Hey, Dad, I'm Being Hunted Now!

Chapter 14 Confused Su Yan, Lv7 Mathematics! !

Chapter 14 Confused Su Yan? Who can help me!

Su Yan is sitting in a Wuling Hongguang.

Now that the FBI's pursuers were temporarily freed, he got a brief respite.

This was also one of the vehicles he had prepared in advance, parked in a remote neighborhood far away from the Intel laboratory.

Being able to escape here, even Su Yan himself did not expect!

Before, when I discovered that the FBI was tracking me.

Su Yan already realized that something was wrong.

With the FBI's ability, the information that can be gathered may be beyond his imagination!

And so it is.

Although, he had made all the preparations he could in advance.

However, the FBI's arrest was still like a dragnet with no gaps at all!

Originally, Su Yan thought that he would definitely die this time.

However, things suddenly took a turn for the better!

Suddenly, many vehicles entered the neighborhood near him and ran rampant!

The cover created by these vehicles not only hindered the FBI, but also created many opportunities for him to escape!

"Is there someone helping me secretly?"

Su Yan couldn't help but wonder.

There was no such step in his arrangement!

In fact, his influence in the beautiful country is not enough to mobilize so many vehicles for cover!

However, Su Yan can have seven or eight points for sure.

These vehicles are really helping you!

If he hadn't been convinced before.

The scene that just happened was enough for him to confirm!

Just two minutes ago.

He was flanked by three FBI mission vehicles and was about to be forced to stop.

At this moment, a three-box truck suddenly rushed over. The timing was so accurate that it forced the FBI car to stop!

It was precisely because of the help of this large truck that Su Yan was able to get rid of the FBI for a short time.

And this scene made Su Yan even more convinced.

The other party is 100% helping me!

At this time, in New Testament City, large trucks are simply prohibited!

If it wasn't for the other party's intention, they wouldn't even enter New York City.

Not to mention, making the extremely dangerous move of not stopping the FBI vehicle!

This made Su Yan frown.

What's happening here?

Who is helping him behind the scenes?

Now, with a short break, Su Yan can think more.

With the help of super learning system.

His eyesight and memory are also much better than ordinary people.

"It seems that most of the vehicles that came in from behind have the same logo!"

Thinking of this, Su Yan's pupils shrank suddenly.

Now, he was finally 100% sure that someone was behind the scenes!

The other party didn't want to be caught by the FBI, so he didn't hesitate to use this method!

But who could it be?

Su Yan thought hard.

You know, from the time he developed 1-nanometer chip technology to when he was arrested by the FBI, and now, only a little over half an hour has passed!

To be able to mobilize support at such a fast speed, the opponent's energy is definitely not small!

However, Su Yan had no memory of meeting such a powerful person in the beautiful country!

Moreover, how did the other party learn that he was being hunted by the FBI? ?

Suddenly, Su Yan thought of a possibility.

This made him stunned.

"Could it be that it's dad?"

Su Yan was stunned.

During the half hour he was being hunted.

The only person I have contacted is my father!

Could it be that the person who is helping him behind the scenes is his father? ?

Su Yan frowned.

He had never thought about this possibility before!

Dad doesn’t talk about it in Daxia.

Even if he is in the beautiful country, he has no ability to interfere in the affairs of the beautiful country!

Su Yan is clear about her family's financial situation.

It is indeed called rich, but it is far from that level! !

The number of vehicles that come in to hinder the FBI is estimated to be in the hundreds!

Many of them are luxury cars!

With my family's financial situation, I'm afraid it would be difficult to buy these cars even in the middle of summer.

Not to mention commanding these vehicles to cause trouble in the beautiful country! !

"Could it be that dad reported it to Daxia and it was Daxia who took action?"

Su Yan kept thinking.

If it is Daxia, it naturally has this strength!

But immediately, he shook his head.

If the state took action, it would definitely not adopt this method!

The Great Xia Kingdom has a national embassy in the beautiful country’s New York City. If something like this happens, the national embassy must come forward and directly negotiate with the leadership of the beautiful country!

From this point of view, it seems that Daxia is not taking action.

Thinking of this, Su Yan had a headache again.

Originally, his plan was to rush to the National Palace of Daxia as soon as possible and extradite him directly back to Daxia.

But now, this plan is a bit unworkable!

The few small airports where I have prepared helicopters have all been guarded by the FBI!

If you go to the airport now, it's like throwing yourself into a trap!

And if you want to drive to the National Museum, the distance is too far, and it may take at least two hours!

Being hunted by the FBI, it would be extremely difficult to escape for such a long time!

What made Su Yan's heart sink even more was.

Just a few minutes ago.

He suddenly discovered that the entire New York City network was down!

Although the FBI had used technical means to block his network communications before when it was hunting him.

However, Su Yan kept changing vehicles and once tried to break through the FBI's shield.

But now, he discovered it.

No matter what happens, I can't connect to any network!

Moreover, it is not the blocked state before.

It was as if all the network communications in New York City had disappeared out of thin air at this moment! !

Su Yan suddenly frowned.

Originally, he had arranged for an assistant to take over, absolutely secretly, to deal with the most urgent situations.

But now, any communication is cut off.

He has no way to contact his assistant!

This made Su Yan extremely anxious.

And that was at this time.

Su Yan heard it suddenly.

In his mind, a technologically sound voice suddenly sounded, extremely clear.

"Ding, the host has reached the triggering condition and the system task is started!"

"System mission: Escape from Beautiful Country!"

"Because the host developed cutting-edge chip technology, he was hunted down by the beautiful country and triggered a system mission!"

"Returning to Daxia with the chip technology will complete the mission."

"Current stage completion level: 5%!"

"Achieve 5% completion and get the initial reward - a random skill of the host, which will be upgraded by one level!"

"Drawing in progress...Drawing completed, the selected skill is: Mathematics!"

"The host's math skills have been raised from LV6 to LV7!"

The system sound that had been silent for a long time finally sounded again at this moment!

And at this moment the system sound fell.

Su Yan only felt like her eyes were blurred.

The blocks, trees, windshield, and steering wheel in front of me seemed to be being deconstructed and turned into a string of characters that could be calculated! !

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