxia's medical technology power. If we want Daxia's technology, it will definitely be impossible. Then we will have to spend a lot of money to purchase Daxia's finished technology!"

"It's okay if we can't get the core technology! As long as Daxia is willing to sell drugs to us, in order to solve some necessary problems in our country, we will never lose money!"

Officials from all over the world are discussing the current medical situation in Daxia.

And as they discussed.

Soon, all countries around the world made almost unanimous decisions.

That is to express sincerity to Daxia in advance and show that they hope to purchase Daxia’s biomedical technology!

Although they all believed that it was almost impossible for Daxia to sell them core technology.

But no matter what, let’s ask for it first and then talk about it!

What if it happens?

And even if it doesn't work out, they have nothing to worry about.

When the worst comes to worst, just go buy Daxia’s medical products.

In short, the attitude must be corrected first.

Once you have a good attitude, it will be easy to say anything from now on! 05

As officials around the world gradually realize this.

They also issued public announcements one after another to express their sincerity to Daxia!

"Please Daxia sell your latest medical technology to our country! We will definitely pay a lot of money to buy it, and any price can be negotiated!"

"Our country has countless energy resources. As long as Daxia can sell us technology, we will not only spend a lot of money to purchase the energy, but we will also give Daxia a permanent discount of 20% off for energy sales!"

"Please Daxia sell us your latest medical technology. Our country doesn't have many other things, but it has a lot of iron ore and mutton. I can give you a permanent discount!"

"We strongly hope that Daxia can sell its technology to us. We will always provide unconditional support in all aspects for any action!!"

"Please Daxia......"

For a time, almost all countries around the world issued similar statements.

They are all eagerly hoping that Daxia can sell their most advanced medical technology to them.

Their behavior naturally once again caused a sensation all over the world and caused crazy discussions among people around the world!

"Please, Daxia, for the sake of our country's sincerity, just sell us the following technologies!"

"Daxia, our country's sincerity is not low at all! Please beg Daxia to sell us its technology. The cancer rate in our country is very high, and your technology is our hope!"

"Same request! Our country has also shown a high degree of sincerity. I hope Daxia will give it more consideration!"

"Although the sincerity shown by our country is not very good, it is also because of our country's own reasons, and everyone wants medical technology that can treat cancer. I only hope that Daxia can sell the technology, and we can give it to you forever. Deliver the commission!”

Online media around the world are filled with petitions from netizens from all over the world.

Many of them came to Daxia's online media platform, hoping that Daxia could pass on this advanced medical technology to them.

And with their continued petitions.

At this moment, the netizens in Daxia were also very shocked.

From the time they received the news until now, they still don't know that their country's medical technology is already so powerful.

After all, their officials have not announced this to the public yet!

Because we are in Daxia, at this moment, netizens in Daxia are also discussing online and expressing their inner doubts!

"What the hell? Our Daxia has developed a drug that can treat cancer? Why hasn't the official said anything? Is it true or false?"

"Looking at the current reactions from countries around the world, I think 99% of this is true!"

"Is it because these things are Daxia's secrets, and our officials did not intend to expose these things, but those foreign institutions were the first to discover that something was wrong?"

"I'll go, it's very possible! I guess that's the reason! Are there any patients with liver disease, cancer, etc., can you come out and give an explanation? We are also very excited now!"

"It's impossible to have a personal statement. Since the official has not released the data, it must have signed some confidentiality agreement before. It depends on how the official plans to respond to this matter. I hope it is true!"

At this moment, many netizens in Daxia still don’t know what the situation is.

Everyone is waiting for the official announcement.

At the same time, the official side.

When the news about them broke out to the whole world, they suddenly felt very shameless.

After all, some medical data must be transparently accessible internationally. It is not impossible for international medical institutions to discover their latest research results.

Originally, they were still thinking about whether they could hide it from the outside world for a while.

Now it seems that their idea has come to nothing after all.

Several medical institutions in the world are really staring at the data they publish to the outside world.

These techniques were passed on to Daxia by Su Yan.

Before passing on the technology, Su Yan said there was no need to hide the technical information.

But they were concerned about Su Yan's safety, so they chose to hide it.

Now, since their medical technology advancements can no longer be concealed.

Then there will be no need for them to hide it anymore.

At present, we are facing various speculations from the domestic people and various petitions from the international community.

Daxia officials quickly formulated and confirmed the relevant response statement.

Then, it was quickly announced to the public.

"Relevant statement about our cutting-edge medical technology in Daxia."

"Recently, we have noticed that many countries around the world are very eager for our cutting-edge medical technology. What we want to explain here is."

"Now, my country, Daxia, has indeed developed drugs that can treat cancer and terminal diseases. Although the coverage rate has not reached 100%, it is constantly approaching this concept.

"The reason why we have been able to achieve this result is entirely because we have benefited from the efforts of our outstanding personnel in Daxia. Here we once again express our highest gratitude and respect to them.

"But here we still have to explain that we very much respect the labor success of our people in Daxia, so we are not concerned about other countries saying they want to buy our core technology.

Please also ask us to reject it. "

"Labor is priceless, and so is the crystallization of wisdom. As for the core medical technology, we do not plan to sell it to any external parties for the time being."

"But given that countries around the world are very eager for our latest medical technology, we can open up to other countries regarding the sale of finished pharmaceutical products, as well as production and manufacturing technologies involving non-core technologies."

"To sum up, the final right of interpretation belongs to Tianzhen."

When Daxia's announcement was released.

Suddenly, the entire domestic network exploded!

Netizens in Daxia immediately started crazy discussions on this matter!

Almost everyone feels extremely excited!

"I'll go! This thing is actually true! My Daxia's medical technology has really advanced by leaps and bounds in secret!"

"Cure cancer! Cure terminal diseases! This is simply a new history that spans mankind!!"

"Damn it, I'm so excited inside! So, wouldn't I be able to go to the club with confidence in the future?!"

"Be careful in front of me! Illness can't cure you, but the law can!"

"Hahaha, am I not joking? I just want to say, Daxia Niubi!!"

At this moment, netizens across the country seemed to be celebrating the New Year.

Because each of them can realize what this breakthrough in medical technology means to them!

The diseases of birth, aging, and death may no longer exist!

While being excited about it.

They all also admire the medical giant who led the medical staff to develop cutting-edge technology!

Many people are speculating on the identity of the medical giant and want to know who he is?

How much cheating does it take to develop such a powerful drug?

For a time, many of them couldn't even think about it in their hearts.

Could it be that the medical giant is the Breaking Bad from their beautiful country?

Although they don't know if there really is such a Breaking Bad Master in Daxia.

But based on the information they currently have, they all feel that it seems very possible!

And after realizing this.

The people of Daxia suddenly felt very angry.

If that Breaking Bad actor is the one who leads them to develop cutting-edge medical technology in Daxia.

Doesn't that mean that they have lost another very important person now?

For this reason, Yinhuang's netizens began to hate Meiguo again.

On the Internet, the condemnation of the beautiful country is once again gradually spreading.

Of course, because no one is sure about the news about Breaking Bad.

Therefore, the condemnation of the beautiful country is not as fierce as before.

On the Internet, most of the discussions are relatively joyful and exciting, and they are all talking about things related to special medicines.

At the same time, netizens in Daxia were discussing the matter excitedly.

Around the world, people in other countries also continue to have fanatical discussions.

After Daxia's announcement was issued.

To be honest, they were not surprised.

After all, this kind of medical technology that spans an entire era cannot be handed over to others.

Their previous petitions were just a try to express their sincerity.


And now, as they finished reading Daxia's announcement.

They still felt very excited.

Because it is very simple, Daxia did not block all the related 177 technologies, and only gave them to Daxia to use.

As long as countries around the world contribute money and part of the relevant technical productivity, Bacteria's special medicine can still be used.

And their purpose is also to use medicine!

After all, no one has trouble with health.

As long as those drugs are widely available in their country, they believe that the mortality rate of everyone in their country will be greatly reduced in the future!

Therefore, at this moment, netizens from various countries began to send posts on the Internet to celebrate this event.

"That's great. Daxia has not completely locked up the special medicine for their own use. People from our countries can also use it!"

"Oh, I don't worry about anything now. I'm just worried that the medical expenses will be expensive. If the medical expenses are expensive, I still can't afford to see a doctor!"

"What's there to complain about? It's better to have a chance than no chance! No matter whether our country has specific drugs for terminal diseases, you should be poor or rich. At least when the medicine appears,

After our country, you have one more opportunity to choose, right?"

"You're right, I think so too! If you really get terminally ill in the future, there will be a glimmer of hope for survival. This is the nicest thing to me!"

"Ahh! I can't wait for Daxia's medicine. I want to treat my liver disease!!"

Netizens around the world are still in high spirits at this time.

On the Internet, they chatted with each other happily every day.

In fact, not many people suffer from diseases such as terminal illnesses.

But they all feel that their lives are protected!

They also believe that if one day they are really unfortunate enough to be terminally ill, they will no longer live in such panic every day like the current terminally ill patients do.

And when officials and people around the world are happy that Dacao has agreed to release the specific medicine.

There are naturally some countries around the world that are not very happy.

The leader is naturally the beautiful country!

At this moment, when the senior officials of the beautiful country learned about these situations on a global scale.

They were all confused!

From the initial receipt of information to the current verification and investigation.

They were surprised to find that Daxia was not joking with them!

Daxia’s medical technology has truly broken through an era!

And this made the senior officials of Beautiful Country even more confused.

Damn it, the news comes too suddenly, right?

They just killed Breaking Bad.

As a result, Daxia also said that their medical technology can treat many incurable diseases in the world today?

For this reason, the senior officials of Beautiful Country are extremely confused!

They feel this is very unreasonable!.

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