Hey, Dad, I'm Being Hunted Now!

Chapter 134 Deep Mountains And Wild Forests

Chapter 134 Deep Mountains and Wild Forests

Although Su Yan turned on her phone, she only saw her friends in the group. There have been several messages.

"Su Yan, what mission did you go on again? Why didn't you tell me?" "Su Yan, where are you? I'll look for you." "Su Yan, where are you in the deep mountains and wild forests?"

Su Yan looked at the message inside and then sent it directly.

"I am currently performing a very important task, so I would like to inform you if it is inconvenient. Please wait for my news."

Su Yan finished this sentence. He exited WeChat and put his phone in his pocket. At this time, he only heard a knock on the door.

Su Yan stood up, walked to the door and opened it. At this time, she saw her mother standing at the door, looking at Su Yan with a smile and saying to Su Yan.

"It's time, let's go down." When Su Yan heard her mother's words, she handed her arm to her mother, so her mother took Su Yan's arm.

The two of them walked towards the hall together. Su Yan and her mother came to the stairs and saw many people standing in the hall downstairs.

At this time, Su Yan saw many people toasting each other, drinking and talking to Su Yan, and felt that these people were really bored. At this time, mother looked back at Su Yan and said to Su Yan.

"Let's go, stop looking, let's go down, dad is waiting for us."

Su Yan smiled when she heard her mother's words, and the two of them walked down the stairs. When Su Yan and Su Yan's mother walked downstairs.

Su Yan's father was talking with others at this time, when Su Yan's father saw Su Yan coming down.

So he said goodbye to the man next to him with a smile, and then came to Su Yan and Su Yan's mother. I just heard Su Yan’s father say.

"Is my son looking handsome today?" Su Yan heard her father's words, then took a look at the clothes on her body, and said to her father.

"Dad, do you mean my clothes are handsome or my person is handsome?" Su Yan's father heard Su Yan's words, then smiled and said to Su Zi.

"Of course my son is handsome." After Su Yan's father said this, he led his son towards the center of the stage. When Su Yan's father and Su Yan came to his glory.

Su Yan's father and Su Yan loosened their hands, picked up the microphone, cleared their throat, and said...

"Dear relatives and friends, welcome to today's banquet. Today's banquet is specially prepared for my son. My son has just been brought back from abroad, so I want to introduce him to you."

After Su Yan's father said this, the people below started talking in low voices. Su Yan knew what they were talking about when he saw the mouth shapes of the people talking below.

But Su Yan didn't care and still looked at everyone with a smile. At this time Su Chuan's father said to everyone.

"The next step is for my son to say a few words to you." After Su Yan's father finished speaking, he handed the microphone to Su Yan, who was silent for a few seconds.

Then he took the microphone to 4.4, looked at the people below with a smile, and then said to the people below.

"First of all, I want to thank my father for bringing me back so that I can receive my father's love. Secondly, I want to thank everyone for coming to my banquet. Please don't be polite today, and eat and drink well.

After Su Yan said this, he handed the microphone to his father's hand again. .

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