Chapter 120 Asleep

But in the end, it seemed that she was indeed a little tired. Although Su Yan's physical strength was very strong, the senior management of Beautiful Country discovered Su Yan's identity.

Su Yan used his best wisdom and physical ability to escape from the beautiful country. After all kinds of troubles were solved, Su Yan was indeed very tired at this time.

So he lay on the bed and fell asleep. Su Yan slept until dark. At this time, I only felt that there seemed to be some noise at the door.

Waking up Su Yan 05 Su Yan sat up and vaguely heard the sound of many people talking outside, so Su Yan stood up and opened the door.

When Su Yan opened the door, she saw her father standing at the door looking at her. Su Yan hurriedly ran to her father and hugged her. At this time, she only heard Su Yan's father say.

"You brat is finally back. You don't know how much your father misses you."

Su Yan's father actually knows Su Yan's identity, but Su Yan's identity cannot be known to anyone, not even Su Yan's grandparents, uncles and aunts.

Only his father and mother know Su Yan's identity. At this time, Su Yan and Su Yan's father separated. Su Yan's father looked at Su Yan carefully.

I felt that Su Yan seemed to have lost weight. The little boy saw Su Yan's father, touched Su Yan's face with his hand, and then said to Su Yan.

"You've lost so much weight. When you go back, daddy will give you a good make-up." Su Yan's father said, then pulled Su Yan's hand and walked out the door.

At this time, I saw my father standing behind me. More than a dozen bodyguards followed Su Yan's father. Su Yan did not expect that his father would come to pick him up in such a long line.

Feeling very relieved at this time, the two of them got into the extended version of the luxury car. Su Yan's father kept staring at Su Yan and didn't want to leave Su Yan for a moment.

Because Su Yan left home when she was a teenager, although Su Yan's father has always been in contact with Su Yanzi, he rarely sees Su Yan.

Su Yan's father knows that Su Yan is now doing secret things for the country. It’s not easy to ask too many questions. In this way, the car left the village all the way.

Soon they came to the prosperous city. Su Yan looked at the high-rise buildings outside the window and felt that Daxia Kingdom had become more prosperous in recent years. It's developing very well.

It's much better than the beautiful country. Su Yan has not returned to Daxia Country for more than ten years and has been working as an undercover agent in Beautiful Country. I saw the car slowly driving to a mountainous area.

Su Yan looked at this mountainous area and felt it was very familiar. He still remembered running back and forth in this mountainous area when he was a child. Su Yan asked the driver to stop the car and got out of the car.

Look at this forest. I still remember that 433 used to play here when I was a child. There are many roads here, and there is no place that Su Yan is not familiar with.

So Su Yan walked into the forest with its long legs. Su Yan's father shook his head helplessly when he saw Su Yan's appearance.

I feel that Su Yan still likes to play in this forest as she did when she was a child. When Su Yan walked into the forest, she raised her head and looked at the tall trees.

I saw a few birds parked on the tree and kept chirping, as if to welcome Su Yan back. Su Yan felt very comfortable.

At this time, Su Yan's father walked behind Su Yan and said to Su Yan. "How about walking back with dad?".

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